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Summary A mechanical model of a dancing honeybee was used to investigate the role of various components of the wagging dance in the transfer of information to follower bees. The model simulates the dance, carries a scent, and has an acoustic near-field similar to that of live dancers. The movements of the model are controlled by a computer, and selected components of the dance can be manipulated independently of others. The number of bees approaching scented baits at various distances and directions from the hive was observed, both during simulated normal dances and dances in which different components provided potentially conflicting information about the location of the food. The results indicate that the wagging run is the master component of the dance. The figure-of-eight dance path does not seem to convey information. Both sound and wagging must be present in the dance, but no specific roles were found for these components. Both sound and wagging convey information about distance and direction, and they appear to be largely redundant. Offprint requests to: A. Michelsen  相似文献   
Levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have not previously been reported in Greenland. In this study shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) were sampled at three locations in southern Greenland; Usuk (no population), Igaliko (population 40) and Qaqortoq (population 3200). Furthermore uvak (Gadus ogac), spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor), starry ray (Raja radiata), and blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) were collected at Usuk. Pooled samples of fish liver and blue mussel were analysed for lower brominated PBDEs (BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-100 and BDE-153). The highest PBDE levels were found in Qaqortoq followed by Igaliko and Usuk. The measured sum PBDE concentrations in shorthorn sculpin collected at Qaqortoq, Igaliko and Usuk, were 8.2, 3.1 and 2.1 all in units of microg kg(-1) wet weight. In female and male uvak collected at Usuk PBDE levels of 7.1 and 12.0 microg kg(-1) wet weight were measured, while the concentrations were 1.2 microg kg(-1) in spotted wolffish, 1.4 microg kg(-1) in starry ray and 0.11 microg kg(-1) in blue mussels from the same locality all measured on a wet weight basis. The highest concentrations were measured in uvak, a top-predator on fish indicating that PBDEs are biomagnifying. The level of tetra-hexa BDEs is 15-24 times lower than PCB levels measured in the same samples, except for shorthorn sculpin collected at Qaqortoq, where the level of PBDEs was 40 times lower than the level of PCBs. The high concentration of PCBs relative to PBDEs in shorthorn sculpin collected at Qaqortoq signifies a local emission of PCBs, which is higher than the local emission of PBDEs.  相似文献   
Multifunctional landscapes--perspectives for the future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New methods in landscape ecology to study the link between landscape between landscape heterogeneity and landscape functionality are needed.Heterogeneity is a basic characteristic of Iandscape,and landscape fnction is the capacity to change the structural heterogeneity of a landscape ystem.In most developed countries the industrialisation of agriculture has in general resulted in a change of agricultural landscapes from a small-grained heterogeneous pattern towards more monotonous and monofunctional landscapes.During the 1990‘s this trends seems to have changed due to a diversification of rural land use and new trends in urbanisation.Weather these phases of landscape development should be expected in developing countries is a totally open question.Dealing with the study of multifunctionality of landscapes it is proposed to distinguish between ecological functionality of landscape ecosystems,functionality.Further,the relation between function,space and scale is important by the determination of spatial and time segregation as well as spatial and time integration of multifunctionality in landscapes.  相似文献   
In a previous study, the global agricultural expansion caused by wheat consumption in four different countries was modelled with the aim of establishing land use life cycle inventories. The previous study estimated the areas affected by expansion (in terms of square meters) but did not explain how to characterise these areas. The present study ascribes so-called biomes (natural potential vegetation) to the areas affected by agricultural expansion in order to provide a basis for assessing the environmental impacts from land use in the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). The methodology builds on agricultural statistics and maps of global agricultural areas and the global distribution of biomes. The application of the method is illustrated with four examples. The results indicate that agricultural expansion on land suited for crop cultivation (cultivable land) typically affects forest biomes or potential grassland/steppe, whereas expansion on land suited for grazing but not for crop cultivation (grazable land) typically occurs on potential shrubland or a few other biomes depending on the region. Some uncertainty applies to the results but it is concluded that it is feasible to identify biomes affected by agricultural expansion and that the biomes can therefore be used as a starting point for land use LCIA.  相似文献   
Application of municipal solid waste (MSW) to arable land can be used to close the nutrient cycle between urban and rural areas. The aim of the current study was to quantify net N mineralization and respiration from composted MSW (CMSW) and anaerobically digested MSW (ADMSW) applied to soil, and to test whether a simple relationship between net N mineralization and respiration that was developed for plant materials, was applicable for these types of MSW. In a laboratory experiment, CMSW and ADMSW were incorporated into soil and incubated at 15 degrees C. During the 149-day experiment, netN mineralization and respiration were determined. Cumulative respiration derived from both MSW types was very steep during the first 30 days, after which it levelled off. However, calculated on the basis of applied C, the ADMSW was 10 times more degradable than the CMSW. Both MSW types caused initial net N immobilization followed by re-mineralization. A simple model based on the relationship between net N mineralization and respiration was only applicable for the MSW after significant modifications. If farmers are to recognize CMSW and ADMSW as valuable fertilizers, it is important that they can be produced with higher maturity, in order to avoid initial N immobilization.  相似文献   
Vermeij MJ  Sandin SA 《Ecology》2008,89(7):1994-2004
