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模拟大气条件研究了HCFC-22+H2O2在有氧或无氧存在下用低压相进行辐照,在20m的长光程池中用富里叶红外光仪测量其化学产物,结果表明在没有氧情况下产物为COF2,CO2,HF和HCl;有氧存在时产物为CO2,H2O,HF和HCl。从这些产物推广其可能的光解机理。  相似文献   
磷钼蓝法测定水中总磷,所用的抗坏血酸溶液很不稳定,只能保存数周。为延长抗坏血酸溶液的有效使用时间,节约试剂、提高工作效率,提出改进抗坏血酸溶液的配制方法,即在配制抗坏血酸溶液时,加入适量的EDTA和冰乙酸。经实验,该溶液贮于棕色玻璃瓶,放在冰箱中可稳定3个月,使用效果符合测定要求。  相似文献   
宋瑞琦  曾健青  钟炳 《环境科学》2001,22(6):115-119
超(近)临界流体(S/NCF)具有可调性,通过调节压力和温度或加入共溶剂能够提高S/NCF溶剂中反应和分离的效率,使之具有可控性,有利于改善环境和提高经济效益本文以超临界CO2和近临界水为例,总结了S/NCF溶剂在可持续反应和分离中的应用和研究进展.  相似文献   
固相反射散射分光光度法测定化妆品中的铅   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在酸性条件下 ,铅 ( )与玫瑰红酸钠形成紫红色络合物沉淀 ,该沉淀能被均匀地抽滤到一定表面积的滤纸上。本文采用固相反射散射分光光度法直接测定滤纸上负载的络合物的反射吸收值 AR,铅的含量在 0~ 8μg/ m L的范围内 AR与浓度有良好的线性关系。方法简便、快速 ,检出限为 0 .0 5μg/ m L。相对标准偏差为3.0 %。方法用于化妆品中铅的测定 ,结果令人满意  相似文献   
采用混凝剂对皮革废水进行混凝处理。对3种无机混凝剂和一种有机混凝剂进行了筛选,研究了pH值和投药量对废水中SS、COD、铬和色度等污染物去除效果的影响。结果表明,当pH值在酸性和中性时,效果不明显;当pH值为碱性时,效果显著。硫酸亚铁、硫酸亚铁+PAM和聚合氯化铝(PAC)+PAM 3种混凝剂组合具有良好的混凝效果,在合适的pH值和投药量下,SS和COD的去除率分别达到80%和30%以上,铬和色度的去除率分别达到95%和50%以上。且硫酸亚铁混凝效果好,成本低,适合小型皮革企业需求。  相似文献   
新鲜渗滤液与长填埋龄渗滤液的Fenton处理过程特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
唐琼瑶  何品晶  徐苏云  郑仲  邵立明 《环境科学》2008,29(11):3258-3264
以新鲜渗滤液和长填埋龄渗滤液为对象,采用Fenton法对其进行处理,通过相对分子质量(Mr)分布、COD、总有机碳(TOC)、COD/TOC等表征手段,比较分析渗滤液性质对Fenton处理效果的影响.结果表明,长填埋龄渗滤液的有机物平均Mr高于新鲜渗滤液,其Mr>105的组分占到了总量的64%,但在Fenton法作用下其更易转化为可溶性小分子有机质(Mr<103);新鲜渗滤液的COD去除率(61%~84%)高于长填埋龄渗滤液(31%~60%),而长填埋龄渗滤液的TOC去除率(85%~91%)高于新鲜渗滤液(52%~80%);无论是处理新鲜渗滤液还是难降解的长填埋龄渗滤液,Fenton法的氧化作用对COD去除的贡献均大于絮凝作用.絮凝作用的COD(CODcoag)去除率受氧化作用的COD(CODoxid)去除率影响,CODoxid去除率越大,CODcoag去除率越低;物料平衡结果显示,长填埋龄渗滤液的TOCoxid去除量大于CODoxid去除量,而新鲜渗滤液的的TOCoxid去除量小于CODoxid去除量;长填埋龄渗滤液和新鲜渗滤液的初始COD/TOC分别为1.17和1.58,在Fenton处理的氧化作用下,COD/TOC分别变为1.96和0.68,表明长填埋龄渗滤液发生的是完全氧化,而新鲜渗滤液同时发生了部分氧化和完全氧化;2种渗滤液的CODcoag和TOCcoag变化说明,长填埋龄渗滤液中受絮凝作用去除的有机物的氧化态明显低于新鲜渗滤液.  相似文献   
在国内垃圾渗滤液处理工艺的基础上,对其自动控制系统进行研究.主要介绍了该自动控制技术的设计方法及应用实例,并对自动控制及手动控制运行进行了对比研究.研究结果表明,该自动控制技术能较好地适应水质波动大的垃圾渗滤液,同时较好地解决了设备的防腐蚀问题.  相似文献   
Arsenic(As) mobilization in soils is a fundamental step controlling its transport and fate,especially in the presence of the co-existing components. In this study, the effect of two commonly used herbicides, glyphosate(PMG) and dicamba, and two competing ions including phosphate and humic acid, on As desorption and release was investigated using batch and column experiments. The batch kinetics results showed that As desorption in the presence of competing factors conformed to the pseudo-second order kinetics at pH range of 5–9. The impact of phosphate on desorption was greatest, followed by PMG. The competitive effect of dicamba and humic acid was at the