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A Level III fugacity model was applied to characterize the transfer processes and environmental fate of benzo[a]pyrene in wastewater-irrigated areas of Tianjin, China. The physical-chemical properties and transfer parameters of benzo[a]pyrene were used in the model and the concentration distribution of benzo[a]pyrene in sediment, soil, water, air, fish, and crop compartments, as well as transfer fluxes across the compartments, were then derived under steady-state assumptions. The calculated results were compared with monitoring data for air, soil, water, and sediment collected from the literature. The results indicate that there was generally good agreement and the differences were within an order of magnitude for air, soil, and sediment. The concentration of benzo[a]pyrene in the ambient air in the area was very low with a majority present sorbed to aerosol. In the water compartment, approximately 70% of benzo[a]pyrene dissolved in water phase. Relatively high concentrations of the compound were found in the soil and sediment, with the soil serving as the dominant sink in the area. Benzo[a]pyrene, with a slow metabolic rate, was found to accumulate in fish in the area.  相似文献   
The US Bureau of Mines has determined the potential availability of nickel from 36 deposits or districts in 16 market economy countries (MECs). More than 95% of production in MECs was analysed. The study indicates the quantity of nickel available in resources and potential annual production at net production costs and on a total cost basis with a 0% and a 10% discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR). The properties included in this study contain approximately 33 million tonnes of recoverable nickel. About 26 million tonnes of nickel is potentially recoverable from nickel laterite deposits, of which 4.5 million tonnes can be produced at $2.50/lb or less with a 0% DCFROR. Approximately 7 million tonnes of nickel is potentially recoverable from nickel sulphide deposits of which about 6.3 million tonnes could be produced at $2.50/lb or less at a 0% DCFROR. Sensitivity studies indicate that the total cost of producing nickel from laterite deposits is most sensitive to increases in energy costs, and that the total costs of producing nickel from sulphide deposits is most sensitive to increases in labour costs and by changes in byproduct revenues.  相似文献   
Recovery of minerals from desalination brines is considered to be a very attractive source of minerals. It is usually recommended for reducing fresh-water production cost and minimizing waste disposal. This paper discusses the production of magnesium from a Saudi desalination brine with reference to the Arabian Gulf conditions.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Two case studies highlighting the institutional arrangements and decision-making processes used to attempt to allocate water on large scale river systems in two countries are presented. In both cases the implementation of river plans has been blocked by conflicts between those who wish to use water for irrigation, hydropower, or municipal purposes and those who wish to maintain instream flows for fish and wildlife. To date conflict has blocked the implementation of a large hydropower scheme on the Danube River, downstream from Vienna, Austria, and the construction of municipal and agricultural projects, as well as the relicensing of an existing hydropower facility on the Platte River in Nebraska. Analysis of the decision-making processes and institutional settings of both cases led to the identification of problem areas and development of recommendations that would support the achievement of compromise solutions for management.  相似文献   
Remediation of contaminated land and groundwater is of common international concern. The context and approach taken to the problem are, however, country-specific. A survey of remedial activity occurring within England and Wales over the period 1996-1999 was commissioned by the Environment Agency (for England and Wales) to establish a baseline against which future trends in remedial activity could be judged. This paper: explains the context of contaminated land and groundwater remediation in England and Wales (Britain); provides an overview of the 1996-1999 survey of remedial activity, discussing its findings within its legislative and institutional context; and, discusses the survey results of significance to the management of contaminated land and groundwater internationally. The survey obtained specific data from 367 remediated sites supplemented by general data from a further 1189 contaminated (not necessarily remediated) sites. The survey aimed to be, and was indicative of remediation practice, and did not seek to identify every remediation scheme operating. Previous anecdotal evidences were generally confirmed. Civil engineering-based techniques dominated and were used at 94% of sites with in situ techniques (predominantly vapour extraction-based) on 16% and ex situ on just 5%. Although disposal to landfill was dominant and occurred at over 80% of sites, integrated use of multiple techniques was common. Remediation was predominantly of soil (rather than water), development-based, designed to protect human health and reflected national development-led and 'suitable for use' policies. Lessons of international relevance from the survey and general British experience are drawn concerning remediation technique selection, regulatory and financial support of innovative remediation techniques and demonstration sites, competent use of risk-based approaches to allow pragmatic remediation and effective use of quality guidelines, need for effective guidance to highlight water quality issues, the necessity of post remediation monitoring to prove remediation effectiveness and the keeping of remediation databases.  相似文献   
