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Transfer of maternal hormones to the eggs is a major source of offspring phenotypic variation. The developmental and organizational effects of egg hormones can extend into adulthood and affect behavioral and morphological traits involved in sexual and reproductive behavior, with important consequences for offspring fitness. In this study, we injected testosterone (T) in egg albumen of captive ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) eggs. We then assessed the consequences for chick growth, cell-mediated immunity, and multiple male secondary sexual traits at maturity by comparison with a control group. We also compared the covariation between traits in the two experimental groups. We found that control males had redder wattles than males from T-injected eggs, suggesting that attractiveness and reproductive success of the offspring might vary depending on maternal transfer of T to the eggs. T treatment also modified the covariation between cell-mediated immunity and wattle coloration and between the area of the wattle and the expression of another secondary sexual trait, the ear tufts. These effects are likely to translate into fitness differences among the offspring if mate acquisition depends on the simultaneous expression of several traits that are differentially affected by the same maternal contribution. Maternal effects mediated by egg hormones might affect the fitness of the offspring not only by directional modification of phenotypic traits, but also by facilitating or inhibiting their covariation. This suggests the possibility that female choice based on the relative expression of multiple secondary sexual traits exerts a pressure on how maternal transfer of androgens contributes to developmental programs.  相似文献   
One year old needles of both healthy and damaged silver fir and Norway spruce from the area of Trento (Northern Italy) were observed by SEM. Needles of damaged trees show quite evident structural alterations of epidermis, expecially epicuticular waxes. Roots and needles of both fir and spruce are also tested for their metal content. Evidence is reported of an increasing concentration of Fe, Mg and Ca in roots of plants grown on alkali soil. Ca, and to a lesser extent Fe, Al and Pb, appears to be more present in old needles, whereas K and Mg exhibit higher amounts in young needles. Some indications are found between damage and the content of some metals such as Mg and Mn in needles.  相似文献   
Agrodiversity – the diversity of cropping systems, crop species and farm management practices has received increasing attention in recent years as a way of spreading risk and supporting food security in resource-poor farming systems. This paper discusses the dynamic aspects of indigenous soil and water conservation (ISWC) practices in a semi-arid part of Kenya. The objective is to show the range of sources of variability and diversity that prevail in this environment, the responses of farmers to this variability, and the way farmers' rationalise the heterogeneity of soil and water management practices. Methods used included participatory surveys and evaluations, on-farm monitoring, soil and rainfall data analyses, and questionnaire surveys. Sources of variability affecting cropping systems and land management practices included rainfall, soil fertility, farmer resource level and farm productivity. A decision-tree was developed to examine how biophysical and socio-economic variability affected farmers' choice of ISWC. Different ISWC structures dominated on sandy and stony soils, respectively. Low resource farmers tended to choose cheaper and less labour demanding techniques, and constructed smaller ISWC structures than better endowed farmers. The largest diversity of ISWC practices was found on newly-opened land with mixed soils. Moreover, on-farm productivity levels indicated that costly investments in SWC are unfeasible, as this would further increase the risk for negative returns to farming. The wider implications of the results are that SWC interventions in marginal areas should build on the existing agrodiversity and an understanding of the complex interactions between environmental and socio-economic factors that give rise to differences in farming systems and land management practices.  相似文献   
A health hazard, specifically the leukaemia risk, is evaluatedfrom different sources of benzene exposure with relation to apopulation living in an urban area of Italy. The population exposure is calculated for a reference year by sexand lyfestyle, with respect to smokers and non smokers. Potentialhealth risk is therefore quantified by means of mathematicalmodels and the relative significance of the different sources is described. The results of the analysis are useful for the identification ofappropriate risk reduction strategies to minimize exposure, inparticular when resulting from lifestyle and personal activities.  相似文献   
