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Objective: Driving anger is a common emotion while driving and has been associated with traffic crashes. This study aimed to investigate situations that increase driving anger among Chinese drivers.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 3,101 drivers in southern China. The translated version of the 33-item Driving Anger Scale (DAS) was used to measure driving anger. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews between June 2016 and September 2016.

Results: Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the fit of the original 6-factor model (discourtesy, traffic obstacles, hostile gestures, slow driving, illegal driving, and police presence) was satisfactory, after removing 2 items and allowing 5 error pairs to covary. The model showed satisfactory fit: goodness of fit index (GFI) = 0.90, incremental fit index (IFI) = 0.90, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.06, 90% confidence interval (CI) = 0.061–0.064. Driving anger among Chinese drivers was lower than that in some Western countries. Compared to older and experienced drivers, younger and new drivers were more likely to report driving anger. There was no difference in total reported driving anger between males and females. Additionally, the higher the driver’s anger level was, the more likely he or she was to have had a traffic crash.

Conclusion: Driving anger is a common emotion among Chinese drivers and has a strong correlation with aggressive driving behavior and traffic crashes.  相似文献   

彭俊豪  施式亮  刘勇  王阳  曹建 《安全》2019,40(8):28-31
为了准确探究城乡接合部居民楼火灾事故致因机理,预防与控制城乡接合部日常生产与生活过程中引发火灾事故的有效途径,建立信息面更全、实际性更强的火灾风险评估模型是目前行之有效的手段。基于湖南省某地发生火灾事故的实际情况,根据事故树分析法,以城乡接合部居民楼火灾事故为顶事件构建事故树,计算得到事故树的最小割集、最小径集和结构重要度,研究城乡接合部居民楼火灾事故的发生模式、致因因素及影响程度,为改善城乡接合部居民楼火灾安全提供重要的理论依据,并提出相应的防控措施及对策。  相似文献   
选择我国不同地域6条铁路,现场调查铁路取土、弃土(渣)场的使用及恢复情况,从取弃土场的占地面积及类型、取土量、弃土量等方面分析了其利用现状,并对植被恢复效果和难易程度进行了讨论。调查表明:北方平原区、荒漠区铁路的取土量较多,南部丘陵区的弃土(渣)场及弃渣量较多。从恢复效率和程度看,南部地区植被恢复相对容易且在1年内可以恢复到较好程度,但植被恢复不到位,较易发生水土流失等次生灾害;东北、华北地区植被恢复2年左右可以恢复至良好程度;西北地区植被恢复需求较小;对于部分高原地区,海拔越低、降雨越多,恢复越好,但部分地区降雨量是生态恢复的首要制约因子,保水措施是这类地区生态恢复的重点。  相似文献   
说明目前乡镇工业企业中职业安全卫生问题十分突出。据调查,厂矿工伤事故发生率为8.23%,每千名职工的工伤发生率为2.66人,每十万名职工的工伤死亡率为7.02人。通过对事故的原因进行分析,提出了加强监督管理的建议。  相似文献   
基于长三角典型城市大气VOCs排放清单识别的8个VOCs主要排放行业,选择11家代表性企业,实测研究了VOCs治理装置、排放现状、排放组成特征,并计算相关行业排放的臭氧生成潜势.结果表明,不同净化技术对非甲烷总烃(NMHC)的去除效率差异大,存在净化后浓度增加的现象,目前的环保装置对废气的处理有待优化.本次采样的大部分企业存在NMHC、苯、甲苯、二甲苯超标现象,其中甲苯的超标情况最严重.对于筛选的8个主要行业,芳香烃和含氧VOCs,是最主要的排放化合物,芳香烃是对臭氧生成贡献最大的化合物.在不同行业中,VOCs组成存在显著差异,因此在制定VOCs减排控制措施时,应优先减排对臭氧生成贡献大的行业.  相似文献   
流动系统内生物膜的形成及控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用辐射流动室(Radical Flow Chamber,RFC)技术宣地研究水力剪切力对硝化细菌在聚苯乙烯(PS)载体表面固定的。发现水力剪切力直接影响硝化细菌的固定。当作用于PS表面的水力剪切力大于8.0N/m^2时,硝化细菌基本不能在PS表面险境着;水力剪切力小于8.0N/m^2时,硝化细菌的固定程度随剪切力的减小而加强,直至达到最大,实验表明辐射液动室技术为定量研究生物膜形成及控制与水力剪  相似文献   
Octylphenols, considered as xenoestrogens, mainly exist as 4-tert-octylphenol (OP) in aquatic environments. The high stability and accumulation of OP in aquatic systems have caused endocrine disruption. The OP in surface water in Jinan, China was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) coupled with solid phase extraction (SPE). Water samples were extracted by SPE on a cartridge system containing C-18 as sorbent. To increase sensitivity and selectivity, OP was derivatized to 4-tert-octyl-phenoxy silane. With the use of phenanthrene-d10 as internal standard, the detection limit based on signal-to-noise ratio (S/N = 3) was 0.06 ng/mL. The average