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以2010年8月湘江干流株洲段代表性断面水质与底泥监测资料以及其他资料为基础,采用WASP7模型模拟该江段丰水期镉浓度,并进行镉污染负荷测算与分配。研究结果表明,WASP7模型较好地重现了镉浓度的变化规律,8月份该河段上游镉入流量2 446.33 kg,下游出流量3 076.44 kg,区间增量630.12 kg,其中点源负荷量241.67 kg,占38.4%,面源负荷量304.49 kg,占48.3%,内源负荷量为83.96 kg,占13.3%。  相似文献   
Knowledge on atmospheric abundance of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) is important in assessing the severity of photochemical pollution, and for understanding chemical transformation of reactive odd nitrogen and its impact on the budget of tropospheric ozone (O3). In summer 2006, continuous measurements of PAN were made using an automatic GC–ECD analyzer with an on-line calibrator at a suburban site of Lanzhou (LZ) and a remote site of Mt. Waliguan (WLG) in western China, with concurrent measurements of O3, total reactive nitrogen (NOy) and carbon monoxide (CO). At LZ, several photochemical episodes were observed during the study, and the average mixing ratio of PAN (plus or minus standard deviation) was 0.76 (±0.89) ppbv with the maximum value of 9.13 ppbv, compared to an average value of 0.44 (±0.16) ppbv at remote WLG. The PAN mixing ratios in LZ exhibited strong diurnal variations with a maximum at noon, while enhanced concentrations of PAN were observed in the evening and a minimum in the afternoon at WLG. The daily O3 and PAN concentration maxima showed a strong correlation (r2 = 0.91) in LZ, with a regression slope (PAN/O3) of 0.091 ppbv ppbv?1. At WLG, six well-identified pollution plumes (lasting 2–8 h) were observed with elevated concentrations of PAN (and other trace gases), and analysis of backward particle release simulation shows that the high-PAN events at WLG were mostly associated with the transport of air masses that had passed over LZ.  相似文献   
In this paper, we report the results and analysis of a recent field campaign in August 2007 investigating the impacts of emissions from transportation on air quality and community concentrations in Beijing, China. We conducted measurements in three different environments, on-road, roadside and ambient. The carbon monoxide, black carbon and ultrafine particle number emission factors for on-road light-duty vehicles are derived to be 95 g kg?1-fuel, 0.3 g kg?1-fuel and 1.8 × 1015 particles kg?1-fuel, respectively. The emission factors for on-road heavy-duty vehicles are 50 g kg?1-fuel, 1.3 g kg?1-fuel and 1.1 × 1016 particles kg?1-fuel, respectively. The carbon monoxide emission factors from this study agree with those derived from remote sensing and on-board vehicle emission testing systems in China. The on-road black carbon and particle number emission factors for Chinese vehicles are reported for the first time in the literature. Strong traffic impacts can be observed from the concentrations measured in these different environments. Most clear is a reflection of diesel truck traffic activity in black carbon concentrations. The comparison of the particle size distributions measured at the three environments suggests that the traffic is a major source of ultrafine particles. A four-day traffic control experiment conducted by the Beijing Government as a pilot to test the effectiveness of proposed controls was found to be effective in reducing extreme concentrations that occurred at both on-road and ambient environments.  相似文献   
Quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from wetland ecosystems is a relatively new issue in global climate change studies. China has approximately 22% of the world's rice paddies and 38% of the world's rice production, which are crucial to accurately estimate the global warming potential (GWP) at regional scale. This paper reports an application of a biogeochemical model (DeNitrification and DeComposition or DNDC) for quantifying GWP from rice fields in the Tai-Lake region of China. For this application, DNDC is linked to a 1:50,000 soil database, which was derived from 1107 paddy soil profiles compiled during the Second National Soil Survey of China in the 1980–1990s. The simulated results show that the 2.34 Mha of paddy soil cultivated in rice–wheat rotation in the Tai-Lake region emitted about ?1.48 Tg C, 0.84 Tg N and 5.67 Tg C as CO2, N2O, and CH4 respectively, with a cumulative GWP of 565 Tg CO2 equivalent from 1982 to 2000. As for soil subgroups, the highest GWP (26,900 kg CO2 