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Residents’ sense of community is an important prerequisite to promote the development of community.Tourism has significant influence on residents’ sense of community.An empirical study from Changdao shows that economy and life conflict caused by tourism can affect neighborhood-friendly and community participation significantly.Culture,environment and social services from tourism can significantly affect community association,community care and place recognition.Therefore,the regional managers should pay attention to allocate revenues in the residents fairly and protect own culture to avoid the negative impact from tourism.  相似文献   
利用山东省统计年鉴数据和联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)公布的碳排放计算公式和碳排放系数,对山东省2001-2010年的能源消费和碳排放情况进行分析。结果表明:山东省一次能源消费由2001年的11 649.88万t标准煤增长到2010年36 357.25万t标准煤,年均增长12.05%;碳排放量由2001年12 308.17万t增长到2010年30 881.45万t,年均增长9.64%,由煤炭引起的碳排放量占73.09%;碳排放强度呈下降趋势,由2001年的1.21 t/万元下降到2010年0.78 t/万元,年均下降4.23%。针对山东省能源消费与碳排放现状,提出了相关建议。应大力发展低碳经济,改变高耗能的发展方式,积极促进山东省产业结构调整和升级,实现经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   
There are few papers in the literature focusing on the issue of the optimal depletion of exhaustible resources in the framework of variable time preference. This paper attempts to analyze the pure consumption of exhaustible resource under hyperbolic time preference, and to discuss the optimal depletion rate and the effect of the protection of the exhaustible resource under different commitment abilities. The results of model show that the case of the hyperbolic discount with the full commitment of the government is equivalent to the case of constant discount of the social planner problem. In that case, the optimal depletion rate and the initial consumption of exhaustible resource are the slowest. On the contrary, they are the highest and the myopic behaviors lead to excessive consumption of exhaustible resources inevitably without commitment. Otherwise, in the case of partial commitment, the results are between the cases of full commitment and of no commitment. Therefore, with the hyperbolic time preference, the optimal depletion rate of resource depends on the commitment ability. Higher commitment ability leads to lower effective rate of time preference, and consequently, lower depletion rate and lower initial depletion value. The improvement of commitment ability can decrease the impatience and myopia behaviors, and contribute to the protection of the exhaustible resources.  相似文献   
在借鉴耦合理论中容量耦合概念及框架的基础上,构建经济发展与居民生活的耦合指标体系,引入耦合度函数与耦合协调度函数,分别对2003~2010年长三角16个地级市单元经济发展与居民生活两个子系统的耦合协调关系进行研究。结果表明:(1)从耦合协调程度上看,长三角地区各个城市在2003~2010年这8 a中都保持相对稳定,但上海市最高,为类型Ⅱ,其次为苏州和杭州,为类型Ⅲ,苏南地区和浙江舟山、湖州最低,为类型Ⅴ;〖JP2〗(2)从经济发展和居民生活质量提升的先后顺序上看,长三角地区主要体现为类型B和类型C,反映出各个城市所重视的方向不同,如杭州市为类型B,更加注重居民生活质量的提高,苏州市为类型C,注重经济和居民生活质量同步发展  相似文献   
长江是我国重要的黄金水道,其岸线资源有着丰富的开发利用价值。近年来,苏中地区长江岸线资源利用发展迅速。因此,选取苏中扬州、泰州、南通3市为研究对象,基于2002年和2008年的长江岸线利用状况数据,对比分析了3市岸线发展变化的规律。研究表明:2002年以来,苏中3市的岸线利用率大幅提高;新增岸线中工业岸线占比最大,港口岸线和生活服务岸线次之;工业岸线和生活服务岸线的增幅最为显著;各类型岸线的增加主要来源于未利用岸线,已有岸线类型的转换主要流向工业岸线和未利用岸线。港口建设需求、沿江基础工业化进程加快、港产城融合发展、规划和政策引导等是岸线利用变化的重要驱动力。  相似文献   
利用2012年在仁寿县采集的555个表层土样(0~20cm),应用地统计学方法分析了该县域尺度表层土壤pH值的空间变异特征;并采用方差分析和回归分析量化主要影响因素对土壤pH值空间变异的影响程度。结果表明:研究区土壤pH值在4.02~8.14之间,平均为6.80,总体上以中性和碱性土壤为主;变异系数为14.48%,属中等程度的空间变异性。地统计分析表明,研究区土壤pH值变异函数的最佳理论模型为球状模型,具有中等程度的空间自相关性,且空间自相关范围较大。方差分析和回归分析表明,土壤类型、成土母质和土地利用方式是显著影响土壤pH值的主要因素。其中,成土母质和土地利用方式分别能独立解释76.2%和4.8%的土壤pH值空间变异。土壤类型的解释能力与分类级别有关,土类、亚类和土属可分别独立解释41.3%、57.3%和83.7%的土壤pH值空间变异,因而能反映成土过程和母质特性的土属是研究区土壤pH值空间变异的主控因素。研究结果可为川中丘陵县域尺度土壤pH空间变异分析及区域生态环境管理与建设提供有益参考。  相似文献   
