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目的 研究钛合金模拟海水管路与船体间在不同电连接方式下的电位以及腐蚀电流密度分布,明确防腐措施.方法 针对钛合金模拟海水管路与船体结构,基于有限元建立仿真模型,开展两者的电偶效应数值仿真计算,重点研究两者电连接状态、接触界面绝缘状态和所有结构体单元绝缘状态的电位和电流密度分布情况.结果 在船体钢与钛合金管路系统电连接时...  相似文献   
在推进新型城镇化和生态建设的背景下,客观定量评价区域生态环境状态,是当前我国生态建设重要而紧迫的任务之一。高密度的人类活动会对自然生态系统产生超负荷的压力,通过生态承载力的分析能够定量测度这种状况,为区域可持续发展提供借鉴意义。基于生态足迹模型,计算了2008年和2013年武汉城市圈各县域单元的生态足迹/承载力,并进行了时空变化分析。研究发现武汉城市圈各县域单元的生态足迹和生态承载力在空间上存在显著的差异性,生态足迹逐年增加,生态承载力的变化相对较小,出现两级分化的现象。根据生态足迹/承载力进行跨区县生态补偿测算,得到2008年和2013年武汉城市圈48个县域的转移支付情况,表明如果运用财政转移支付的手段,整个区域能够达到生态系统供给和需求动态平衡的目标,缓解武汉城市圈的生态压力,实现武汉城市圈的可持续发展。  相似文献   
随着我国经济发展和扶贫成效的显现,老区、山区、民族地区和移民库区等集中连片的特殊贫困区已经成为我国当前精准扶贫的主战场。由于面临生产资料匮乏、生态环境恶化和地质灾害频发等恶劣环境,库区移民贫困问题已成为新时期扶贫攻坚最难啃的"硬骨头"。因此,开展库区移民贫困致因的精准识别与减贫路径研究具有重要的现实意义。基于对库区移民贫困现状的扎根理论分析,本文提出了分析农户生计的新框架。在此基础上,本文以三峡库区26个县(区)为研究对象,随机抽取4县(区)796户移民作为样本,首先,采用灰色关联分析法和熵权法对库区移民主要致贫因子进行挖掘;接着,采用PLS-SEM模型分析影响库区移民生计状况的关键因子和关键路径。研究表明:(1)三峡库区移民贫困现象仍很严重,患病、劳动能力弱和失地是移民致贫的三大主因。三峡库区仍有175.94万人生活在贫困线以下,三大致贫原因依次是:因病致贫26.49%、因劳动能力弱致贫22.10%和失地致贫21.65%。(2)心理资本可有效促进移民其他资本效能的发挥,对生计状况存在着显著的直接效应和间接效应。(3)在影响生计状况的四类资本中,人力资本对库区移民生计状况影响最大。基于以上发现,本文提出了实现库区移民精准脱贫的政策建议:(1)国家应高度重视三峡库区移民贫困问题,大力开展精准扶贫;(2)增加心理干预措施以提高移民心理资本存量,帮助移民摆脱心理贫困;(3)开展劳动力技能培训,提高库区移民人力资本水平。  相似文献   
The role of the Siberian musk deer in the diets of the Amur tiger, brown bear, and Asian black bear has been studied in the Sikhote-Alin State Biosphere Reserve in 1992 to 2016. Information has been collected from 763 tiger feeding sites, and the contents of tiger feces have been analyzed. Radiotelemetry has been used to evaluate tiger–musk deer relationships. The musk deer accounted for 0.26% of all animal species found to be eaten by the tiger. Musk deer remains in feces of the tiger, brown bear, and Asian black bear occurred with frequencies of 1.3, 0.2, and 0.3%, respectively. A case of musk deer avoiding the presence of brown bear is described.  相似文献   
周年磷肥旱季集中底施对玉-稻轮作磷肥效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
春玉米-晚稻水旱轮作是近年来南方稻区种植制度变化下出现的新型两熟制模式。明确两季作物间磷肥的合理分配对玉-稻轮作作物产量与磷素利用效率的影响,对玉-稻轮作养分高效与高产协同实现,及丰富对水旱轮作前后季作物养分利用关系的认识具有理论意义。采用春玉米-水稻周年轮作田间试验,根据晚稻季磷肥前移至玉米季做底肥施用的比例及周年施磷量,设置7个磷肥施用处理,分别为两季作物均不施磷(P_0)、两季作物均按常规方法施磷(P_1)、1/3晚稻季磷肥前移(P_2)、2/3晚稻季磷肥前移(P_3)、全部晚稻季磷肥前移(P_4)、全部晚稻季磷肥前移且周年总施磷量减少15%(P_5)、全部晚稻季磷肥前移且周年总施磷量减少30%(P_6),分析了不同施磷处理作物产量、磷素吸收量及磷素利用效率的变化。与P_1相比,P_3与P_4处理显著提高了晚稻花后干物质的分配比例及晚稻产量,且其周年产量分别提高了4.87%和6.74%;P_5处理晚稻产量与P_1处理差异不显著,但P_6显著降低了晚稻产量。晚稻季磷肥前移施用明显促进了玉米及晚稻对磷素的吸收,显著降低了磷素的表观盈余量。与P_1处理相比,P_2、P_3、P_4处理两季作物周年土壤磷素依存率分别减少了11.63%、26.47%与22.08%。从磷肥利用效率看,P_4处理的磷肥周年累积回收效率、农学利用效率、偏生产力及磷肥产量贡献率均显著高于P_1处理,分别提高了102.46%、194.83%、6.73%与176.16%。与P_1处理相比,P_5处理周年磷肥产量贡献率及农学利用效率差异不显著,但分别提高了其磷肥回收效率与偏生产力32.56%和58.05%。玉米季施用的磷肥对晚稻有明显的后效作用,且比晚稻季施用磷肥具有更高的磷肥利用效率。所以在春玉米免耕复种晚稻时,可将晚稻季的磷肥全部前移至玉米季施用,并可减少15%周年施磷量。  相似文献   
介绍粘胶纤维生产废水的来源、水质特点及物化--生化两级处理工艺。给出了主要构筑物的技术参数及实际工程运行效果,并对该工艺存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of the mandible shape has been analyzed in bank voles from the zones affected by pollution from three copper smelters in the Urals. It has been shown that there is the necessity for a detailed analysis of the material, since the level of FA may depend on population parameters. Regardless of the pollution level, FA of the mandible region including the lower part of the mandibular body, ramus and processes is higher than in the diastema region. A gradient effect of toxic exposure on FA has been revealed: an increase in its level under increasing technogenic impact is clearly manifested along local pollution gradients.  相似文献   