The local densities of heterospecifics and conspecifics are known to have profound effects on the dynamics of many benthic species, including rates of settlement and early post-settlement survivorship. We described the early life history of the Caribbean coral, Siderastrea radians by tracking the population dynamics from recently settled planulae to juveniles. Through three years of observation, settlement correlated with the abundance of other benthic organisms, principally turf algae (negatively) and crustose coralline algae (positively). In addition, adult density showed independent effects on coral settlement and early post-settlement survivorship. Settlement rates increased across low levels of adult cover and saturated at a maximum around 10% cover. Early post-settlement survivorship decreased with adult cover, revealing structuring density dependence in coral settlers. The earliest life stages of corals are defined by low survivorship, with survivorship increasing appreciably with colony size. However, recent settlers (one-polyp individuals, < 1-year-old) are more likely to grow into two-polyp juveniles than older single polyps (> 1-year-old) that were delayed in their development. The early benthic phase of corals is defined by a severe demographic bottleneck for S. radians, with appreciable density-dependent and density-independent effects on survivorship. For effective management and restoration of globally imperiled coral reefs, we must focus more attention on this little studied, but dynamic, early life history period of corals.  相似文献   
Bauer S  Gienapp P  Madsen J 《Ecology》2008,89(7):1953-1960
The timing of life-cycle events crucially influences fitness, particularly in migratory birds, which visit chains of sites with varying seasonality. Here, we used a proportional hazards model to identify local environmental factors, which a long-distance migrant, the Pink-footed Goose (Anser brachyrhynchus), uses for departure decisions on multiple sites along its spring flyway from Denmark via Norway to Svalbard. Our results not only identified day length, local accumulated temperature, and their interaction as likely candidates, but also (more importantly) showed for the first time that their relevance changes en route. The results suggest that the birds switch on a "migratory program" in their wintering grounds, with day length providing general information on time of the year and integrated temperatures providing information on larger scale climate trends. Thereafter, on the stopover sites, local accumulated temperatures allow the geese to infer information on the advancement of spring, which is then used to adjust the speed of progressing northward.  相似文献   
We reviewed the current methods for calculatingcritical loads of acidity for forest soils. The consequencesof four sets of assumptions concerning the soil modelstructure, parameter values and the critical loads criterionwere explored by comparing the values of the averageaccumulated exceedance (AAE) calculated for Finland withdeposition values for the year 1995. The AAE index is given inthe unit of deposition and is a measure of how far a region isfrom being protected in terms of fulfilling a certaincriterion, taking into account the size of the ecosystem areas.Using a critical limit for the molar ratio of theconcentrations of base cations to aluminium in soil solutiongave the lowest average accumulated exceedance. Assumingorgano-aluminium complexes and leaching of organic anions gaveAAE = 4 eq ha-1 a-1, which was close to the valueobtained with the standard approach used in Finland, assuminggibbsite equilibrium and no leaching of organic anions,yielding AAE = 5 eq ha-1 a-1. With a critical basesaturation limit, instead of the concentrations criterion, theAAE index was 17 eq ha-1 a-1. The highest averageaccumulated exceedance (AAE = 25 eq ha-1 a-1),corresponding to the lowest critical load, was obtained whenthe effects-based criterion (critical concentration or criticalbase saturation) was substituted with one restricting thedeterioration of the neutralizing capacity of the soil, ANC le(crit) = 0. These tests illustrate the variabilityof the critical load values for acidity that can be introducedby changing the criterion or by varying the calculation method,without, however, representing the extreme values of criticalloads that could be derived.  相似文献   
We present a detailed tree species inventory covering Europe, parts of Africa and parts of Asia. The inventory contains 39 groups of species that are important for biogenic VOCs or pollen emission calculations. For example: oak (Quercus), poplar (Populus), pines (Pinus), spruce (Picea), birch (Betula) and alder (Alnus). The inventory is based on national forest inventories and national statistics and gives tree species distribution in percentage within broadleaved as well as conifer forests. The inventory includes data from 799 regions and is redistributed into the 50 km × 50 km EMEP grid. The inventory is therefore prepared for easy implementation into atmospheric transport models by providing an extension to already applied land use data such as the Corine Land Cover (CLC2000) or Global Land Cover (GLC2000). The gridded version of the data set will be available on the webpage http://www.dmu.dk/International/Air/Models/Background/Trees/.  相似文献   
This work aimed to evaluate whether the performance of passive sampling devices in measuring time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations supports their application in regulatory monitoring of trace metals in surface waters, such as for the European Union's Water Framework Directive (WFD). The ability of the Chemcatcher and the diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) device sampler to provide comparable TWA concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn was tested through consecutive and overlapping deployments (7-28 days) in the River Meuse (The Netherlands). In order to evaluate the consistency of these TWA labile metal concentrations, these were assessed against total and filtered concentrations measured at relatively high frequencies by two teams using standard monitoring procedures, and metal species predicted by equilibrium speciation modeling using Visual MINTEQ. For Cd and Zn, the concentrations obtained with filtered water samples and the passive sampling devices were generally similar. The samplers consistently underestimated filtered concentrations of Cu and Ni, in agreement with their respective predicted speciation. For Pb, a small labile fraction was mainly responsible for low sampler accumulation and hence high measurement uncertainty. While only the high frequency of spot sampling procedures enabled the observation of higher Cd concentrations during the first 14 days, consecutive DGT deployments were able to detect it and provide a reasonable estimate of ambient concentrations. The range of concentrations measured by spot and passive sampling, for exposures up to 28 days, demonstrated that both modes of monitoring were equally reliable. Passive sampling provides information that cannot be obtained by a realistic spot sampling frequency and this may impact on the ability to detect trends and assess monitoring data against environmental quality standards when concentrations fluctuate.  相似文献   
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