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冯波 《中国环保产业》2001,(2):25-25,27
《地方机动车大气污染物排放标准审批办法》和《大气污染防治法》的贯彻实施,使我国机动车、船污染防治工作和国家排放标准体系的发展步入法制化良性发展轨道。  相似文献   
颗粒流包括滑坡、泥石流、碎屑流、雪崩等,通常对桥梁、公路、居民区具有较大危害。分析了颗粒流的运动过程及其侵蚀、堆积和爬高等特性;此外,对颗粒流冲击力计算模型及其野外观测结果进行阐述。结果表明:现有冲击力计算模型认为冲击力在结构全断面呈均匀分布,忽略了颗粒流的运动特性对冲击力的影响;大块石冲击力计算忽略了颗粒破碎和浆体垫层效应对冲击力的影响,造成巨大的计算误差;由于传统传感器的缺陷,现有野外观测结果也存在较大误差。对此本文提出野外观测需要通过引入或开发新式压力传感器以得到更准确的颗粒流冲击力大小及其分布形式,从而更精确的修正理论模型;理论计算模型研究工作需要考虑颗粒流浆体的垫层效应、流体与基底的相互作用及块石冲击破碎等对流体冲击力的影响,从而推导出更准确的冲击力计算模型,指导工程实际。  相似文献   
帅丹蒙  杨波  余刚 《环境化学》2007,26(4):457-460
研究了Pd修饰活性炭毡(ACF)电极在不同增溶剂中(2,4,5-PCB)电催化还原脱氯效果,结果表明,以四烷基铵盐作为增溶剂时,2,4,5-PCB脱氯效率大体随着增溶剂疏水基团的增大而提高. 在增溶能力强的阳离子表面活性剂和非离子表面活性剂溶液中,2,4,5-PCB的脱氯效果均较好.羟丙基-β-环糊精(HPCD)无毒无害易降解,且其溶液中2,4,5-PCB反应条件低,脱氯效果好,是较优的增溶剂.  相似文献   
目的 针对振打机构关键部件摆臂,开展疲劳寿命及关键参数影响程度仿真分析,获得寿命分布及可靠性数据,校核摆臂设计是否满足使用要求。方法 基于S-N曲线进行振打机构摆臂的寿命仿真,开展动力学仿真与应力仿真,获得不同温度下摆臂最低寿命与管壁壁厚的关系。通过对关键寿命影响参数进行影响程度仿真分析,获得寿命分布及可靠性数据。结果 当摆臂壁厚大于1.77mm时,摆臂的平均寿命大于144万次,满足产品设计要求。疲劳寿命与弹性模量E负相关,与抗拉强度和表面加工系数正相关。可靠度R取0.8时,摆臂的可靠寿命约为29 005次;可靠度R取0.9时,摆臂的可靠寿命约为11 891次。结论 振打机构摆臂壁厚需大于1.77 mm,摆臂表面质量系数大于0.827 3,材质抗拉强度大于907.76 MPa,弹性模量E小于2.041×10^(5)MPa。  相似文献   
从含大量微生物菌群的土壤中筛选出了具有产絮效果的Y5菌液。比较不同培养条件下Y5菌液的絮凝率得出 :菌液絮凝性能是其中 3种复合菌株共同作用的结果 ;培养基初始pH值在 5 .0~ 9.0的范围内时 ,Y5菌液的生长量及其上清液的絮凝率都较高。  相似文献   
环境污染易引起大豆种植区域出现过敏原P34蛋白基因变异情况,当前蛋白基因检测方法不能满足检测需求,提出基于探针引物的大豆过敏原P34蛋白基因荧光PCR定量检测技术,针对大豆过敏原特异性基因P34蛋白基因序列进行设计;通过DNA提取、浓度测定,荧光定量PCR检测,实现大豆过敏原P34蛋白基因检测。实验结果表明,所提方法能够准确检测出包括环境污染区域在内的大豆食品过敏原P34蛋白基因成分,具有很好的应用前景,满足市场监督检测的需要。  相似文献   
广西高镉异常区水田土壤Cd含量特征及生态风险评价   总被引:5,自引:15,他引:5  
宋波  王佛鹏  周浪  吴勇  庞瑞  陈同斌 《环境科学》2019,40(5):2443-2452
本研究调查了广西高镉异常区水田土壤中重金属Cd的含量水平,评估其对环境的潜在生态风险.通过初步筛查和详细调查两部分,分批次采集高镉异常区土壤样品共912件,测定土壤Cd含量,并运用单因子污染指数法和潜在风险指数法对水田土壤Cd污染程度及潜在风险进行评价.结果表明:①初查中自然土壤、水田土壤和旱地土壤Cd几何均值分别为0. 915、0. 591和0. 593 mg·kg~(-1).②详查中土壤p H为4. 6~8. 7,介于酸性和弱碱性间.若以《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-2018)为标准,平果县、天等县、大新县、隆安县和柳城县水田土壤样点Cd超标严重,融水县水田土壤样点无污染;以土壤基线值为评价标准,田东县、柳城县和融水土壤样点中Cd均为无污染状态;田阳县、平果县、天等县、大新县、隆安县和融安县水田土壤Cd处于轻度-中度污染的比例分别为:4. 2%、3. 7%、14. 9%、2. 6%、7. 1%和1. 4%.③9个县市水田土壤中Cd呈现不同级别潜在生态风险.天等县、大新县和隆安县部分水田土壤样点Cd处于高等生态风险,比例为4. 3%、2. 6%、2. 4%;田阳县、平果县、融安县和柳城县水田土壤Cd表现为中-中高等潜在风险;田东县和融水县处于低潜在生态风险.总体上,研究区水田土壤中Cd整体偏高,长此以往可能会对水稻安全种植产生影响,最终对当地居民产生健康威胁,应引起重视.建议开展对研究区土壤镉生物有效性和水稻镉累积状况研究,以便科学合理地评估其生态风险和健康风险.  相似文献   
Sampling of groundwater in theQuaternary deposits was carried out at 70 sitesin Stockholm for, among other things, metalanalyses. The objectives were to get a notion of the metal content and to get a basis for anestimation of the order of magnitude of thegroundwater transported metal contribution to themain surface water bodies in comparison to otherroutes. Thus, in three watershed areaswithin the Stockholm Town, groundwater flow andmetal concentration propagation were simulatedand metal fluxes were calculated. Theconcentrations of heavy metals were in generalfound to be very high in comparison withgroundwater in forested areas. This was mostpronounced for mercury (Hg) and copper (Cu). Themost remarkable result was a Hg concentration of4.57 g L-1 in the vicinity of a closed downhospital. The annual contribution of heavy metals(kg) by groundwater to the main surface waterbodies was estimated to: As (2.2), Cd (0.20), Co(4.9), Cr (3.1), Cu (34), Hg (0.06), Ni (28), Pb(2.2) Zn (118). These fluxes are much smallerthan those in forest ecosystems, due to lowergroundwater recharge in urban areas, where agreat part of the runoff is diverted bylandsealing, drainage, tunnels etc. The modelingresults emphasize the importance of the sorptionprocesses indicating that the modeled areas arein a non-steady state condition. It also showsthat the sources generating elevatedconcentrations of the high adsorptive metals Pband Hg are likely to be nearby.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to test the applicability of snow surveying in the collection and detailed characterization of vehicle-derived magnetic particles. Road dust extracted from snow, collected near a busy urban highway and a low traffic road in a rural environment (southern Finland), was studied using magnetic, geochemical and micro-morphological analyses. Significant differences in horizontal distribution of mass specific magnetic susceptibility (χ) were noticed for both roads. Multi-domain (MD) magnetite was identified as the primary magnetic mineral. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses of road dust from both roads revealed: (1) angular-shaped particles (diameter ∼1-300 μm) mostly composed of Fe, Cr and Ni, derived from circulation of motor vehicles and (2) iron-rich spherules (d ∼ 2-70 μm). Tungsten-rich particles (d < 2 μm), derived from tyre stud abrasion were also identified. Additionally, a decreasing trend in χ and selected trace elements was observed with increasing distance from the road edge.  相似文献   
The soil/water partition coefficient (Kd) of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) ranged from 220 1/kg to 1800 1/kg for eight soils having a wide range of physico-chemical properties. Kd normalised to soil organic carbon (Koc) was found to be 28000 ± 4800 1/kg. Anionic surfactant dodecylsulphate (DS) present at concentrations above the critical micellar concentration (CMC) caused reductions in the apparent soil/water partition coefficient (Kd *) in the range of 3–26 times for most soils and up to 36–91 times for sandy soils. Below CMC, at environmentally relevant surfactant concentrations, Kd * was reduced by a factor of 1–13. For clay and calcareous soils significant adsorption/complexation/precipitation of DS occurred. At the lowest DS concentration this produced a two-fold increase in Kd *. At increasing DS concentrations this effect was shielded by the solubihzing effect from DS. Monomer (Kmn) and micellar (Kmc) surfactant/water partition coefficients for HCB were determined to be, 980 ± 190 1/kg and 21000 ± 1600 1/kg, respectively.  相似文献   
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