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通过驯化富集培养,从白洋淀底泥中分离筛选出数株能够有效降解苯胺的菌株,经过反复筛选,得到一株能够以苯胺为唯一碳源、高效降解苯胺的菌株BA-1-3.其利用苯胺的最适pH值为7.0,最适温度为30℃,在苯胺浓度为1000 mg/L,180 r/min条件下振荡培养60 h,降解率达到80%以上.经鉴定,菌株BA-1-3属苍白杆菌属(Ochrobactrumsp.).  相似文献   
VFAs、TOC及COD作为生物除磷能力指标的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实际生活污水的处理中,研究了通过A/O运行模式对生物除磷过程中磷的变化情况及在厌氧释磷过程中COD、TOC与VFAs变化之间的关系。结果表明,在厌氧释磷过程中VFAs的变化更能准确地反映系统内释磷进程,实际生活污水中能直接用于磷释放的有机物含量占COD的13.33%,并且释放1 mg P所需VFAs为1.401 mg,此值明显低于前期研究结果。通过对COD、TOC和VFAs 3种组分的分析,可将实际生活污水中的有机底物分为3类:易生物降解含碳有机物、难降解的含碳有机物和水中存在的无机性还原物质,含量分别占COD的13.33%、31.7%和54.97%,其中只有13.33%的含量对生物释磷有直接作用,并可对实际生活污水除磷有指导意义。  相似文献   
Aerobic granular sludge was cultivated by using different kinds of seed sludge in sequencing batch airlift reactor.The influence of seed sludge on physical and chemical properties of granular sludge was studied;the microbial community structure was probed by using scanning electron microscope and polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(PCR-DGGE).The results showed that seed sludge played an important role on the formation of aerobic granules.Seed sludge taken from beer wastewater treatment plant(inoculum A) was more suitable for cultivating aerobic granules than that of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant(inoculum B).Cultivated with inoculum A, large amount of mature granules formed after 35 days operation, its SVI reached 32.75 mL/g, and SOUR of granular sludge was beyond 1.10 mg/(g·min).By contrast, it needed 56 days obtaining mature granules using inoculum B.DGGE profiles indicated that the dominant microbial species in mature granules were 18 and 11 OTU when inoculum A and B were respectively employed as seed sludge.The sequencing results suggested that dominant species in mature granules cultivated by inoculum A were Paracoccus sp., Devosia hwasunensi, Pseudoxanthomonas sp., while the dominant species were Lactococcus raffinolactis and Pseudomonas sp.in granules developed from inoculum B.  相似文献   
李崖  邢鹤  朱琦  刘敏  张振宇 《环境科学》1998,19(3):94-96
简要介绍全国排污申报登记系统的指标体系设计,信息分类偏码,重点污染源筛选和系统结构设计、功能,程序设计等主要技术方法,并结合系统开发经验阐述了全国排污申报统一软件的研究成果及其功能特点。  相似文献   
非点源污染模型研究   总被引:68,自引:5,他引:68  
随着工业污染源的有效控制,非点源污染已经成为我国重要污染类型之一,如何科学地认识并有效控制非点源污染因而成为一个紧迫的研究课题.本文回顾了描述非点源的基础工具--非点源模型30多年来的发展历史,就非点源模型的主要类型、结构和特点进行了系统的总结,并对目前主要的非点源模型进行了比较分析,探讨了非点源模型发展的趋势,以期为我国非点源污染的控制提供可借鉴的经验.  相似文献   
High-pressure homogenization (HPH) technology was applied as a pretreatment to disintegrate sewage sludge. The effects of homogenization pressure, homogenization cycle number, and total solid content on sludge disintegration were investigated. The sludge disintegration degree (DDCOD), protein concentration, and polysaccharide concentration increased with the increase of homogenization pressure and homogenization cycle number, and decreased with the increase of sludge total solid (TS) content. The maximum DDCOD of 43.94% was achieved at 80 MPa with four homogenization cycles for a 9.58 g/L TS sludge sample. A HPH sludge disintegration model of DDCOD= kNaPb was established by multivariable linear regression to quantify the effects of homogenization parameters. The homogenization cycle exponent a and homogenization pressure exponent b were 0.4763 and 0.7324 respectively, showing that the effect of homogenization pressure (P) was more significant than that of homogenization cycle number (N). The value of the rate constant k decreased with the increase of sludge total solid content. The specific energy consumption increased with the increment of sludge disintegration efficiency. Lower specific energy consumption was required for higher total solid content sludge.  相似文献   
Microwavedigestionmethodinenvironmentalanalysis¥ZhangYue(WadsworthCentre,NewYorkStateDepartmentofHealthSchoolofPublicHealth,S...  相似文献   
The responses of sulfur (S) uptake assimilation-related genes' expression in roots of two rice cultivars to cadmium (Cd), bensulfuron-methyl (BSM) and their co-contamination (Cd+BSM) were investigated by gene-chip microarray analysis and quantitative real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) technology. Treatments of Cd and Cd+BSM induced expression of sulfate transporter and permease genes, and promoted sulfate uptake in rice roots. Cd+BSM could alleviate Cd toxicity to cv. Fengmeizhan seedlings, probably due to Cd+BSM promoting greater S absorption by seedlings. Cd and Cd+BSM induced expression of sulfate assimilation-related genes, and thus activated the sulfur assimilation pathway. Cd and Cd+BSM induced expression of phytochelatin synthase and metallothionein genes, and induced expression of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), glutathione synthase (GS) and S- containing antioxidation enzyme genes, which detoxified Cd2+. It is suggested that (to cope with the toxicity of Cd, BSM and their co-contamination) the S uptake and assimilation pathway was activated in rice roots by increased expression of related genes, thus enhancing the supply of organic S for synthesis of Cd or BSM resistance-related substances.  相似文献   
为了解决大庆油田现有核桃壳、石英砂过滤器反冲洗憋压、跑料和滤料再生困难等问题,在对原有过滤装置分析的基础上,根据反冲洗特性,对过滤器进行了改造,开发出低压稳流核桃壳过滤器和低压稳流石英砂过滤器。经现场测试,核桃壳过滤器反冲洗压力由原来的0.15~0.5 MPa降低到0.03~0.08 MPa,石英砂过滤器反冲洗压力由原来的0.27~0.46 MPa降低到0.17~0.20 MPa,且均能实现罐群水反冲洗。改造后核桃壳过滤器出水油平均含量13.4 mg/L,平均去除率为78.1%;出水悬浮物平均含量20.5 mg/L,平均去除率为55%。改造后石英砂过滤器出水油平均含量5 mg/L以下,平均去除率达到75%以上;出水悬浮物平均含量为9.8 mg/L,去除率达到80%以上。为了进一步提高过滤效果,在二级滤前投加絮凝剂形成微絮凝过滤工艺,出水悬浮物可达到3 mg/L,通过两级过滤达到特低渗透地层回注水标准。  相似文献   
根据秦岭保护区群的生物多样性和保护管理现状 ,提出了加强保护区群生物多样性保护和促进保护区发展的对策 ,其主要措施为 :一、合理划分和调整功能区 ;二、强化内部管理 ,加强对自然资源的巡护、监测 ;三、协调周边社区关系 ,积极开展社区共管工作 ;四、加强对外合作 ,积极开展科学研究 ;五、开展环境教育 ,提高全民保护意识 ;六、开展资源适度开发利用 ,增强自养能力。  相似文献   
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