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采用涂刷热分解氧化法,把无机盐SnCl4·5H2O、SbCl3和Ce(NO3)3·6H2O以一定的配比溶解在有机溶剂异丙醇中制备涂层液,以钛板为基体,制备多组分的涂层电极.考察了不同掺杂量下制备的电极对生活污水的处理效果,并对稀土Ce掺杂SnSb涂层进行了SEM表征,结果表明,在热处理温度为500℃、稀土掺杂量(原子质量比)为Sn∶Sb∶Ce=100∶10∶1的电极降解效果最好;稀土Ce的掺杂有利于锡锑金属氧化物涂层电极的电化学性能的提高.  相似文献   
Rheological tests for raw and conditioned activated sludge(AS) or anaerobic digested sludge(ADS) show that power-law relationships can be used to describe the evolution of several rheological parameters,i.e.,limiting viscosity(η∞),yield stress(τy),cohesion energy of the sludge network(Ec),and storage modulus(G’),with total suspended solid(TSS) content in raw and conditioned sludge.A gel-like structure that behaves similar to weak-link flocs/aggregates was observed in AS and ADS.As derived from the double-logarithmic plots of G’-TSS content,the mass fractal dimensions of the raw and conditioned AS or ADS flocs/aggregates were 2.70 and 2.53 or 2.85 and 2.79,respectively.The rheological tests also indicate that both polymer conditioning and increased TSS content led to improved elastic behavior,cohesion energy,and yield stress of the sludge network,as well as expanded the corresponding linear viscoelastic range.The porosity of AS or ADS flocs/aggregates will be improved by polymer conditioning.  相似文献   
工业废水中多金属离子的吸附净化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以含有Si、Al、Ca、C元素的矿物材料作为基质,经特定条件处理后造粒成型加工成轻质多孔Si-Al-Ca-C结构的吸附材料。研究了该吸附材料对工业废水中多种金属离子的吸附性能,探讨了影响吸附性能的因素。研究结果表明,在一定条件下,Si-Al-Ca-C吸附材料对工业废水中Al3+、Ca2+、Mn2+、Cu2+、Fe3+、Mg2+、As3+和Zn2+的净化率分别高达99.34%、99.82%、98.26%、98.16%、97.76%、97.01%、100%和89.09%。金属离子残留浓度分别为0.152、0.07、0.012、0.02、0.119、0.311、0和0.259 mg/L,均低于国家污水综合排放标准(GB8978-1996)一级标准。  相似文献   
The relationship between adsorption behavior and photocatalytic mechanism of the two dyes was investigated. Adsorption isotherms showed that the adsorption of cationic pink FG was Langmuir type behavior, while the reactive brilliant red k-2G was Freundlich type behavior. The increasing pH favored the adsorption of FG but have little effect on the photodegradation. The increasing pH favored the adsorption and the photodegradation of k-2G. The presence of scavenger of hvb^ and OH. radical potassium iodide inhibited the degradation of k-2G, free radicals scavenger tetranitromethane inhibited the photodegradation of FG. These results indicated that the photodegradation of FG mainly via free radicals in solution, and the photodegradation of k-2G was mainly on the catalysts surface or near the interface of solid and solution by react with hvb^ and surface-bound OH.. The different effect of SO4^2- , HCO3^- on the adsorption and photodegradation of two dyes confirmed these results.  相似文献   
We used aerated systems to assess the influence of the bacterioplankton community on cyanobacterial blooms in algae/post-bloom of Lake Taihu, China. Bacterioplankton community diversity was evaluated by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(PCR-DGGE) fingerprinting. Chemical analysis and nitrogen dynamic changes illustrated that NH4+-N was nitrified to NO2-N and NO3-N by bacterioplankton. Finally, NH4+-N was exhausted and NO3-N was denitrified to NO2-N, while the accumulation of NO2-N indicated that bacterioplankton with completely aerobic denitrification ability were lacking in the water samples collected from Lake Taihu. We suggested that adding completely aerobic denitrification bacteria(to denitrify NO2-N to N2)would improve the water quality. PCR-DGGE and sequencing results showed that more than 1/3 of the bacterial species were associated with the removal of nitrogen, and Acidovorax temperans was the dominant one. PCR-DGGE, variation of nitrogen, removal efciencies of chlorophyll-a and canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the bacterioplankton significantly influenced the physiological and biochemical changes of cyanobacteria. Additionally, the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means revealed there was no obvious harm to the microecosystem from aeration. The present study demonstrated that bacterioplankton can play crucial roles in aerated ecosystems, which could control the impact of cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophicated fresh water systems.  相似文献   
我国东部冲积平原区水成土壤元素背景值地域分异规律   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从气候条件、母质物质组成的差异以及河流上下游物质之间的联系等角度,讨论了我国东部冲积平原区土壤中13种元素的地理分布趋势及影响因素。研究表明,大多数元素具有明显的南北向地域分布趋势,这种趋势是地带性和非地带性因素共同决定的,而以非地带因素更重要。此外,东部平原土壤与相应主要河流上游侵蚀区土壤微量元素含量具有很好的共轭关系。  相似文献   
文章建立了一种用吹扫捕集—气相色谱质谱联用技术测定饮用水中土臭素(GSM)和二甲基异冰片(2-MIB)等嗅味物质的分析方法,确定了最佳的色谱条件、质谱条件和水样处理方法。当取样量为25mL时,回收率分别为96%和89%,RSD<10%,检出限为0.002mg/L。  相似文献   
为研究污泥静态好氧发酵中板结对强制通风和发酵进程的影响,降低通风能耗,基于理论研究确定了压降为强制通风风量的决定性因素,并通过实验获取不同发酵阶段和强制通风条件下的堆体通风量和抗剪强度数据,分析堆体内板结的形成规律,通过计算验证板结的形成和消失对通风的影响,提出了需要改善通风的时间节点;然后基于风机的变频控制研究了风机功率变化对强制通风的影响。提出的通风解决方案采用阶段变频通风,实现了堆体温度和通风风量的有效控制。  相似文献   
河流枯水流量特征研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文以泾、洛、渭三河流干流在陕西境内的主要控制断面为例,分析了14个时段枯水流量的概率分布特征,选定了理论分布线型,揭示了各枯水序列的时段平均流量均值、变差系数和偏态系数的变化规律,建立了推求不同频率不同时段的枯水流量的经验公式。绘制了相应的关系曲线,应用十分方便。  相似文献   
In this study, the mercury adsorption characteristics of HBr-modified fly ash in an entrained-flow reactor were investigated through thermal decomposition methods. The results show that the mercury adsorption performance of the HBr-modified fly ash was enhanced significantly. The mercury species adsorbed by unmodified fly ash were HgCl2, HgS and HgO. The mercury adsorbed by HBr-modified fly ash, in the entrained-flow reactor, existed in two forms, HgBr2 and HgO, and the HBr was the dominant factor promoting oxidation of elemental mercury in the entrained-flow reactor. In the current study, the concentration of HgBr2 and HgO in ash from the fine ash vessel was 4.6 times greater than for ash from the coarse ash vessel. The fine ash had better mercury adsorption performance than coarse ash, which is most likely due to the higher specific surface area and longer residence time.  相似文献   
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