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BiOI powder has been proved to be an efficient photocatalyst, but the difficulty in removing it from water after reaction limits its application in real water treatment. To solve this problem,a thin-film fixed-bed reactor(TFFBR) was set-up by developing a BiOI thin film on glass fiber cloth(GFC). The composition and structure of the as-prepared films were characterized with X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, field emission microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The BiOI thin film was made by painting a silica sol containing BiOI on GFC, which could be tailored to desired sizes to accommodate the TFFBR. The mass of BiOI on the GFC increased with the number of iterations of the painting process. SiO2 sol glued the BiOI particles tightly onto the GFC,making the thin film strong enough to resist fluid flushing in the TFFBR. The photocatalytic activity of the BiOI thin film was investigated by degrading bisphenol A(BPA) under simulated sunlight. Ninety eight percent of BPA(20 mg/L in 2 L) was degraded by the BiOI thin film sample of seven layers(GFC-7) on the TFFBR within 8 hr irradiation. The GFC-7 displayed good photocatalytic ability toward artificial sewage containing BPA in a wide pH range(5–9),and also demonstrated excellent durability and reusability. The working conditions were optimized and it was found that the thickness of the fluid film and residence time over the thin film were key factors affecting the photocatalytic efficiency.  相似文献   
华北引黄灌区粮食产量与农业土壤资源质量时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明确作物产量和土壤养分时空变异可以更好地掌握农田生产力和土壤质量情况,对农业资源合理配置以及提高生产力可持续性有着非常重要的意义。利用华北平原引黄灌区下游农田作物产量数据和耕地质量监测数据,对华北平原引黄灌区下游作物产量的演变以及有机质和养分的空间分布进行分析,阐明该地区作物产量、土壤养分的空间分布特征。结果表明:灌区的农田生产力水平存在显著的空间和时空差异。20世纪80年代末以来,农田生产力水平整体呈上升趋势,冬小麦高产田分布在黄河下游北岸中部地区的齐河县和下游南岸三个县,范围是6084.0~6861.0 kg/hm2,夏玉米产量空间分布整体上呈现出中间高两端低的特征,其中齐河县的产量最高,为7524.0 kg/hm2。灌区农田土壤有机质、氮、磷、钾养分具有明显的时空分布差异,有机质和速效钾含量最高的德州市分别为16.30 g/kg和202.40 mg/kg,全氮含量最高的淄博市为1.17 g/kg,有效磷含量最高的泰安市为34.56 mg/kg。研究表明,灌区的生产力水平一直不断在提升,仍有很大的增长空间。掌握养分分布特征和土壤肥力的空间差异来制定合理的施肥措施,可为今后该地区实现精准农业和高产稳产提供科学依据。  相似文献   
马蔷  王奎升  李秀金  朱保宁 《环境工程》2013,31(3):110-112,138
针对城市生活垃圾研制了一种用于好氧发酵的滚筒式生物反应器。滚筒式生物反应器的设计主要包括主体结构设计,支承装置的设计计算,传动装置的功率选用,进、出料装置的功能研究等。为保证滚筒式反应器发挥最大功用,在滚筒内壁增设抄板并设计了抄板的结构形式、布置情况及安装位置,用以延长生活垃圾在滚筒内的停留时间,使好氧发酵更为充分。  相似文献   
根据上海市居民生活能源消费相关的能源消费数据,采用统计分析方法,从最终需求角度评估了2001年-2010年居民生活能源消费及其碳排放。研究发现2001年-2010年上海市居民生活用能碳排放量从173.47万t增长到391.87万t,居民生活用能碳排放量呈较快上升趋势,但总体处于较低水平。居民生活用能消费结构从以原煤和电力为主转变为以油品电力消费为主,原煤天然气综合利用的消费模式。未来一段时期内上海市需要合理拓展居民生活用能排放空间。  相似文献   
针对原油生产过程中产生的大量含油污泥,油泥成分复杂、严重污染周边环境且造成资源浪费的情况,采用三相离心分离工艺对含油污泥进行处理。通过室内试验研究,确定了含油污泥处理的最佳条件。添加分离剂能够改善油泥分离性能,提高油泥温度能够改善油泥流动效果,摸索出油泥离心分离的最佳时间和离心速率,并对分离后的三相物质进行物性检测。该工艺处理含油污泥可以有效的回收原油,处理后固相减量75%,实现含油污泥减量化、资源化处理的目的。  相似文献   
环境空气自动监测子站运维管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:为贯彻落实新修订的《环境空气质量标准》,环境空气自动监测新系统的软/硬件建设、已有系统的日常巡检、运行维护、故障排除、数据分析和报表等业务流程均需牵扯大量的人力资源,环境空气自动监测工作日益变得繁琐和复杂。论文以环境空气自动监测子站第三方运维管理服务模式为切入点,探讨建立高效运维管理制度的框架模式,为环境空气自动监测部门的运维管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   
农村环境连片整治工作自2010年开展以来,连云港市取得了显著的成效,但对农村环境连片整治工作的监控工作仍停留在《全国农村环境监测工作指导意见》(环办[2009]150号)和《江苏省农村地表水环境质量监测实施方案》(苏环然[2007]25号)的要求上,即对连片整治示范区内的农村地表水环境、乡镇和村庄生活污水处理设施进行例行监测,对连片整治示范工程进行验收监测和例行监测工作的层面上。为了加强农村环境连片整治工作的监控,保护农村生态环境,从农村环境连片整治系统架构入手,深入细致地研究了基于WEBGIS的数字监控系统,提出系统所要达到的功能要求。  相似文献   
用矿物作为污水处理材料,具有储量丰富,方法简单,可去除水中无机和有机污染物,化学和生物性能稳定,容易再生等优点。非金属矿物具有良好的吸附和离子交换性能,在水处理方面有广阔的应用前景。本文介绍了海泡石、镁砂、沸石、膨润土等几种常见的矿物材料在有机废水、重金属废水及含油废水中的研究现状。  相似文献   
Bauxite residue is a highly alkaline byproduct which is routinely discarded at residue disposal areas. Improving soil formation process to revegetate the special degraded lands is a promising strategy for sustainable management of the refining industry. A laboratory incubation experiment was used to evaluate the effects of gypsum and vermicompost on stable aggregate formation of bauxite residue. Aggregate size distribution was quantified by fractal theory, whilst residue microstructure was determined by scanning electron microscopy and synchrotron-based X-ray micro-computed tomography. Amendments addition increased the content of macro-aggregates( 250 μm) and enhanced aggregate stability of bauxite residue. Following gypsum and vermicompost addition, fractal dimension decreased from 2.84 to 2.77, which indicated a more homogeneous distribution of aggregate particles. Images from scanning electron microscopy and three-dimensional microstructure demonstrated that amendments stimulate the formation of improved structure in residue aggregates. Pore parameters including porosity, pore throat surface area, path length, and path tortuosity increased under amendment additions. Changes in aggregate size distribution and microstructure of bauxite residue indicated that additions of gypsum and vermicompost were beneficial to physical condition of bauxite residue which may enhance the ease of vegetation.  相似文献   
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