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A study of gonadal state in 39 small specimens of Arctica islandica Linné collected in April 1976 from the Middle Atlantic shelf of North America suggests that sexual maturity is reached at a later age than has been reported for other shelf bivalves. Eight of the specimens had gonads in the undifferentiated state. On the basis of annual internal growth banding in the shells of these immature specimens, age ranged between 4 and 14 years. Average age was 9.38 years (standard deviation, s,= 3.54). Shell length ranged from 24 to 47 mm (average 38.85 mm, s=9.25). Differentiated gonads were found in specimens as young as 6 years. Age of maturity shows a wide range and may be dependent upon growth rate and locality.  相似文献   
Samples of the squid Martialia hyadesi were collected aboard two Japanese squid-jigging vessels carrying out commercial fishing trials at the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone, north Scotia Sea, in February 1989. The dissected stomachs of 61 specimens were classified according to fullness and the contents were examined visually. Identifiable food items included fish sagittal otoliths, crustacean eyes, the lappets on euphausiid first antennule segments and cephalopod sucker rings. The most frequent items in the squid's diet were the myctophid fishes Krefftichthys anderssoni and Electrona carlsbergi, the euphausiid Euphausia superba and a hyperiid amphipod, probably Themisto gaudichaudi. A small proportion of the sample had been feeding cannibalistically. Total lengths of the fish prey were estimated from sagittal otolith size using published relationships. All fish were relatively small; 7 to 35% of squid mantle-length. However, it is possible that some heads of larger fish are discarded by the squid and so are not represented by otoliths in the stomach contents. Over the size range of squid in the sample there was no relationship between size of fish prey and size of squid. Similarly, when the squid sample was divided into groups according to prey categories: crustaceans, crustaceans+fish, fish, cephalopod, there was no evidence that dietary preference was related to squid size. The prevalence of copepod-feeding myctophids in the diet of this squid, which is itself a major prey item of some higher predators in the Scotia Sea, suggests that a previously unrecognised food chain: copepod-myctophid-M. hyadesi-higher predator, may be an important component of the Antarctic oceanic ecosystem.  相似文献   
Three species of the dinoflagellate genusAlexandrium (Halim)-two strains of toxic.A. minutum, one each of nontoxicA. tamarense andA. affini-were grown in batch culture in either a low-nitrogen or a low-phosphate medium. Maximum carbon-specific growth rates forA. tamarense were lower (at <0.25 d-1) than for the other strains, which all exceeded 0.38 d-1. C-quotas (C content per cell) during exponential growth were similar for all strains (2.5 ng C cell-1), with cells becoming smaller during the N-limiting stationary phase, but enlarging during prolonged P-deprivation. Values of 13C during the exponential phase were low (-25to-30), with most cells during the light phase swimming at the surface when nutrient-replete and migrating to the bottom of the flasks when nutrient-deplete with 13C rising to around-15. Biomass could not be estimated reliably from pigmentation, but could be estimated from biovolume (r>0.95), although this was complicated in cultures ofA. minutum by the presence of particles comprized of thecal plates of a similar size to intact cells. Alkaline phosphatase activity was not a reliable indicator a P-status. The most toxic strain tested (A. minutum AL1V) contained the highest concentrations of free amino acids, of arginine (a precursor of paralytic shellfish toxins) and of proline, and also had the lowest C:N mass ratio (at 4.3).A. affini contained the lowest concentrations of arginine, andA. tamarense the highest exponential phase C:N (7.8). For all strains, the mole ratio of intracellular glutamine: glutamate (Gln: Glu, which was abnormally high compared to other algae) could only be used to indicate the presence or absence of N-stress rather than the degree of stress. Additions of ammonium and phosphate resulted in increases in Gln: Glu within 20 min in N-stressed cells and also enhanced toxin content inA. minutum (mainly gonyautoxin) 4 over a 24 h period.  相似文献   
We estimated the broad-sense heritability of larval size in 20 full-sib families of the giant scallop, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791) grown in laboratory culture in August and September 1991. The goal was to compare scallops with other bivalves which have been shown to have significant heritabilities for larval growth. Secondly, we estimated the lipid content of occytes from female parents, since this is hypothesized to affect larval growth and survival. Finally, we estimated the among-family variation in mortality from 4 to 21 d as a test of possible genetic variation for viability among larval scallops. Significant genetic variation (h2=1.10 to 1.24) was estimated for larval shell length at 4, 14, and 21 d. There was a significant correlation (r=0.66) between larval size at 4 d and lipid content of oocytes, but only when two females with high levels of lipid oocyte–1 were excluded as outliers. There was no correlation between larval size at 14 and 21 d and lipid content of oocytes. Mortality among families from 4 to 21 d was high (69 to 97%), and was significantly different among families. These results indicate that there is significant heritability for larval growth which is largely independent of the lipid content of the oocytes. A high heritability for larval growth may indicate that this trait is only weakly correlated with fitness.  相似文献   
Parasites were collected from over 400 albacore (Thunnus alalunga) caught by surface trolling and longlining in the south-west Pacific between 1985 and 1988. Parasites found included 1 apicomplexan, 3 nematode species, 4 cestode species, 1 acanthocephalan, 12 digenean species and 3 copepod species. Twelve of these parasite species which could be accurately recognised and counted were used in the subsequent analyses. Parasite data from albacore caught around New Zealand show a decrease in prevalence of three didymozoid parasites with increasing fish length up to a fork length of 70 to 79 cm. The subsequent increase in prevalence of these didymozoids in large longline-caught fish is consistent with fish returning from spawning in tropical waters where re-infection is presumed to occur. Albacore collected at widely separate locations in the south-west Pacific have differences in parasite prevalence, supporting an hypothesis that juvenile albacore move south to New Zealand from the tropics and do not return until the onset of sexual maturity. Albacore appear to move along the subtropical convergence zone, as indicated by a decline in prevalence and abundance ofAnisakis simplex andHepatoxylon trichiuri from New Zealand to the central South Pacific. This is supported by tagging and seasonal movements of the fishery.  相似文献   