Humans show intra- and intersexual variation in second (2D) relative to fourth (4D) finger length, men having smaller 2D:4D ratio, possibly because of differential exposure to sex hormones during fetal life. The relations between 2D:4D and phenotypic traits including fitness components reported by several studies may originate from the organizational effects that sex hormones have on diverse organs and their concomitant effect on 2D:4D. Evolutionary theory posits that sexual preferences are adaptations whereby choosy individuals obtain direct or genetic indirect benefits by choosing a particular mate. Since sex hormones influence both fitness and 2D:4D, hand sexual attractiveness should depend on 2D:4D, a hypothesis tested only in one correlational study so far. We first presented hand computer images to undergraduates and found that opposite-sex hands with long 2D and 4D were considered more sexually attractive. When we experimentally manipulated hand images by increasing or decreasing 2D and/or 4D length, women preferred opposite-sex hands that had been masculinized by elongating 4D, whereas men avoided masculinized opposite-sex right hands with shortened 2D. Hence, consensus exists about which hands are attractive among different opposite-sex judges. Finger length may signal desirable sex hormone-dependent traits or genetic quality of potential mates. Psychological mechanisms mediating hand attractiveness judgments may thus reflect adaptations functioning to provide direct or indirect benefits to choosy individuals. Because the genetic mechanisms that link digit development to sex hormones may be mediated by Hox genes which are conserved in vertebrates, present results have broad implications for sexual selection studies also in nonhuman taxa.  相似文献   
Reproduction is a demanding activity, since organisms must produce and, in some cases, protect and provision their progeny. Hence, a central tenet of life-history theory predicts that parents have to trade parental care against body maintenance. One physiological cost thought to be particularly important as a modulator of such trade-offs is oxidative stress. However, evidence in favour of the hypothesis of an oxidative cost of reproduction is contradictory. In this study, we manipulated the brood size of wild barn swallows Hirundo rustica soon after hatching of their nestlings to test whether an increase in nestling rearing effort translates into an increased oxidative damage and a decreased antioxidant protection at the end of the nestling rearing period. We found that, while plasma oxidative damage was unaffected by brood size enlargement, females rearing enlarged broods showed a decrease in plasma non-enzymatic antioxidants during the nestling rearing period. This was not the case among females rearing reduced broods and among males assigned to either treatment. Moreover, individuals with higher plasma oxidative damage soon after the brood size manipulation had lower plasma non-enzymatic antioxidants at the end of the nestling rearing period, suggesting that non-enzymatic antioxidants were depleted to buffer the negative effects of high oxidative damage. Our findings point to antioxidant depletion as a potential mechanism mediating the cost of reproduction among female birds.  相似文献   
Plants evolve the production of wound-activated compounds (WACs) to reduce grazing pressure. In addition, several plant-produced WACs are recognized by various invertebrates, playing the role of infochemicals. Due to co-evolutionary processes, some invertebrates recognize plant infochemicals and use them to identify possible prey, detect the presence of predators or identify algae containing various classes of toxic metabolites. Different metabolites present in the same algae can play the role of toxins, infochemicals or both simultaneously. We investigated the infochemical activity of compounds extracted from three diatoms epiphytes of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica, by conducting choice experiments on invertebrates living in the same community or in close proximity. Furthermore, the specific toxicity of the extracts obtained from the same algae was tested on sea urchin embryos using a standard bioassay procedure, to detect the presence of toxins. The comparison of the two effects demonstrated that invertebrates are subjected to diatom wound-activated toxicants when these algae are not associated with their own habitat, but they are able to recognize volatile infochemicals derived from diatoms associated with their habitats. The specific toxicity of WACs was shown to be inversely correlated to the perceptive ability of invertebrates towards volatile compounds liberated by the same algae. Hence, when the recognition of specific algae by a given invertebrate species evolves, their detrimental effects on the receiving organism may be lost.  相似文献   
Maternal effects through albumen quality are largely unexplored, despite the fundamental role that albumen exerts as source of proteins and water, as well as for antimicrobial defence of the embryo. We analysed the variation of two major albumen antimicrobials, avidin and lysozyme, by extracting samples from freshly laid eggs of the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) and by correlating their levels to egg features. Lysozyme concentration increased along the laying sequence, while avidin concentration decreased. Both antimicrobials declined during the season. In addition, avidin concentration declined from first- to last-laid male eggs, whereas the opposite was true among the female eggs. We also analysed chick body mass and size and immune response, in relation to albumen antimicrobial levels in their original egg while controlling for potential covariation between egg quality and rearing conditions by cross-fostering