same level with electrolyte solution. In situ flow cell ATR-FTIR analysis was performed to explore the mechanism of phosphate and PMG impact on As mobilization. The results showed that PMG promoted As(Ⅲ) desorption by competiting for available adsorption sites with no change in As(Ⅲ)complexing structure. On the other hand, phophate changed As(Ⅲ) surface complexes from bidentate to monodentate structures, exhibiting the most siginficant effect on As(Ⅲ)desorption. As(Ⅴ) surface complexes remained unchanged in the presence of PMG and phosphate, implying that the competitive effect for As(Ⅴ) desorption was primarily determined by the available adsorption sites. Long-term(10 days) soil column experiments suggested that the effect of humic acid on As mobilization became pronounced from 3 days(18 PVs). The insights of this study help us understand the transport and fate of As due to herbicides application.  相似文献   
于2013年3月~2014年4月采集常州市郊区、工业区、居民区和背景点的春季、秋季大气PM_(2.5)样品,用离子色谱法分析其中水溶性离子成分,对其组成、分布特征及来源等进行研究。结果表明:SO_4~(2–)、NO_3~–和NH_4~+是常州市PM_(2.5)中的主要水溶性离子,3种离子在PM_(2.5)中占比为18%~33%。不同功能区之间水溶性离子的占比和差异较小,常州背景点可能受到周边城市污染输送的影响。在PM_(2.5)中,NH_4~+与SO_4~(2–)和NO_3~–主要以(NH_4)_2SO_4和NH_NO_3存在;硫转化率(SOR)和氮转化率(NOR)是衡量二次无机粒子转化的有效手段,常州市各功能区的SOR均大于NOR;春季SOR0.25,NOR0.1,满足发生强烈光化学氧化反应的条件。  相似文献   
Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) is an aggressive invasive species and has brought great loss world-widely. Though it is originated in China, it has not been considered as a weed in China. While more and more articles report its destructive effects on the native community throughout the whole country. We conducted an experiment to validate whether kudzu could endanger its native ecosystem and wanted to find the reason of its fast spreading from 2008 to 2010. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, water content, irradiance, pH, species number and aboveground biomass in the three sub-communities (Kudzu, Mixed and NonKudzu) were analyzed. Meanwhile, light irradiance and coverage of kudzu at 0, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 2000 m distance from the road surface verge were also measured. The results showed that kudzu evidently lowed the species biodiversity and obviously changed the water, light and nutrient cycles in its expanding area. Kudzu’s rapid expansion is mainly because it can get full available space and light for growth by reason of anthropogenic disturbances. Our results indicated that Kudzu was a potential weed in China if great land changes from human activities are continuing.  相似文献   
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