M. B. Jones 《Marine Biology》1972,14(3):264-270
The mouthparts of Jaera albifrons Leach, Jaera ischiosetosa Forsman, Jaera praehirsuta Forsman and Jaera forsmani Bocquet were examined with the light microscope and the Stereoscan electron microscope, and were found to be identical in all species. The structure of the mouthparts indicate that all four species feed by scouring and abrading algal or bacterial films from rocks or Fucus. Food, therefore, does not seem to be an isolating factor involved in the microdistribution of the four species on a shore.  相似文献   
Male copulation experience may have a profound impact on female reproductive success if male reproductive investment declines over consecutive copulations and if females are unlikely to re-mate. Male reproductive investment is particularly interesting in lepidopterans because males produce dimorphic sperm: a fertilizing (eupyrene) and a non-fertilising (apyrene) sperm. In two experiments, we explored the lifetime reproductive investment of male almond moths, Cadra cautella (also known as Ephestia cautella) and examined its influence on female reproductive success. In the almond moth, females re-mate infrequently and males transfer sperm in a spermatophore. Attached to the spermatophore is a large chitinous process, the function of which is unknown. One group of males were permitted consecutive copulations with virgin females and the amount of sperm and size of the spermatophore transferred were compared for all females. We found that the number of both eupyrene and apyrene sperm per ejaculate decreased with his increased mating frequency, while the size of the spermatophore process decreased dramatically after the male’s first copulation. In a second experiment, we allowed males to mate with females throughout their lives and then compared female fecundity and fertilisation success. We found no obvious decrease in female fecundity and fertilisation success with increased male copulation experience, despite the likely reduction in male gametic investment. We discuss potential explanations for the development of this enlarged and elaborate first spermatophore of male almond moths given that it confers no clear fitness advantage to females.  相似文献   
Gnathiid isopods are one of the most abundant groups of ectoparasites on coral reef fishes. They, and other isopods, have been shown to significantly affect the health and behaviour of many reef fish. Whether isopod emergence differs among habitats on coral reefs is not known. In this study, we measured emergence rates of parasitic isopods (Gnathiidea and Flabellifera) in six habitats at two sites at Lizard Island during new moon periods in March and December 2004. Isopods were collected from the periphery and centres of micro-reefs, patch reefs, continuous reefs, and from inter-reefal habitats (sand or rubble) with 1 m2 emergence traps. Sites (Casuarina and Coconut Beach) were located on opposite sides of Lizard Island. Live gnathiids were collected with light traps in November 2005 to investigate species differences between sites. At both sites, the most abundant gnathiid species was exclusive to that site. More gnathiid larvae emerged at night, and emergence of fed gnathiids (pranizae) and flabelliferan isopods was almost exclusively nocturnal. Diurnal emergence was greater at Coconut Beach than Casuarina Beach. Although emergence counts were not consistently affected by parameters such as habitat, site, or sampling period, gnathiid size and feeding state were. Where significant differences existed, gnathiids were larger and more often fed over reef borders than centrally. We suggest first stage larvae (Z1) have the largest influence on total abundance and are patchily distributed in accordance with adults from which they have recently hatched. As later stage larvae depend on fish, more successful (fed) and older larvae are found on the edges of reefs where appropriate hosts may be more abundant, or predation is lower. Gnathiids were over-dispersed in all habitats investigated, including apparently homogeneous beds of coral rubble and sand. This indicates that their distributions may be better predicted by very fine scale differences in substrate or that aggregations are the result of gregariousness and may be difficult to predict on the basis of substrate. Emergence traps collected comparatively few parasitic flabelliferan isopods. This community differed greatly from the previously described community of scavenging isopods at Lizard Island. These differences are probably the result of differences in trapping methodology.  相似文献   
Long-term behavioural studies were made of the blennioid fish Forsterygion varium and the wrasse Pseudolabrus celidotus in the Cape Rodney-Okakari Point Marine Reserve in New Zealand. Both male and female F. varium defended small 1 to 2 m2 territories from the wrasse all year round, althoughl aggressive encounters were most frequent from December to April. Only Large P. celidotus (≧180 mm standard length) were observed to dominate the blenny in interactions. Defence of nests, which were found only on the territories of males between May and October, did not explain the distribution of F. varium aggression between the sexes and seasons. An extensive overlap in the categories and size of prey eaten suggested that protection of food was a major function of F. varium territoriality. F. varium was most frequently aggressive toward P. celidotus of an intermediate size (110 to 160 mm SL) and exhibited greatest overlap in diet with wrasses in this size lange. This dnected the study toward examining the effect of F. varium on the feeding activity of P. celidotus. Within a shallow, Leterogeneous reef habitat, feeding pressure by P. celidotus (bites/are/time) was inversely related to the density of F. varium. Removal of F. varium from small 5x5 m quadrats resulted in large increases in wrasse feeding pressure, suggesting that the blenny influences the foraging of wrasses within their home ranges. When F. varium were removed from the entire home ranges of five 1+yr (110 to 130 mm SL) P. celidotus, these fish exhibited relative increases in both feeding rate and foraging time. The results suggest that P. celidotus grow through a period during which individuals compete with F. varium for food, adding support to the contention that territoriality in F. varium functions to preserve its food supply.  相似文献   
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