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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Feedback between hydrologic variations and chemical weathering is thought to play a crucial role in modulating global carbon cycling. The mechanisms...  相似文献   
采用自制的TiO2膜和平板式固定床型光催化氧化反应装置,对甲基橙、茜素红和罗丹明B 3种含有不同生色基团的染料化合物进行了TiO2光催化氧化降解研究,通过对照测定降解过程中吸光度、电导率、pH的变化,分析了在加入和不加入H2O22种情况下降解过程的异同,比较了3种染料化合物脱色的难易程度,揭示了降解产物中无机离子的变化规律及某些可能的产物类型.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Groundwater pollution seriously threatens water resource safety due to high-intensity land use throughout the world. However, the relationship between...  相似文献   
以pH和ORP作为脉冲SBR工艺的实时控制参数   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了实现脉冲SBR深度脱氮的实时控制,以某污水处理厂市政污水为处理对象,考察了脉冲SBR在深度脱氮过程中pH及ORP的变化规律。试验结果表明,pH及ORP的变化规律与脉冲SBR有机物去除、硝化与反硝化过程存在较好的相关关系。可以根据pH和ORP变化曲线上的特征点对脉冲SBR进行实时控制。并考察了污水C/N(COD/NH4^+-N)对pH及ORP的变化规律的影响。在硝化过程中,C/N对pH及ORP曲线变化点的出现没有影响;在反硝化过程中,应结合pH值“硝酸盐峰”和ORP“硝酸盐膝”来判断低C/N污水反硝化的终点。在该试验中,出水TN低于2mg/L,TN去除率可达到96%以上。  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) caused by household air pollution (HAP) have sparked widespread concern globally in the recent decade. Meanwhile,...  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The influence of the combined application of chemical fertilizer with green manure on the stabilization of organic carbon (C) was explored in the...  相似文献   
4-氨基安替比林(简称4-AAP)萃取光度法测酚是灵敏度很高的标准分析方法。该方法要求使用无酚水。本文经过实验分析提出以蒸馏水代替无酚水测定地面水中挥发酚,结果表明,本方法检出限为0.017mg/l,具有较高的精密度和准确度。本法省略了制备无酚水的程序,从而使实验分析得到简化。  相似文献   
Environment, Development and Sustainability - In order to reveal the distribution and migration law of downwind and upwind coal cutting, total dust (TD) and respirable dust (RD) concentration...  相似文献   

The present study aimed to improve the performance of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) by using an intermittent connection period without power output. Connecting two MFCs in parallel improved the voltage output of both MFCs until the voltage stabilized. Electric energy was accumulated in two MFCs containing heavy metal ions copper, zinc, and cadmium as electron acceptors by connection in parallel for several hours. The system was then switched to discharge mode with single MFCs with a 1000-Ω resistor connected between anode and cathode. This method successfully achieved highly efficient removal of heavy metal ions. Even when the anolyte was run in sequencing batch mode, the insufficient voltage and power needed to recover heavy metals from the cathode of MFCs can be complemented by the developed method. The average removal ratio of heavy metal ions in sequencing batch mode was 67 % after 10 h. When the discharge time was 20 h, the removal ratios of zinc, copper, and cadmium were 91.5, 86.7, and 83.57 %, respectively; the average removal ratio of these ions after 20 h was only 52.1 % for the control group. Therefore, the average removal efficiency of heavy metal ions increased by 1.75 times using the electrons stored from the bacteria under the open-circuit conditions in parallel mode. Electrochemical impedance data showed that the anode had lower solution resistance and polarization resistance in the parallel stage than as a single MFC, and capacitance increased with the length of time in parallel.

在流化床反应器中,以含铜废水为处理对象,重点考察了诱导条件改变对结晶系统运行效率及结晶产物形貌特征的影响。结果表明,进水200 mg/L,进药比([Cu2+]/[CO32-])1:1.2,pH为10.2的条件下,铜离子去除率可接近100%,诱导晶种表面平滑,诱导颗粒生长成致密杆状晶体结构,以碳酸盐为沉淀剂的诱导结晶系统依赖于体系的pH,高pH体系下发生的共结晶现象是影响系统运行的主要原因;随着进药摩尔比的增加,结晶产物由短杆状向球状转化,晶体机械强度显著降低大量破碎,影响出水水质;进药比1:1.2,pH为11的条件下,含铜废水浓度为500 mg/L时,系统去除率可达95%以上,微晶产率低于5%。  相似文献   
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