Alternative livelihoods programmes (ALPs) are extensively executed in mining communities, often as models of development dialogue on artisanal and small‐scale mining (ASM). This paper assesses whether Prestea's ALP aligns with the development dialogue on artisanal mining. The conceptual design of ALP in Ghana's Prestea is based on the notions of substitution, homogenous community, and impact scalability. This paper argues that the Prestea ALP is not aligned with the development dialogue on artisanal mining, and therefore it is difficult to understand the role and function of environmentally‐damaging behaviours within livelihood strategies. The paper contends that it would be appropriate to concentrate on improving the existing artisanal miners’ operation of those most susceptible to resource access restrictions. Further, it may be more prudent to utilize livelihood‐centered interventions that create strong connections with sustainable development as a way of creating regular community engagements. Additionally, this paper argues that the term for the intervention programme on artisanal mining should be replaced with the broader term ‘livelihood‐centered intervention’. The replacement of the term ‘ALP’ avoids the tacit belief that ALP can adequately replace artisanal mining operations. Livelihood‐centered intervention should not necessarily utilize alternative livelihoods as direct behavioural change instruments. 相似文献
To evaluate exposure to benzene in urban and rural areas, an investigation into personal exposure to benzene in traffic policemen, police drivers and rural (roadmen) male outdoor workers was carried out. Personal samples and data acquired using fixed monitoring stations located in different areas of the city were used to measure personal exposure to benzene in 62 non-smoker traffic policemen, 22 police drivers and 57 roadmen. Blood benzene, urinary trans-trans muconic acid (t,t-MA) and S-phenyl-mercapturic acid (S-PMA) were measured at the end of work shift in 62 non-smoker traffic policemen, 22 police drivers and 57 roadmen and 34 smoker traffic policemen, 21 police drivers and 53 roadmen. Exposure to benzene was similar among non-smoker traffic policemen and police drivers and higher among non-smoker urban workers compared to rural workers. Blood benzene, t,t-MA and S-PMA were similar among non-smoker traffic policemen and police drivers; blood benzene and t,t-MA were significantly higher in non-smoker urban workers compared to rural workers. Significant increases in t,t-MA were found in smokers vs. non-smokers. In non-smoker urban workers airborne benzene and blood benzene, and t,t-MA and S-PMA were significantly correlated. This study gives an evaluation of the exposure to benzene in an urban area, comparing people working in the street or in cars, to people working in a rural area. Benzene is a certain carcinogen for humans. The results we showed should lead to more in-depth studies about the effects on health of these categories of workers. 相似文献
New Bedford Harbor (NBH), located in southeastern Massachusetts, was designated as a marine Superfund site in 1983 due to sediment contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Based on risks to human health and the environment, the first two phases of the site cleanup involved dredging PCB-contaminated sediments from the harbor. Therefore, a long-term monitoring program (LTM) was developed to measure spatial and temporal chemical and biological changes in sediment, water, and biota to assess the effects and effectiveness of the remedial activities. A systematic, probabilistic sampling design was used to select sediment sampling stations. This unbiased design allowed the three segments of the harbor to be compared spatially and temporally to quantify changes resulting from dredging the contaminated sediments. Sediment was collected at each station, and chemical (e.g., PCBs and metals), physical (e.g., grain size), and biological (e.g., benthic community) measurements were conducted on all samples. This paper describes the overall NBH-LTM approach and the results from the five rounds of sample collections. There is a decreasing spatial gradient in sediment PCB concentrations from the northern boundary (upper harbor) to the southern boundary (outer harbor) of the site. Along this same transect, there is an increase in biological condition (e.g., benthic community diversity). Temporally, the contaminant and biological gradients have been maintained since the 1993 baseline collection; however, since the onset of full-scale remediation, PCB concentrations have decreased throughout the site, and one of the benthic community indices has shown significant improvement in the lower and outer harbor areas. 相似文献
The concentration, pattern, bioaccumulation and biomagnification features of many chlorobiphenyl congeners including non- and mono-ortho chlorine substituted members have been determined in a pelagic food chain including mixed phyto- and zooplankton, herring (Clupea harengus), harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and black cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) collected from the southern part of the Baltic Proper. TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) toxic equivalents (TEQs) in plankton, herring, harbour porpoise and cormorants were 0.42, 5.3, 79 and 2,700 pg g(-1) lipid weight, respectively. Concentrations of total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in plankton, herring, harbour porpoise and cormorants were 1.9, 120, 8700 and 2,100 ng g(-1) wet weight (210, 1,300, 10,000 and 42,000 ng g(-1) lipid weight) respectively. Herring, harbour porpoise and black cormorant apparently bioaccumulate many PCBs found in their food, and the values of the bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) for PCBs were approximately 10 in herring, 35 in harbour porpoise and up to 300 in breast muscle of cormorants. Harbour porpoise clearly is able to metabolize the most toxic non-ortho PCBs (no. 77, 126 and 169) and a few mono-ortho PCBs (no. 114, 123 and 156), while all non- and mono-ortho PCBs are bioaccumulated by herring. Penta-, hexa- and hepta-CBs were the dominatant homologue classes both in the muscle tissue and liver. PCB congeners nos. 201, 209, 172/192, 194 and 195 were characterized by the largest BAFs (between 100 and 300). Principal component analysis has been used to analyse the interdependences and differences in the CB congener accumulation patterns between the components of the investigated pelagic food web. