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王燕春  马鲁铭  刘燕 《化工环保》1999,19(4):200-203
应用相平衡理论对吸收液-SO2体系的相平衡关系进行了系统研究,确定了吸收相平衡的数学模型,并通过试验对数学模型进行了验证,结果表明,数学模型计算值与试验实测值基本吻合。  相似文献   
Fe2O3/膨润土微波诱导氧化处理染料废水   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以膨润土为载体,采用直接沉淀法制备了Fe2O3/膨润土负载型催化剂。制备催化剂的最佳工艺条件:硝酸铁质量浓度为8.08g/L,硝酸铁与膨润土质量比为1.0,焙烧温度为350℃,焙烧时间为3h。用Fe2O3/膨润土负载型催化剂微波诱导氧化处理50mL质量浓度为50mg/L的模拟活性嫩黄废水的最佳工艺条件:催化剂加入量为0.5g,微波功率为900W,微波作用时间为5min。在此条件下模拟活性嫩黄废水脱色率达96.40%。微波诱导氧化处理模拟活性嫩黄废水的反应符合一级反应动力学方程。  相似文献   
Bio-drying can enhance the sortability and heating value of municipal solid waste (MSW), consequently improving energy recovery. Bio-drying followed by size sorting was adopted for MSW with high water content to improve its combustibility and reduce potential environmental pollution during the follow-up incineration. The effects of bio-drying and waste particle size on heating values, acid gas and heavy metal emission potential were investigated. The results show that, the water content of MSW decreased from 73.0% to 48.3% after bio-drying, whereas its lower heating value (LHV) increased by 157%. The heavy metal concentrations increased by around 60% due to the loss of dry materials mainly resulting from biodegradation of food residues. The bio-dried waste fractions with particle size higher than 45 mm were mainly composed of plastics and papers, and were preferable for the production of refuse derived fuel (RDF) in view of higher LHV as well as lower heavy metal concentration and emission. However, due to the higher chlorine content and HCl emission potential, attention should be paid to acid gas and dioxin pollution control. Although LHVs of the waste fractions with size <45 mm increased by around 2× after bio-drying, they were still below the quality standards for RDF and much higher heavy metal pollution potential was observed. Different incineration strategies could be adopted for different particle size fractions of MSW, regarding to their combustibility and pollution property.  相似文献   
To simulate the substrate degradation kinetics of the composting process, this paper develops a mathematical model with a first-order reaction assumption and heat/mass balance equations. A pilot-scale composting test with a mixture of sewage sludge and wheat straw was conducted in an insulated reactor. The BVS (biodegradable volatile solids) degradation process, matrix mass, MC (moisture content), DM (dry matter) and VS (volatile solid) were simulated numerically by the model and experimental data. The numerical simulation offered a method for simulating k (the first-order rate constant) and estimating k20 (the first-order rate constant at 20 °C). After comparison with experimental values, the relative error of the simulation value of the mass of the compost at maturity was 0.22%, MC 2.9%, DM 4.9% and VS 5.2%, which mean that the simulation is a good fit. The k of sewage sludge was simulated, and k20, k20s (first-order rate coefficient of slow fraction of BVS at 20 °C) of the sewage sludge were estimated as 0.082 and 0.015 d?1, respectively.  相似文献   
持久性有机污染物(POPs)在全球范围内进行远距离传输过程中,土壤既是污染物的主要汇,又是空气中污染物的潜在来源.土气交换过程是POPs环境归宿的重要环节,该交换过程受POPs理化性质、近地面气象条件、土壤理化性质及植被覆盖等因素的影响.对近期报道的POPs土气交换过程影响因素研究进行了综述与展望,列出了研究中涉及的重要模型及公式.环境温度的变化既能改变目标物在气固相之间的分配行为,影响空气中污染物的干湿沉降和气态交换过程,也能够通过近地面温度场的梯度变化影响污染物在土气交换过程中的垂直紊流扩散.此外,近地面水平风速的变化也会影响目标物的在近地面空气中的垂直紊流扩散.土壤有机质含量及种类控制了土壤中POPs的吸附/解吸过程,土壤温度和湿度影响污染物的土气分配系数,土壤矿物组成也会影响污染物吸附和解吸过程.地面植被能够吸收和吸附空气中气态和颗粒态POPs,通过雨水淋刷和枯落物凋落转移到土壤中;植被覆盖可以减少土壤的温度变化,减少土壤中POPs的挥发.尽管近年已经取得丰硕的成果,但在土气交换过程多因素耦合影响量化评估、动态评估POPs在典型场地原位复杂环境下的土气交换通量、在区域尺度量化植被对城市中POPs土气交换的影响等方面有待开展深入研究工作.  相似文献   
Environment, Development and Sustainability - The resource and environmental carrying capacity (RECC) is an important foundation and support for a city or region, and determines the direction of...  相似文献   
对东滩植被带光量子通量密度的调查研究表明:互花米草带与海三棱藨草带光量子通量密度没有显著性差异,其值分别为1 570和1 556μmol/(m2·s)。光照对两物种的生长、繁殖等植物行为的影响只取决于其对光照的利用能力和效率;在互花米草和海三棱藨草混生带,到达互花米草和海三棱藨草的光量子通量密度之间存在显著差异(P0.05),互花米草对海三棱藨草的遮荫效应达63%,表明互花米草对海三棱藨草具有强的遮荫作用。光照不足严重影响海三棱藨草的生长,在混生带,海三棱藨草生长速率降低,种群密度和生物量减少,植株高度增加。因此,互花米草对海三棱藨草的遮荫作用,抑制了海三棱藨草在中潮滩的更新过程,因而也是造成海三棱藨草生境丧失的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
Jiao  Youzhou  Xue  Huizan  He  Chao  Wang  Zigang  Ma  Xiaoran  Liu  Xinxin  Liu  Liang  Chang  Chun  Petracchini  Francesco  Li  Panpan 《Environment, Development and Sustainability》2022,24(4):4709-4726
Environment, Development and Sustainability - Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an attractive straw resource treatment technology as it can improve the utilization efficiency of straw resource. Raw straw...  相似文献   
Surface sediment samples at 4 sites along an offshore transect from outer continental shelf off the Pearl River estuary to the shelf slope region of the northern South China Sea, have been analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), solvent extractable organic matter (EOM) and non-aromatic hydrocarbons. TOC, TN and EOM show distinct spatial variations. Their highest values are all recorded at the shelf slope region. EOM varies from 18.70-38.58 microgg(-1) dry sediment and accounts for 0.20-0.72% of the TOC contents. The non-aromatic hydrocarbons are an important fraction of EOM. Their contents range from 3.43-7.06 microgg(-1) dry sediment. n-Alkanes with carbon number ranging from 15-38 are identified. They derive from both biogenic and petrogenic sources in different proportions. Results of isoprenoid hydrocarbons, hopanes and steranes also suggest possible petroleum contamination.  相似文献   
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