从规划内容与目标、规划方法及方案实施和评估3方面对太湖近20年水污染物控制历程进行综合分析,认为太湖水污染物控制正处面源污染、生活污染及新型污染问题凸显且更难处理,更为广泛的利益相关者和科研队伍积极参与的转型期.这种变化将导致污染治理面临更难应付的动态性和复杂性,使得当前以环境容量为总量为指导通过自上而下分配排污量和削减量的控制方案面临极大挑战.结合太湖水污染现状,通过与现行治理方法在管理假设、适合对象、协调管理手段、管理目标、规划方法、公众参与程度以及规划的优劣势等方面的比较发现,适应性管理可以积极有效应对由于环境趋势和管理协调对象变化所带来的系统不确定性和复杂性,将是一个积极有效的补充方法.同时,本文基于适应性管理提出了太湖水环境污染物排放控制体系的构建框架,突出适应性管理平台、科学研究及公众与基层单位参与在污染物控制中的重要作用.  相似文献   
本文对1998-2008年湖北省武汉城市圈和鄂西生态文化旅游圈的生物资源生态足迹及其组成、人均生物资源生态足迹、生物资源生态承载量和生物资源生态赤字(盈余)进行了动态分析.研究表明,武汉城市圈生物资源生态足迹组成以耕地为主,其他生态生产性用地的足迹比例较小,各市州生物资源生态足迹整体呈现逐年增加的趋势,人均生物资源生态足迹小于省均值,生物资源生态承载量先升高后降低,各市州生物资源生态承载量由大到小排序为:黄冈、孝感、武汉、咸宁、天门、黄石、仙桃、鄂州、潜江,生态赤字呈增大趋势;鄂西生态圈除神农架外其他各市州的生物资源生态足迹均较大,林地足迹占主要地位,其总量对全省的贡献较大;人均生物资源生态足迹大于省均值,生物资源生态承载量呈增高趋势,各市州由大到小排序为:宜昌、十堰、襄樊、荆州、恩施、随州、荆门、神农架,该圈一直保持很高的生物资源生态盈余,但盈余值有减小的趋势.  相似文献   
人口分布的空间演变是人口发展过程中在时间和空间上的表现形式,人口的集聚与扩散是诠释区域人口空间分布格局与形态的重要方面.对其研究有助于揭示人口分布现状的本质、理解区域空间结构特征及演变趋势.本研究运用局部空间自相关方法,并结合GIS技术,以县域为基本单元,人口密度为衡量指标,对西藏"一江两河"地区1990-2008年间人口分布空间格局的演变进行了分析.分析结果表明,"一江两河"地区各县市(区)人口总量和密度均有明显增长,人口分布总体上呈现出不断集中的态势.局部自相关分析揭示"一江两河"地区开始显现以拉萨市和日喀则市为中心的两个显著的人口高密度区,显示出该区域人口分布的多中心空间结构特征.对以拉萨市、日喀则市和乃东县为中心的区域密度函数进行拟合.多中心区域密度函数的估计结果显示,"一江两河"地区空间发展正逐步由20世纪90年代单中心(拉萨市城关区)阶段,向目前的多中心向心集聚阶段转变,除拉萨市城关区外,日喀则市和乃东县集聚能力开始显现.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic impacts on suspended sediment load in the Upper Yangtze river   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change and human disturbance drive catchment erosion and increase riverine sediment load sensitively in small and medium-sized watersheds. This is not always true in large basins, where aggregation and buffering effects have dampen the ability to determine the driving forces of sedimentation. Even though there are significant responses to sedimentation in large river basins, it is difficult to get a precise quantitative assessment of specific drivers. This paper develops a methodology to identify driving forces that change suspended sediment load in the Upper Yangtze river. Annual runoff and sediment load data from 1954 to 2005 at the Yichang gauging station in the Upper Yangtze basin, daily precipitation data from 60 meteorological stations, and survey data on reservoir sediment were collected for the study. Sediment load/rainfall erosivity (S/R), is a new proxy indicator introduced to reflect human activities. Since the mid-1980s, S/R in the Upper Yangtze has dramatically declined from 0.21 to 0.03 (×1010 t ha h MJ−1 mm−1), indicating that human activity has played a key role in the decline of the suspended sediment load. Before the mid-1980s, a higher average S/R is attributed to large-scale deforestation and land reclamation. A significant sediment decrease occurred from 1959 to 1961 during an extreme drought condition, and an increase in sedimentation in 1998 coincided with an extreme flood event, which was well recorded in the S/R curve. This indicates that the S/R proxy is able to distinguish anthropogenic from climate impacts on suspended sediment load, but is not necessarily indicatory in extreme climate events. In addition, typical drivers of riverine sediment load variation including soil conservation projects, reservoirs construction, and land use/cover change are discussed.  相似文献   
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