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膜生物反应器中膜的最佳反冲洗周期   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
将解吸分为平衡解吸和完全解吸两种类型,对水环境中含油泥沙上油分子的解吸特性进行了研究,通过试验,分析了解吸平衡时的吸附等温线及平衡解吸量随清水解吸液用量变化的规律,同时也对含油泥沙发生完全解吸时的最大解吸量和极限残留量进行了研究,并得出了它们随泥沙粒径变化的规律。  相似文献   
以天然方解石为材料,研究了不同pH值与不同粒径方解石对磷吸附效果的影响.实验设置了不同质量浓度磷系列溶液,加人1g不同粒径,即小于100目、100~180目、180~325目和325目的方解石,在PH值分别为9.00±0.02、7.00±0.02和6.00±0.02时.研究方解石对磷的吸附效果,并用Langmuir模型和Freundlich模型对等温吸附线进行了拟合.结果表明,方解石对磷的吸附等温线能较好地用Freundlich方程来拟合.方解石的粒径越小,对磷的吸附能力越强,在本实验选取的粒径范围内,325目方解石对磷酸盐的吸附效果最好;但180~325目方解石对磷的吸附能力与325目方解石的差别不大,实际应用中,选用180~325目方解石即可取得对磷的较好的吸附效果.pH值是影响方解石吸附磷的重要因素,pH为6时,由于方解石微溶产生的Ca2 与水体中PO3-4结合形成Ca-P化合物,使其吸附磷效果较好;pH≥7时,通过方解石吸附作用、与碳酸钙共沉作用及以方解石作为结晶核的钙磷化合物结晶作用去除磷;pH为9时方解石对PO3-4吸附效果好于pH值为7时.  相似文献   
污水集中处理厂污水中金属(重金属)的分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
系统地建立集中污水处理装置是环境管理和污染治理的发展方向之一,在工业发达国家已相当普及,本文分析了美国和加拿大污水集中处理厂原污水和常用治理流程各工序中金属(重金属)的分布情况。结果表明,由于地理,气候,人口,特别是工业分布的影响,原污水中金属含量会有较大变化,因为变化范围大且超过排放标准2-10倍(按均值计),在设计和评价时应予化重点考虑的几种金属为:Cd,Cu,Cr,Pb,Ni和Zn,经典型的沉淀-活性污泥工艺处理后,金属除去率大于80%,可以满足排放要求。  相似文献   
CALPUFF模型在大气环境容量测算中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究利用CALPUFF空气质量扩散模式模拟了凉山州2007年气象场和s02浓度场,通过现状监测结果与模拟结果的比较评述了模型的适用性;并根据西昌市现状污染源和虚拟污染源情况,通过CALPUFF模拟建立大气污染物传递矩阵,结合线性优化模型测算了西昌市大气环境容量。  相似文献   
The choice of substrates with high phosphorus adsorption capacity is vital for sustainable phosphorus removal from waste water in constructed wetlands. In this study, four substrates were used: quartz sand, anthracite, shale and biological ceramsite. These substrate samples were characterized by X- ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy studies for their mineral components (chemical components) and surface characteristics. The dynamic experimental results revealed the following ranking order for total phosphorus (TP) removal efficiency: anthracite 〉 biological ceramsite 〉 shale 〉 quartz sand. The adsorptive removal capacities for TP using anthracite, biological ceramsite, shale and quartz sand were 85.87, 81.44, 59.65, and 55.98 mg/kg, respectively. Phosphorus desorption was also studied to analyze the substrates' adsorption efficiency in wastewater treatment as well as the substrates' ability to be reused for treatment. It was noted that the removal performance for the different forms of phosphorus was dependent on the nature of the substrate and the adsorption mechanism. A comparative analysis showed that the removal of particulate phosphorus was much easier using shale. Whereas anthracite had the highest soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) adsorptive capacity, biological ceramsite had the highest dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) removal capacity. Phosphorus removal by shale and biological ceramsite was mainly through chemical adsorption, precipitation or biological adsorption. On the other hand, phosphorus removal through physical adsorption (electrostatic attraction or ion exchange) was dominant in anthracite and quartz sand.  相似文献   
