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李怡帆  孙剑辉  孙胜鹏 《环境化学》2017,36(11):2319-2324
研究了Mn2+协同Fe3+-EDTA络合体催化类Fenton反应,在中性pH条件下对水中新兴污染物卡马西平的降解情况.考察了Mn2+∶Fe3+、EDTA∶Fe3+和H2O2∶Fe3+的物质的量比率、Fe3+浓度和初始pH等关键因素对卡马西平降解效果的影响.结果表明,共存Mn2+能够显著增强Fe3+-EDTA络合体催化类Fenton反应体系的氧化能力.在0.1 mmol·L-1Fe3+、EDTA∶Fe3+为2∶1、Mn2+∶Fe3+为1∶1、H2O2∶Fe3+为150∶1和pH 7.0的条件下,经过20 min反应时间,卡马西平的降解率能够达到100%,表观降解速率常数达到0.6374 min-1.其增效机理是通过Mn2+-EDTA与H2O2反应促进O2·-的产生,进而加速还原Fe3+-EDTA至Fe2+-EDTA,间接提高HO·的产生速率.研究结果能够为水中卡马西平的有效去除提供参考.  相似文献   
改革开放30多年来,中国的食品工业有突飞猛进的发展,食品企业的生产能力大幅提升,但中国食品工业仍然存在着诸如食品质量体系不健全、食品安全隐患大等问题.分析了我国食品工业可持续发展生产的背景,然后就河南、四川、青海三省的食品企业可持续发展生产状况做了问卷分析.根据问卷分析结果,从政府层面、企业层面、社会层面提出促进我国食品工业可持续发展的建议.  相似文献   
将废粘土砖加工成粗细骨料,用于配制全废砖再生轻骨料混凝土.检测结果表明:所用废砖粗细骨料属轻骨料范畴,但其吸水率较大,且细骨料级配不良.试验表明:本试验配合比体系中,净水灰比为0.42,体积砂率为50%时最佳;以全废砖配制的再生砖轻骨料混凝土的强度发展规律与普通轻骨料混凝土类似,均有随水泥用量提高而强度提高的趋势,但随着所配制的混凝土强度等级的提高,再生轻骨料混凝土的强度提高趋势下降.以全废砖为骨料适合配制强度等级LC30及以下的再生轻骨料混凝土.  相似文献   
Mineral processing operation is a critical step in any recycling process to realize liberation, separation and concentration of the target parts. Developing effective recycling methods to recover all the valuable parts from spent lithium-ion batteries is in great necessity. The aim of this study is to carefully undertake chemical and process mineralogical characterizations of spent lithium-ion batteries by coupling several analytical techniques to provide basic information for the researches on effective mechanical crushing and separation methods in recycling process. The results show that the grade of Co, Cu and Al is fairly high in spent lithium ion batteries and up to 17.62 wt.%, 7.17 wt.% and 21.60 wt.%. Spent lithium-ion batteries have good selective crushing property, the crushed products could be divided into three parts, they are Al-enriched fraction (+2 mm), Cu and Al-enriched fraction (?2 + 0.25 mm) and Co and graphite-enriched fraction (?0.25 mm). The mineral phase and chemical state analysis reveal the electrode materials recovered from ?0.25 mm size fraction keep the original crystal forms and chemical states in lithium-ion batteries, but the surface of the powders has been coated by a certain kind of hydrocarbon. Based on these results a flowsheet to recycle spent LiBs is proposed.  相似文献   
Pyrolysis has been examined as an attractive alternative to incineration for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal that allows energy and resource recovery; however, it has seldom been applied independently with the output of pyrolysis products as end products. This review addresses the state-of-the-art of MSW pyrolysis in regards to its technologies and reactors, products and environmental impacts. In this review, first, the influence of important operating parameters such as final temperature, heating rate (HR) and residence time in the reaction zone on the pyrolysis behaviours and products is reviewed; then the pyrolysis technologies and reactors adopted in literatures and scale-up plants are evaluated. Third, the yields and main properties of the pyrolytic products from individual MSW components, refuse-derived fuel (RDF) made from MSW, and MSW are summarised. In the fourth section, in addition to emissions from pyrolysis processes, such as HCl, SO2 and NH3, contaminants in the products, including PCDD/F and heavy metals, are also reviewed, and available measures for improving the environmental impacts of pyrolysis are surveyed. It can be concluded that the single pyrolysis process is an effective waste-to-energy convertor but is not a guaranteed clean solution for MSW disposal. Based on this information, the prospects of applying pyrolysis technologies to dealing with MSW are evaluated and suggested.  相似文献   
With the rapid economic development in China, the amount of plastic waste (PW) generated has greatly increased and much of the waste is currently not treated. To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from recycling of PW, we estimated the PW flow and considered methods to improve the household PW recycling system in Tianjin by adjusting processes during transportation and establishing a PW recycling factory in Zi’ya Industrial Park. The goal of the study was to identify reasonable improvements for the recycling system and clarify the environmental load. Geographic information system (GIS) technology was used to simulate transport processes for comparing GHG emissions from the transport processes between the present case and an improved case. Life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to compare GHG emissions between a projected scenario and a baseline scenario. Estimated GHG emissions during transport processes in the improved case were reduced by about 12,197 t CO2 eq per year compared to the present case, equivalent to about 65.9 % of the total emissions in the present case. GHG emissions in the projected scenario were about 101,738 t CO2 eq less per year than the baseline scenario, equivalent to about 75.5 % of the total emissions in the baseline scenario.  相似文献   
分析了石灰石—石膏湿法脱硫系统中烟气系统、吸收塔系统、石灰石系统、石膏脱水系统、废水处理系统等在运行中存在问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
利用刷涂法制备了Ti/SnO2-RuO2电极,并通过SEM、XRD等测试手段对其进行形貌及结构表征。利用该电极为阳极处理黑索金(RDX)废水,考察了电解质种类、电解质质量浓度、废水pH、电流密度以及电解时间等对RDX电催化氧化效果的影响。实验结果表明,当处理100 mL质量浓度为50 mg/L的RDX废水时,以Na2SO4为电解质、Na2SO4质量浓度为5.0 g/L、废水pH为7、电流密度为15 mA/cm2、电解时间为300 min的条件下,RDX去除率达到82.55%,COD去除率达到55.41%。  相似文献   
以绿色经济和循环经济的重大需求为背景,系统阐述了废钢加工装备的现状与发展,详细介绍了废钢加工装备的种类与用途,分析并总结了废钢加工装备的应用现状,指出了废钢加工装备以及废钢加工行业的发展方向。  相似文献   
PTA废液回收利用技术   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
介绍了从精对苯二甲酸(PTA)废液中回收醋酸,邻、对苯二甲酸,醋酸钴锰盐的回收工艺。醋酸得率为90%,邻、对苯二甲酸得率为70%,醋酸钴锰盐得率为95%。该技术成熟、合理,具有较好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   
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