eggs between nests. Tarsus length decreased with avidin concentration, particularly early in the season. Avidin concentration negatively predicted tarsus length of chicks and the phytohaemagglutinin response of females, but not males. However, chick phenotype did not covary with lysozyme albumen concentration. This is the first study where maternal effects mediated by albumen antimicrobials are investigated in relation to both sex and egg features in any wild bird species. Whether the observed patterns of variation in antimicrobial concentration are the by-product of maternal physiological constraints, or reflect adaptive allocation strategies, cannot be ascertained. The covariation between chick cell-mediated immunity and albumen avidin concentration might be causal, according to the documented effects of albumen proteins on immunity in other species.  相似文献   
Parental decisions can determine offspring experience of environmental conditions. Such ‘maternal’ effects act both before and after hatching via, e.g., egg quality or the social milieu predisposed by parents. Resource availability may constrain the expression of adaptive maternal effects, and the specific pattern of allocation of these effects among offspring depending on their sex or birth order can result in different fitness payoffs to parents. Declining egg mass with laying order observed in several bird species may constitute an adaptive strategy of parental favouritism towards early hatching offspring with larger reproductive value but may also result from nutritional constraints on laying effort. A previous study has shown that the small size of the third, last laid (c-)egg in yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) clutches depends on food availability and that food-supplemented mothers increase the size of their female but not male c-eggs. Here, we show that increased mass of c-eggs laid by females supplemented with food after clutch initiation depends on increased albumen mass, which, in turn, enhances the size of daughters at hatching. Because asynchronous hatching results in a competitive disadvantage of c-chicks, present results suggest that mothers relieved from nutritional constraints enhance the size of daughters to compensate for their larger susceptibility to hatching last. The study also confirms the role of egg albumen content in determining hatchling size, previously experimentally detected only in one species in the wild. The effect of increased egg mass on offspring size persisted at least until day 8 after hatching, when, however, it did not vary with sex, suggesting intense negative selection on small female c-chicks in control broods. Hence, maternal effects mediated by egg albumen content had persistent effects on offspring size.  相似文献   
Energy charge (EC) ratios of microplankton samples have been measured from their adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) contents, according to a method based on enzymatic tranformations of ADP and AMP into ATP, and the subsequent quantitative analysis of the latter by the bioluminescent reaction of a firefly lantern extract (Photinus pyralis). Interference caused by other non-adenylic nucleotides and bioluminescence inhibition by various compounds were reduced, or estimated, by the use of internal standards for each sample. This was accomplished both by the injection of a small volume of a non-commercial extract of P. pyralis and by measurement of the bioluminescent flash at its maximal value. This standard method for preparation and analysis afforded good reproducibility and permitted the calibration of individual samples, thus allowing the comparison and treatment of data in the large series necessary in oceanographic studies. Studies were made on natural populations taken from a polluted marine area where phytoplankton communities live under the stressful influence of an urban sewer outlet, near Marseille (France). Three sampling strategies in surface waters (transects from the outlet, sampling during a 24-h buoydrift, and regular sampling for a day-night period) conducted at a point in front of the outlet revealed a decrease of EC in relation to urban activity or approaching proximity of the sewer outlet. These low EC values (0.2 to 0.5) were caused by a high AMP content, perhaps originating from degraded biogenic particles and dead or metabolically impeded bacteria of terrestrial orgin stressed by ecologic factors such as increased salinity and decreased temperature. Further away from the sewage outlet, the EC increased as the bacterial population decreased, and the phytoplanktonic communities reappeared parallel to the dilution of the effluent. Although in mature and unperturbed ecosystems EC values of 0.70 to 0.80 were recorded, the values were generally lower than those measured in growing bacterial or phytoplankton cultures. This fact may be related to differences in the various metabolic states of multispecific populations. Some EC measurements from deeper microplankton samples presented in this paper were difficult to interpret, reflecting perhaps unsolved problems concerning the treatment of samples. However, it was possible to associate the range of variation in EC values to differences in composition and structure of the ecosystem of microplankton populations in neritic surface waters.  相似文献   
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