Green algae Cladophora aegagropila, present in cooling water of thermal power plants, causes many problems and complications, especially during summer. However, algae and its metabolites are rarely eliminated by common removal methods. In this work, the elimination efficiency of electrochemically prepared potassium ferrate(VI) on algae from cooling water was investigated. The influence of experimental parameters, such as Fe(VI) dosage, application time, pH of the system, temperature and hydrodynamics of the solution on removal efficiency, was optimized. This study demonstrates that algae C. aegagropila can be effectively removed from cooling water by ferrate. Application of ferrate(VI) at the optimized dosage and under the suitable conditions (temperature, pH) leads to 100% removal of green algae Cladophora from the system. Environmentally friendly reduction products (Fe(III)) and coagulation properties favour the application of ferrate for the treatment of water contaminated with studied microorganisms compared to other methods such as chlorination and use of permanganate, where harmful products are produced.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Glyphosate is the most used herbicide worldwide. Many studies have reported glyphosate risks to aquatic organisms of different trophic levels.... 相似文献
In this paper we present a hierarchical Bayesian analysis for a predator–prey model applied to ecology considering the use
of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. We consider the introduction of a random effect in the model and the presence of a covariate
vector. An application to ecology is considered using a data set related to the plankton dynamics of lake Geneva for the year
1990. We also discuss some aspects of discrimination of the proposed models. 相似文献
In general, tourism plays a significant role in the economy of archipelagos and islands. The Autonomous Region of the Azores has a great potential for tourism, offering multiple attractions, both natural and cultural, creating a big challenge for a sustainable tourism policy since little attention has been paid to the archipelagos and their special needs. This work aims to understand the profile and type of ecotourist that visits the Azores. This knowledge is of great importance for a better management and development of nature-based tourism, and products tailored to the needs and expectations of visitors. The data were collected by means of exit surveys conducted at the Airport of São Miguel Island, the larger and most populated island of the archipelago, during the high tourist season—July–September 2009. The analysis of the visitor’s profile and preferences is crucial to draw adequate strategies of management for tourism, while it helps to adequate the offer to the demand. Results showed that 41.1 % of the tourists claimed to be attracted to the islands due to their “natural values” (e.g., landscape, biodiversity, and geodiversity). The most practiced activities were whale-watching (32.4 %) and mountaineering/hiking (31.6 %), followed by diving (7 %) and other sports (5.1 %). The tourists’ profile points to a mainstream, soft, and incidental type of ecotourist. This information helps to develop and support a strategic planning and management, both at local and regional levels, for sustainable tourism policies. 相似文献
To assess groundwater exposure to pesticides, in agricultural areas of ??Ribatejo?? region (Portugal), and the influence of some key factors in that exposure, field, laboratory and modelling studies were carried out.
The study was performed in maize, potato, sugar beet, tomato and vegetables agricultural areas, located in a shallow aquifer, with pesticides use and, in most cases, with irrigation practices. Pesticides used in the studied agricultural areas and having leaching potential were selected, being considered also other pesticides included in priority lists, defined in Europe. Evaluation of groundwater exposure to pesticides was carried out by successively: (1) groundwater sampling in seven campaigns over the period 2004?C2006; (2) pesticide analysis [including isolation and concentration from the groundwater samples and further determination by gas chromatography?Cmass spectrometry (GC?CMS) of 14 herbicides, four insecticides and two metabolites]; and (3) analysis and discussion of the results by applying joint correspondence analysis (JCA).
From the 20 pesticides and metabolites selected for the study, 11 were found in groundwater. Pesticides and metabolites most frequently detected were atrazine, alachlor, metolachlor, desethylatrazine, ethofumesate, ??-endosulfan, metribuzine, lindane and ??-endosulfan. The results showed that groundwater exposure to pesticides is influenced by local factors??either environmental or agricultural, as precipitation, soil, geology, crops and irrigation practices. Spring and autumn were more associated with the detection of pesticides being more likely to observe mixtures of these compounds in a groundwater sample in these transition seasons.
This work evidences the importance of models, which evaluate pesticides environmental behaviour, namely their water contamination potential (as Mackay multicompartimental fugacity model) and, specially, groundwater contamination potential (as GUS and Bacci and Gaggi leaching indices), in pesticide selection. Moreover, it reveals the importance to adapt proper statistical methods according to level of left-censored data. Using JCA was still possible to establish relations between pesticides and their temporal trend in a case study where there were more than 80% of data censored. This study will contribute to the Tagus river basin management plan with information on the patterns of pesticide occurrence in the alluvial aquifer system. 相似文献
This investigation was undertaken to elucidate whether the active metabolite of malathion, malaoxon, has any role in exerting cyto- and genotoxic effects for human choriocarcinoma (JAR) cell line which is an acceptable model for human placental cells. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis were separately performed on the cell compartment and supernatant cell culture medium after subjecting the cell line to different malathion concentrations (10–400 μg/mL) and for various incubation periods (0.5 to 24 hours). GC-MS analysis showed that the sonication performed for the disruption of the cells did not cause the chemical change of malathion. The uptake of malathion by the cells was relatively fast. However, the presence of malaoxon, even in trace amounts, could not be confirmed either in samples originating from disrupted cells or in the cell culture medium. Although the hydrolysis of malaoxon occurred in the culture medium, this degradation process could not be counted as a reason for the absence of malaoxon. Since both malathion and malaoxon standard compounds could be accurately detected and distinguished by the applied liquid-liquid extraction and GC-MS methods, one can conclude that, in the case of JAR cells, the parent compound, (i.e. malathion itself) is responsible for the observed in vitro cyto- and genotoxic effects. Our results indicate that the direct toxicity of malathion contributes to the complications of pregnancy observed for environmental malathion exposure. 相似文献
Rain precipitation in the last years has been very atypical in different regions of the world, possibly, due to climate changes. We analyze Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) measures (1, 3, 6 and 12-month timescales) for a large city in Brazil: Campinas located in the southeast region of Brazil, São Paulo State, ranging from January 01, 1947 to May 01, 2011. A Bayesian analysis of non-homogeneous Poisson processes in presence or not of change-points is developed using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods in the data analysis. We consider a special class of models: the power law process. We also discuss some discrimination methods for the choice of the better model to be used for the rain precipitation data. 相似文献
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - Social complexity has been one of the recent emerging topics in the study of animal and human societies, but the concept remains both poorly defined and... 相似文献
Fungus-induced galls can attract spore-feeding arthropods as well as gall-feeding ones, resulting in diverse communities. Do large fungal galls support more abundant and diverse arthropod communities than small fungal galls? To address this question, we investigated the structure of the arthropod community associated with bud galls induced by the fungus Melanopsichium onumae on the tree species Cinnamomum yabunikkei (Lauraceae) in central Japan. Thirteen species of arthropods were associated with M. onumae galls. Dominant arthropod species were represented by the larvae of a salpingid beetle (a spore feeder), a nitidulid beetle (a spore feeder), a cosmopterigid moth (a spore feeder), an unidentified moth (a gall tissue feeder), and a drosophilid species (a gall tissue feeder). Arthropod abundance and species richness were positively correlated with gall diameter. The majority of the most abundant species were more frequently found in large galls than in small ones, indicating that large fungal galls, which have more food and/or space for arthropods, could support a more abundant and diverse arthropod community. 相似文献