recovery was from 84.67% to 109.7%. The precision of the method given as the relative standard deviations (RSD) was within the range 6.24%-12.96%. In the target water samples, the concentrations of OP were as follows: 15.88-71.24 ng/L for Jinxiuchuan Reservoir, 3.850-26.68 ng/L for the city moat, 6.930-41.56 ng/L for Daming Lake, 66.03-474.2 ng/L for Xiaoqing River, 14.66-17.72 ng/L for the Yellow River, and 10.60-26.43 ng/L for Queshan Reservoir. The Xiaoqing River was seriously polluted due to the discharge of wastewater from Jinan. Jinxiuchuan Reservoir had a higher concentration of OP compared with the Yellow River and Queshan Reservoir, which is ascribed to the surrounding human activities. These data are reported for the first time, providing strong support for the control of OP pollution in Jinan.  相似文献   
Environmental exposure and health risk upon engineered nanomaterials are increasingly concerned. The family of mesoporous carbon nanomaterials(MCNs) is a rising star in nanotechnology for multidisciplinary research with versatile applications in electronics,energy and gas storage, and biomedicine. Meanwhile, there is mounting concern on their environmental health risks due to the growing production and usage of MCNs. The lung is the primary site for particle invasion under environmental exposure to nanomaterials. Here, we studied the comprehensive toxicological profile of MCNs in the lung under the scenario of moderate environmental exposure. It was found that at a low concentration of 10 μg/mL MCNs induced biophysical inhibition of natural pulmonary surfactant. Moreover, MCNs at similar concentrations reduced viability of J774 A.1 macrophages and lung epithelial A549 cells.Incubating with nature pulmonary surfactant effectively reduced the cytotoxicity of MCNs.Regarding the pro-inflammatory responses, MCNs activated macrophages in vitro, and stimulated lung inflammation in mice after inhalation exposure, associated with lung fibrosis.Moreover, we found that the size of MCNs played a significant role in regulating cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory potential of this nanomaterial. In general, larger MCNs induced more pronounced cytotoxic and pro-inflammatory effects than their smaller counterparts. Our results provided valuable information on the toxicological profile and environmental health risks of MCNs, and suggested that fine-tuning the size of MCNs could be a practical precautionary design strategy to increase safety and biocompatibility of this nanomaterial.  相似文献   
基于RSM模型对污泥联合调理的参数优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了CaO、PAFC联合表面活性剂(1227)预处理对污泥脱水性能的影响,以污泥滤饼含水率(WC)和毛细吸水时间(CST)作为评价指标进行单因素实验,得出药剂投加量的最佳范围.然后通过以响应曲面优化法(RSM)为依据的Box-Behnken实验,建立了滤饼含水率和CST减少率二次多项式预测模型,进而得到联合调理的最佳工艺参数.结果表明,联合调理能够明显提高污泥的脱水性能,CaO、PAFC和1227的最佳药剂量分别为42.00,60.40,80.89mg/g,此条件下滤饼含水率为(68.30±0.26)%,CST减少率为(87.30±0.32)%.同时,在最优条件下进行了验证实验,结果与模型预测值基本吻合,表明基于响应曲面法所得的最佳工艺参数准确可靠,对相关污泥处理及条件优化具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   
从2009年7月~2010年3月每月采集西太湖表层水样,分析叶绿素含量﹑蓝藻细胞裂解速率﹑磷酸盐浓度的变化,并通过切向流超滤系统分离得到的高分子量(1kDa~0.5μm)溶解性有机物的碳氮比值和高分子量溶解性有机碳浓度的变化.结果表明,西太湖蓝藻细胞裂解速率在11月达到最大值(0.43d-1),而磷酸盐和高分子量溶解性有机碳浓度分别在12月与9月达到最大值.细胞裂解速率与磷酸盐﹑高分子量溶解性有机碳浓度之间没有相关性,说明水华过后影响磷酸盐浓度﹑高分子量溶解性有机碳的因素很多,蓝藻细胞裂解只是其中重要因素之一.藻类水华的出现可能导致水体中其它磷形态(如有机磷)与磷酸盐之间的迁移转化,而大型浅水湖泊扰动导致的沉积物再悬浮和水华过后频繁的细菌活动都可能是影响高分子量溶解性有机碳的因素.秋季水华过后蓝藻细胞裂解释放的有机碳进入微食物网循环,引起细菌活动频繁,而溶解性有机物中含碳化合物比含氮化合物容易降解,所以碳氮比值逐渐减少.此外细菌通过硝酸盐合成溶解性有机氮也可能是碳氮比值减少的一个重要原因.  相似文献   
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