equivalent ha?1 yr?1) was linked to gleyed paddy soils accounting for about 4.4% of the total area of paddy soils. The lowest GWP (5370 kg CO2 equivalent ha?1 yr?1) was associated with submergenic paddy soils accounting for about 0.32% of the total area of paddy soils. The most common soil in the area was hydromorphic paddy soils, which accounted for about 53% of the total area of paddy soils with a GWP of 12,300 kg CO2 equivalent ha?1 yr?1. On a regional basis, the annual averaged GWP in the polder, Tai-Lake plain, and alluvial plain soil regions was distinctly higher than that in the low mountainous and Hilly soil regions. As for administrative areas, the average annual GWP of counties in Shanghai city was high. Conversely, the average annual GWP of counties in Jiangsu province was low. The high variability in soil properties throughout the Tai-Lake region is important and affects the net greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, the use of detailed soil data sets with high-resolution digital soil maps is essential to improve the accuracy of GWP estimates with process-based models at regional and national scales.  相似文献   
张衍  郑炜  刘锐  李伟  李荧  陈吕军 《环境工程学报》2012,6(12):4355-4360
对化学合成橡胶碱洗废水进行了有机组分和可生化性分析,废水主要含有氯甲烷、六甲苯、异丁醇、甲醇等污染物质,生化降解实验中废水TOC可在6 d内从60.9 mg/L下降至0.0 mg/L,可生化降解性好,适于生化处理。选择混凝-生物接触氧化组合工艺对废水进行处理,采用优化条件(pH=8、PAC=40 mg/L、PAM=8 mg/L)进行混凝,碱洗废水COD去除率为9.95%~72.94%(平均31.51%);混凝后的碱洗废水与冲洗废水1∶5混合进行接触氧化处理,在HRT为36 h的情况下,COD去除率为65.6%~72.6%(平均70.4%),出水COD为134~331 mg/L,满足企业废水排放市政管网的要求;同时,实验发现COD去除率与COD容积负荷存在指数函数变化关系。  相似文献   
针对维生素C生产工艺中产生的凝结水产量大、处理成本高、存储运输困难和营养物质含量偏低等问题,采用反渗透技术对VC凝结水进行处理。实验建立小试规模反渗透膜处理装置,采用无量纲化多元回归分析方法,分析了操作条件指标与渗透水评价指标两套指标体系之间的关系,定量评价了各个操作条件指标对渗透水评价指标的整体影响程度,并在此基础上研究了最佳操作条件的工艺参数。结果表明:建立的无量纲化多元回归分析方法切实有效,在正交实验设计水平范围内,压力、pH和回流比均是多目标系统的影响因子,操作条件指标对渗透水评价指标的整体影响程度大小顺序为:压力〉pH〉回流比〉温度,且各自影响程度所占比例分别为43.02%、29.01%、25.07%和2.89%。各个操作因子对多指标系统的影响是独立的。在只考虑系统收益而不考虑膜污染的情况下,最佳操作条件分别为:温度r=30.65,压力P=1.5MPa,回流比r=0.78,pH=7.475。  相似文献   
采用混凝剂聚合氯化铝(PAC)、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)、聚合硫酸铁(PFS)对陶瓷印花废水进行混凝沉降处理,监测水样的吸光度、浊度、悬浮物,以脱色率、浊度去除率、悬浮物去除率评价混凝处理的效果。结果表明:PAC是陶瓷印花废水沉降处理的理想混凝剂;水样的吸光度、浊度、悬浮物随混凝剂用量增大和沉降时间延长而呈降低趋势,而脱色率、浊度去除率、悬浮物去除率随混凝剂和沉降时间的增大呈增大的趋势;PAC投加量为20mg/L,沉降时间约为24h,水样脱色率达到90.0%,而当PAC投加量达到100mg/L,沉降时间约为4h,陶瓷印花水的脱色率可达到96.0%。证明了药剂用量的增加与沉降时间的延长对混凝过程具有增效作用。  相似文献   
西安市大气中多环芳烃的季节变化及健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西安市2009年6月-2010年5月空气中的总悬浮颗粒(TSP)和气态样品进行了连续采样,利用GC—MS对16种PAHs进行分析。∑PAHs浓度(气相+颗粒相)范围为39.93~1032.46ng/m^3,平均值为197.34ng/m^3;其中,冬季大气中∑PAHs浓度最大,相对浓度的范围为31.21%~72.98%,而夏季的浓度最小;检测出16种2~6环的PAHs,其中以3—4环为主。利用特征分子比值法和因子分析进行源解析,发现研究区PAHs的主要来源为燃煤和机动车尾气排放。通过苯并(a)芘(BaP)等效毒性(BEQ)和苯并(a)芘等效致癌浓度(BaPE)进行健康风险评价,结果显示,西安大气中PAHs的毒性具有明显的季节差异,特别是秋季和冬季大气中PAHs对人类的健康存在较大的潜在威胁。  相似文献   
通过对蒙脱石、沸石和蛭石进行改性处理,研究了三者对大肠杆菌(E.coB)和猪链球菌(S.suis)的抗菌作用。结果发现,经过改性处理后三者对细菌的抗菌能力上升,其中以双十八烷基二甲基溴化铵改性蒙脱石(DODMAB.MMT)的抗菌效果最好,对E.coli和S.suis的抗菌率达到95%以上。研究了DODMAB—MMT在体外对E.coli和S.suis的抗菌规律,以及对土壤中微生物的影响。结果表明,同等菌液浓度条件下,DODMAB—MMT对S.suis的抗菌效果好于E.coli。介质温度、pH值和有机物浓度都会对DODMAB—MMT的抗菌效果产生影响,在一定范围内,介质温度越高、pH值偏离中性、有机物含量越低时,抗菌效果越好。低浓度DODMAB—MMT(〈25rtlg/g土壤)对土壤中E.coli和S.suis基本无抗菌作用,高浓度DODMAB—MMT对土壤中的E.coli和S.suis具有抗菌作用。  相似文献   
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was calibrated for hydrology conditions in an agricultural watershed of Orestimba Creek, California, and applied to simulate fate and transport of two organophosphate pesticides chlorpyrifos and diazinon. The model showed capability in evaluating pesticide fate and transport processes in agricultural fields and instream network. Management-oriented sensitivity analysis was conducted by applied stochastic SWAT simulations for pesticide distribution. Results of sensitivity analysis identified the governing processes in pesticide outputs as surface runoff, soil erosion, and sedimentation in the study area. By incorporating sensitive parameters in pesticide transport simulation, effects of structural best management practices (BMPs) in improving surface water quality were demonstrated by SWAT modeling. This study also recommends conservation practices designed to reduce field yield and in-stream transport capacity of sediment, such as filter strip, grassed waterway, crop residue management, and tailwater pond to be implemented in the Orestimba Creek watershed.  相似文献   
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