Larval amphibians are particularly likely to encounter variation in rearing temperature and resource availability due to variation in aquatic breeding habitats. In this study, plasticity in growth rates, larval mass, larval period, and size at metamorphosis were examined in Rana kukunoris Nikolskii, 1918 under different combinations of temperature and food level. Larval period and larval body mass was sensitive to food level, and varied with temperature. Tadpoles metamorphosed at an older age at low temperature than those reared at warm temperature. Food level was a significant affect on larval period at low temperature, but not at warm temperature. Mass was heavier for tadpoles reared at low temperatures than those reared at warm temperatures. The effect of food level depended on temperature, because larvae reared at low temperature that were offered a high food level achieved a larger size than larvae offered a low food level, but this did not occur at warm temperature. Therefore, we suggest that high food availability at low temperature prolonged developmental periods, thus larvae are larger as metamorphs than those reared at warm temperatures.  相似文献   
Rebound effect derived from energy efficiency improvement has been widely invested. However, most of studies focus on the rebound effect of the energy composite level and neither distinguish nor compare different energy types. We compare the differences in energy saving and energy rebound between primary and secondary energy sources, and further decompose the rebound effect into production rebound part and final demand component. To do so, we add a module for rebound into a comparative state China-CGE model. We design and test two simulation scenarios using the model. In Scenario 1, all production sectors’ energy efficiency of using primary energy increases by 5%. In Scenario 2, all production sectors’ energy efficiency of using secondary energy increases by 5%. The results show that Scenario 2 leads to more GDP growth and more energy saving. Our scenarios show rebound effects range between 9.6% and 27.9%, and in general are higher when energy efficiency of using primary energy sources is improved. Our decomposition analysis shows that improving energy efficiency in production sectors would stimulates energy use of final demand. Indeed, the consumption side has significant contribution to rebound in secondary energy use, especially in crude oil and gas. This study reveals that improving efficiency of using secondary energy is better than improving that of primary energy, both in terms of economic impact and energy rebound. And complementary policies that prevent energy services prices from falling too much can be adopted to reduce rebound. Controlling residential energy use could also be effective in reducing rebound, this has particular implication to economies in which residential energy consumption are far from saturation.  相似文献   
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