Phthalates are a large family of ubiquitous environmental pollutants suspected of being endocrine disruptors. Epidemiological studies have associated phthalate metabolites with decreased reproductive parameters and linked phthalate exposure with the level of urinary 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine(5mdC, a product of methylated DNA). In this study, adult male mice were exposed to 450 mg di-isobutyl phthalate(DiBP)/(kg·day) via dietary exposure for 28 days. Mono-isobutyl phthalate(Mi BP, the urinary metabolite) and reproductive function parameters were determined. The levels of 5mdC and 5-hydroxymethyl-2′-deoxycytidine(5hmdC) were measured in urine to evaluate if their contents were also altered by DiBP exposure in this animal model. Results showed that DiBP exposure led to a significant increase in the urinary 5mdC level and significant decreases in sperm concentration and motility in the epididymis, accompanied with reduced testosterone levels and downregulation of the P450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme(P450scc) gene in the mice testes. Our findings indicated that exposure to DiBP increased the urinary 5mdC levels,which supported our recent epidemiological study about the associations of urinary 5mdC with phthalate exposure in the male human population. In addition, DiBP exposure impaired male reproductive function, possibly by disturbing testosterone levels; P450scc might be a major steroidogenic enzyme targeted by DiBP or other phthalates.  相似文献   
物种多样性对植物生长与土壤镉污染修复的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
土壤重金属污染是当今最为突出的环境问题之一,其中,重金属镉(Cd)已成为我国受污染土壤中最主要的无机污染物之一.植物修复法是去除土壤重金属的重要方法,研究表明,植物物种多样性的增加能促进生态系统功能.那么在Cd污染土壤中,植物物种多样性对植物生长和Cd污染修复会有怎样的影响,其内在机理是怎样的并不清楚.基于此,本研究选择6种本地常见草本植物(荆芥、鸡眼草、短叶水蜈蚣、牛筋草、鸭跖草和细风轮菜),通过室内控制实验研究不同植物物种多样性(1-,2-,3-,6-物种)对植物生长与土壤Cd污染修复的影响.结果表明:植物物种多样性的增加显著促进植物地下生物量和总生物量的积累,并对植物根系形态(根总长、根总表面积、根尖总数与根平均直径)和叶绿素荧光参数(PSII最大光能转化效率F_v/F_m和PSII潜在活性F_v/F_0)有显著的促进作用;植物物种多样性的增加能显著提高植物地上、地下及总Cd含量(积累量)和富集系数;植物物种多样性的增加对植物生长、根系形态指标及Cd的富集具有显著的净效应,且以互补效应为主.本研究选取的是对环境条件要求不高、生长周期短的本地草本植物,可为利用本地常见短世代周期植物进行土壤重金属污染修复提供理论依据.  相似文献   
从城市工业固体废物消纳和废弃采石场作为填埋处置场地的角度出发,对利用废弃采石场作为第Ⅰ类一般工业固体废物填埋场场址条件进行探讨,通过广州市地区实例说明利用废弃采石场选址作为第Ⅰ类一般工业固废填埋场址的可用性,这对未来废弃采石场的综合利用具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
武汉东湖部分原生动物种类污染值的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用对武汉东湖进行的为期1 年的原生动物采集及鉴定结果以及同时进行的水质化学测试结果,对所建立的原生动物生物指数进行了验证,表明所得CPV与化学综合污染指数呈显著的相关,说明建立的生物指数对淡水水系有广泛的实用性.对汉江中没有观察到的某些原生动物建立了其种类污染值  相似文献   
感潮河段污水处理厂尾水排放对受纳水体产生一定影响,利用二维水动力水质耦合模型,以COD、NH3-N、TP为污染因子,分别以正常排放和事故排放两种条件,模拟江苏南部某污水处理厂尾水排放,分析江段大小潮时污染物浓度增量情况。实验结果表明:正常排放,尾水对排放口附近江段保护区水质影响小;事故排放,尾水对保护区水质无影响,但长江水体影响范围增大,沿岸污染物浓度增高,且小潮周期影响作用强于大潮周期,污水处理厂应加强管理,尤其在小潮时应避免污水事故排放。  相似文献   
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