A 6-month greenhouse pot trial was performed, aimed at screening appropriate Sesbania species for remediation of Pb/Zn and Cu mine tailings. Performances of young seedlings of four Sesbania species (S. cannabina, S. grandiflora, S. rostrata, and S. sesban) were compared with and without inoculation of rhizobia. Seedlings were planted in two types of tailings amended with garden soil or garden soil mixed with river sediment. The results indicated that inoculated plants generally produced a higher biomass than samples without inoculation. Pb/Zn mine tailings containing rather high concentrations of total and water-soluble Cu, Pb, and Zn were toxic to plant growth compared with Cu mine tailings, according to the growth performance of the four species. Sesbania sesban and S. rostrata showed superior growth performance, compared to the other two species. Thus, they can serve as pioneer species to modify the barren environment, by providing organic matter and essential nutrients such as nitrogen, upon decomposition, in a relatively short period of time. This is especially true for S. rostrata, which is an annual plant that forms both stem and root nodules. However, a longer-term field trial should be conducted to investigate if superior species can beneficially modify the habitat for the growth of subsequent plant communities.  相似文献   
In order to improve the process performance regarding the removal of organics, nitrogen, and an odor-causing compound (sulfide) contained in domestic wastewater, an entrapped-mixed-microbial cell (EMMC) with and without humic substances for both fixed and moving carrier reactors and conventional suspended growth culture (i.e. conventional activated sludge process) were investigated simultaneously. Both synthetic (simulated to the organics concentration of general domestic sewage) and actual domestic wastewater were investigated under operational conditions of 12 h of hydraulic retention time (HRT) with 1 h of aeration and 1 h of non-aeration, and 6 h of HRT with continuous aeration, at a room temperature of 25 +/- 2 degrees C. It was found that entrapping humic substances in the EMMC carriers had no impact on the removal of organics, nitrogen, and the odor-producing compound. Additionally, the performance of the EMMC moving carrier system for the removal of these pollutants is similar to that of the EMMC fixed carrier system. In general, the EMMC associated systems which provide high solids retention time achieve a better removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen, and the odor-producing substance than the suspended growth system for both HRTs of 6 h (continuous aeration) and 12 h (1 h of aeration and 1 h of non-aeration). Both the fixed and moving carrier EMMC processes, therefore, have the potential for improvement or replacement of the existing conventional activated sludge process with regard to improving the effluent qualities (such as COD, nitrogen and odor-producing compound) for reuse/disposal.  相似文献   
Sediments may act as both a carrier for and a potential source of contaminants such as toxic organics in aquatic environments. This study investigated the spatial distribution of the pesticide DDT [1,1, 1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane] in sediments from the Cedar and Ortega Rivers located in the lower St. Johns River basin, Florida, USA, using field measurements and three-dimensional kriging analysis. High DDT concentrations were found near the junction of the Cedar and Ortega Rivers and at the north end of the Ortega River in the upper 0.5 m of the sediments, indicating that the sediment was enriched with DDT in the top layer although use of this chlorinated compound was banned in 1972. Further study revealed that the influence of sediment grain size or texture on DDT contamination was negligible in this river system and no linear correlations existed among DDT and its metabolites such as DDD [1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane] and DDE [1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene]. Comparison of three-dimensional distribution of DDT content to the Florida sediment quality assessment guideline or probable effect level (PEL) showed several "hot spots" in the Ortega River sediments, where DDT contents exceeded the PEL value of 4.78 microg kg(-1). Such contamination may pose a significant hazard to aquatic life.  相似文献   
Many soils of the Mediterranean region with a semiarid climate are subjected to progressive degradation as a result of water erosion. Biosolids and municipal solid wastes (MSW) were surface-applied once at three rates (40, 80, and 120 Mg ha(-1)) to different plots in a degraded semiarid ecosystem. The study was conducted to determine the effects of such applications on soil chemical properties and native vegetation over a three-year period. Soil N, P, and K initially increased with increasing biowaste application rates, but then decreased over time. Levels of Zn and Cu were higher in MSW than biosolid-treated plots, and increased in both years after application. Concentrations of soil Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cr did not change as a result of biowaste amendment in the study period. The growth of native plants was enhanced by the addition of biowastes. Total plant canopy and plant biomass increased significantly and remained higher in all treatments than in the control plot over the three-year period. The species richness of native plants decreased with increasing biowaste rates. Differences in the development of native plant communities between treatments were observed, and were more remarkable three years after biowaste application. Tissue N, P, K, Zn, and Cu levels increased with the biowaste application rate, but concentrations of tissue Pb, Cd, Ni, and Cr did not increase significantly. Biowastes applied at the rate of 80 Mg ha(-1) gave rise to the most favorable soil and native vegetation results while avoiding environmental risks.  相似文献   
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