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Stationarity of rainfall statistical parameters is a fundamental assumption in hydraulic infrastructure design that may not be valid in an era of changing climate. This study develops a framework for examining the potential impacts of future increases in short duration rainfall intensity on urban infrastructure and natural ecosystems of small watersheds and demonstrates this approach for the Mission/Wagg Creek watershed in British Columbia, Canada. Nonstationarities in rainfall records are first analyzed with linear regression analysis, and the detected trends are extrapolated to build potential future rainfall scenarios. The Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is used to analyze the effects of increased rainfall intensity on design peak flows and to assess future drainage infrastructure capacity according to the derived scenarios. While the framework provided herein may be modified for cases in which more complex distributions for rainfall intensity are needed and more sophisticated stormwater management models are available, linear regressions and SWMM are commonly used in practice and are applicable for the Mission/Wagg Creek watershed. Potential future impacts on stream health are assessed using methods based on equivalent total impervious area. In terms of impacts on the drainage infrastructure, the results of this study indicate that increases in short duration rainfall intensity may be expected in the future but that they would not create severe impacts in the Mission/Wagg Creek system. The equivalent levels of imperviousness, however, suggest that the impacts on stream health could be far more damaging. 相似文献
Pharmaceuticals can enter the environment through disposal in toilets, sinks and general waste. In the UK, household medicines are correctly disposed of by returning them to a pharmacy. This study examined household patterns of medicine waste, storage and disposal practices via a cross-sectional survey with 663 UK adults. Multiple regression was used to explore the contribution of key variables on self-reported medicines disposal behaviour. Analysis demonstrated that age, information, awareness, probability, attitude and intention all predicted correct disposal behaviour. Results indicate that multiple factors influence different disposal destinations uniquely. Affect and age increase disposal in sink/toilet but reduce disposal in bin. Presence of children increase bin and sink/toilet disposal but decrease pharmacy returns. Awareness and received information on correct disposal reduce bin disposal and increase pharmacy returns. The results suggest people use different mental models for each destination with disposal in sink/toilets and bins considered quicker and safer in the presence of children or for those feeling anxious. It is important to understand the capability, opportunity and motivation people have to return medicines to the pharmacy in addition to raising awareness of correct medicine disposal.
The rates and extents of absorption and desorption of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) samples on different solid substrates comprising montmorillonite, quartz sand, and farm soil, as well as humic acid mixture are reported. The uptake of PVA by the substrates was analyzed as a function of PVA hydrolysis (72–98%), molecular weight, and molecular weight distribution. Higher adsorption was detected on montmorillonite followed by farm soil, whereas the quartz sand did not display any specific adsorption affinity for the PVA. An increase in the hydrolysis degree of PVA increased the adsorption rate and extent whereas this feature was reversed by an increase in PVA molecular weight. The desorption of PVA samples from the different substrates was performed both under various pH conditions and in the presence of concentrated HF that was used to dissolve the silicon derivatives present in the substrates. Biodegradation experiments carried out in liquid cultures of PVA adsorbed on montmorillonite showed that the mineralization of the adsorbed PVA was much lower than that detected for the nonadsorbed PVA. This investigation suggests that irreversible adsorption of PVA on the clay component occurs in soil, thus substantially inhibiting PVA biodegradation. 相似文献
Emission rates for fine particle (<2.5 microm) mass (PM2.5), carbon (organic/elemental), inorganic ions (SO4(2-), NO3-, NH4+), elements (primarily metals), and speciated organic compounds are reported for charbroiling hamburger, steak, and chicken. The PM2.5 rates for charbroiling meats ranged from 4.4 to 11.6 g/kg of uncooked meat in this study. No mass-emission rates are available from grilling, but the speciated organic data are available for these samples. Emission rates varied by type of appliance, meat, meat-fat content, and cooking conditions. High-fat hamburger cooked on an underfired charbroiler emitted the highest amount of PM2.5. The emissions were almost exclusively composed of organic carbon, with small amounts of elements and inorganic ions. Water-soluble K+ and Cl-, which are used as indicators of wood smoke in source apportionment studies, were also present in meat-cooking emissions. The speciated organic compounds that were measured include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), cholesterol, and the long-chain gamma-lactones. Charbroiling emissions yielded an average of approximately 3-5 times more PAHs, approximately 20 times more cholesterol, and approximately 10 times more lactones than grilling. These data were utilized in the ambient source apportionment analysis for the 1997 Northern Front Range Air Quality Study source apportionment. 相似文献