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新型结构ABR的设计与水力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对ABR自身的缺点,设计出一种新型结构的ABR.该反应器为双层结构,共有5部分组成,各部分容积各不相同.该反应器的设计思想是将ABR与生物滤池以及活性炭吸附等工艺相联合.这种设计能够最大程度地发挥各工艺的优势,进而达到更好的处理效果.通过脉冲响应实验对该反应器的水力特性进行研究,得出不同水力停留时间(HRT)下的停留...  相似文献   
A two-stage UASB reactor was employed to remove sulfate from acrylic fiber manufacturing wastewater. Mesophilic operation (35±0.5℃) was performed with hydraulic retention time (HRT) varied between 28 and 40 hr. Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) in the reactor was maintained about 8000 mg/L. The results indicated that sulfate removal was enhanced with increasing the ratio of COD/SO42-. At low COD/SO42-, the growth of the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) was carbon-limited. The optimal sulfate removal efficiencies were 75% when the HRT was no less than 38 hr. Sulfidogenesis mainly happened in the sulfate-reducing stage, while methanogenesis in the methane-producing stage. Microbes in sulfate-reducing stage performed granulation better than that in methane-producing stage. Higher extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) content in sulfate-reducing stage helped to adhere and connect the flocculent sludge particles together. SRB accounted for about 31% both in sulfate-reducing stage and methane-producing stage at COD/SO42- ratio of 0.5, while it dropped dramatically from 34% in sulfate-reducing stage to 10% in methane-producing stage corresponding to the COD/SO42- ratio of 4.7. SRB and MPA were predominant in sulfate-reducing stage and methane-producing stage respectively.  相似文献   
污染农田土壤修复产业发展面临的问题及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雍正  杨浩  冉宇 《环境与发展》2020,(1):228-228,230
随着经济的发展,我国的农业建设也迎来了新的发展机遇,但是目前我国的农业发展过程中存在着严重的土壤污染问题,污染农田土壤修复的问题有待解决。本文围绕污染农田土壤修复这一问题展开研究,望有所助益。  相似文献   
In this study, the adsorption properties of a pre-treated biomass from marine alga Padina sp., a biomass collected from Surin Island, Thailand, for removal of cadmium(II) ions from aqueous solutions was investigated. Batch and column experiments were conducted to determine the adsorption properties of the modified biomass. At a pH of 5, the maximum removal capacity of the biomass is 0.53 mmol/g. The kinetics of cadmium(II) adsorption were fast with 90% of adsorption taking place within 35 min. This study demonstrated that the pre-treated biomass of Padina sp. could be used as an efficient biosorbent for the treatment of cadmium(II)-bearing wastewater streams.  相似文献   
本文以内蒙古自治区准格尔旗为例,对当前退耕还林还草制度安排中存在的问题进行了分析,认为,西北地区退耕还林还草必须与改造长期占据主导地位的传统农牧业经营方式结合起来,才有可能取得预期的成效;中央政府除了对退耕还林还草进行直接的经济资助外,应为改造传统农牧业经营方式创造良好的外部环境。  相似文献   
根据固体力学化学理论 ,提出用化学动力学方法研究岩土破坏及滑坡形成的机理 ,并以成都龙泉紫色土为例研究了在力与水协同作用下易滑土层的力学化学行为。实验表明 ,土长期抗剪强度降低的幅度与溶液的pH值有关 ,土的溶解速度与易溶盐含量有关 ,且溶解曲线略呈“S”型。这初步证明了龙泉紫色土破坏的力学 化学效应及其可能存在的自催化趋势。通过实验了解了力与水协同作用导致土破坏的力学化学规律 ,并将定量求解滑面长期抗剪强度与反应机理研究结合起来 ,为定量评价地下水和应力对岩土破坏机理这一滑坡学关键问题打下基础。  相似文献   
This article does not focus on adaptation or mitigation policy directly but on an allied opportunity that exists for the Pacific Islands via the auspices of the Climate Convention, because the existing very costly energy systems used in the Pacific Island region are fossil-fuel dependent. It is argued here that efforts can be made towards the development of energy systems that are ecologically sustainable because Pacific Island nations are eligible to receive assistance to introduce renewable energy technology and pursue energy conservation via implementation mechanisms of the Climate Convention and, in particular, through transfer of technology and via joint implementation. It is contended that assistance in the form of finance, technology, and human resource development from developed countries and international organizations would provide sustainable benefits in improving the local Pacific Island environments. It is also emphasized that mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions is not the responsibility of the Pacific Islands as they contribute very little on a per capita global scale and a tiny proportion of total global greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   
国外减轻城市洪涝灾害新设施发展综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近二十多年国外在减轻城市洪涝灾害设施方面发展很快,建造了各种新型的抑制暴雨径流的设施,可分为流域雨水贮留设施和流域雨水渗透设施两大类,本文主要介绍目前国外已经建成和计划兴建的这些设施的型式、规划设计步骤、引起的问题和管理维护方法,以及在我国发展这些设施的必要和可能。  相似文献   
罗布泊野骆驼自然保护区的建设及生物多样性保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆罗布泊野骆驼自然保护区位于我国西部极旱荒漠带 ,以保护世界濒危物种———野双峰驼为主要对象 ,同时也保护当地特有的地貌、盐泉、丝绸之路遗迹及其他珍稀动植物物种 ,面积 7 8× 10 4km2 。该保护区在世界生物多样性保护中有重大作用。由于周边地区经济的发展 ,对该保护区的影响逐渐扩大 ,威胁到野生动植物的生存安全 ,急需加强宣传、建卡、检查、巡护等保护管理措施 ,同时需要提高周边贫困社区人民生活水平 ,强化管制非法采矿业  相似文献   
Yu RF 《Chemosphere》2004,56(10):973-980
In this study, a simple automatic pH-ORP titration device was developed for identifying the various ammonia concentrations and chlorine dose requirements for wastewater chlorination by identifying the peaks in the ORP-slope profiles and knees/valleys in the pH profiles. In addition, breakpoint chlorination experiments have shown that the ORP values at the monochloramine humps and breakpoints are linearly correlated with the ammonia concentrations. Therefore, a feed-forward control strategy, based on the chlorine/ammonia weight ratio (Cl/N), is proposed in this paper, to control the chlorine doses for a continuous wastewater chlorination experiment in a laboratory-scale reactor. The result of this continuous wastewater chlorination experiment has shown that the pH-ORP titration was able to precisely determine the variations of ammonia concentrations in the chlorination influent. Under this control strategy, effective and stable disinfection efficiencies in terms of total coliform count were obtained.  相似文献   
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