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Concentrations of eight trace metals (TMs) in road dust (RD) (particles?<?25 μm) from urban areas of Xinxiang, China, were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The geometric mean concentrations of Zn, Mn, Pb, As, Cu, Cr, Ni and Cd were 489, 350, 114, 101, 60.0, 39.7, 31.6, and 5.1 mg kg?1, respectively. When compared with TM levels in background soil, the samples generally display elevated TM concentrations, except for Cr and Mn, and for Cd the enrichment value was 69.6. Spatial variations indicated TMs in RD from park path would have similar sources with main roads, collector streets and bypasses. Average daily exposure doses of the studied TMs were about three orders of magnitude higher for hand-to-mouth ingestion than dermal contact, and the exposure doses for children were 9.33 times higher than that for adults. The decreasing trend of calculated hazard indexes (HI) for the eight elements was As?>?Pb?>?Cr?>?Mn?>?Cd?>?Zn?>?Ni?>?Cu for both children and adults.  相似文献   
This study presents distribution of organochlorines (OCs) including HCH, DDT and PCBs in urban soils, and their environmental and human health risk. Forty-eight soil samples were extracted using ultrasonication, cleaned with modified silica gel chromatography and analyzed by GC-ECD. The observed concentrations of ∑HCH, ∑DDT and ∑PCBs in soils ranged between?<?0.01–2.54, 1.30–27.41 and?<?0.01–62.8 µg kg?1, respectively, which were lower than the recommended soil quality guidelines. Human health risk was estimated following recommended guidelines. Lifetime average daily dose (LADD), non-cancer risk or hazard quotient (HQ) and incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) for humans due to individual and total OCs were estimated and presented. Estimated LADD were lower than acceptable daily intake and reference dose. Human health risk estimates were lower than safe limit of non-cancer risk (HQ?<?1.0) and the acceptable distribution range of ILCR (10?6–10?4). Therefore, this study concluded that present levels of OCs (HCH, DDT and PCBs) in studied soils were low, and subsequently posed low health risk to human population in the study area.  相似文献   
Microwave irradiation has been used to prepare Al, Fe-pillared clays from a natural Tunisian smectite from the El Hicha deposit (province of Gabes). Chemical analysis, XRD spectra and surface properties evidenced the success of pillaring process. The obtained solids present higher surface area and pore volume than conventionally prepared Al-Fe pillared clays. The main advantages of the microwave methodology are the considerable reduction of the synthesis time and the consumption of water. The microwave-derived Al-Fe pillared clays have been tested for catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of phenol in a stirred tank at 160°C and 20 bar of pure oxygen pressure. These materials are efficient for CWAO of phenol and are highly stable despite the severe operating conditions (acidic media, high pressure, high temperature). The catalyst deactivation was also significantly hindered when compared to conventionally prepared clays. Al-Fe pillared clays prepared by microwave methodology are promising as catalysts for CWAO industrial water treatment.
The feasibility of using Phragmites australis-JS45 system in removing nitrobenzene from sediments was conducted. However, it was observed that nitrobenzene degraded rapidly and was removed completely within 20 days in native sediments, raising the possibility that indigenous microorganisms may play important roles in nitrobenzene degradation. Consequently, this study aimed to verify this possibility and investigate the potential nitrobenzene degraders among indigenous microorganisms in sediments. The abundance of inoculated strain JS45 and indigenous bacteria in sediments was quantified using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Furthermore, community structure of the indigenous bacteria was analyzed through high throughput sequencing based on Illumina MiSeq platform. The results showed that indigenous bacteria in native sediments were abundant, approximately 1014 CFU/g dry weight, which is about six orders of magnitude higher than that in fertile soils. In addition, the levels of indigenous Proteobacteria (Acinetobacter, Comamonadaceae_ uncultured, Pseudomonas, and Thauera) and Firmicutes (Clostridium, Sporacetigenium, Fusibacter, Youngiibacter, and Trichococcus) increased significantly during nitrobenzene removal. Their quantities sharply decreased after nitrobenzene was removed completely, except for Pseudomonas and Thauera. Based on the results, it can be concluded that indigenous microorganisms including Proteobacteria and Firmicutes can have great potential for removing nitrobenzene from sediments. Although P. australis - JS45 system was set up in an attempt to eliminate nitrobenzene from sediments, and the system did not meet the expectation. The findings still provide valuable information on enhancing nitrobenzene removal by optimizing the sediment conditions for better growth of indigenous Proteobacteria and Firmicutes.
The development of cost-effective and highly efficient anode materials for extracellular electron uptake is important to improve the electricity generation of bioelectrochemical systems. An effective approach to mitigate harmful algal bloom (HAB) is mechanical harvesting of algal biomass, thus subsequent processing for the collected algal biomass is desired. In this study, a low-cost biochar derived from algal biomass via pyrolysis was utilized as an anode material for efficient electron uptake. Electrochemical properties of the algal biochar and graphite plate electrodes were characterized in a bioelectrochemical system (BES). Compared with graphite plate electrode, the algal biochar electrode could effectively utilize both indirect and direct electron transfer pathways for current production, and showed stronger electrochemical response and better adsorption of redox mediators. The maximum current density of algal biochar anode was about 4.1 times higher than graphite plate anode in BES. This work provides an application potential for collected HAB to develop a cost-effective anode material for efficient extracellular electron uptake in BES and to achieve waste resource utilization.
Climate change induces non-linear and unevenly distributed changes, such rising sea levels and extreme weather events that materialise on the regional level and considerably contribute to changes in the social fabric of regions, communities and places. Because of the need for societal responses, an in-depth understanding of individual and collective forms of engagement with climate change is of growing relevance. To contribute to close this gap, this paper applies a place-based approach for investigating how people’s place attachments and meanings inform individual and collective engagement with climate change. As a case study, the district of North Frisia (Germany) was chosen, a region between climate-change vulnerability and renewable-energy potential. Qualitative interviews and a household survey with coastal dwellers of the municipality of Reußenköge have been conducted, a group discussion with the Country Youth (Landjugend) and further interviews with experts from government, companies and associations spread over North Frisia and in Kiel. The results reveal two main findings: firstly, place-dependent attachments and meanings play a pivotal role for understanding people’s engagement with climate change, and secondly, the behavioural dimension of engagement involves diverse adaptation and mitigation measures adopted on individual and collective level. In sum, the findings conceptually and empirically reveal the importance of memories, experiences, knowledge and creativity for how people engage with climate change, but also exhibit the importance of policies mobilising community-based actions.  相似文献   
Numerous studies have begun to tackle the social and cultural dimensions of perceiving and framing climate change. Scholars from geography and environmental psychology in particular have started to highlight the importance of so-called place-based approaches to studying regional and local framings of climate change. This paper stands in this tradition. It reports on findings derived from a nationwide survey of perceptions of and reactions to extreme weather events and interviews conducted with inhabitants of three islands in the coastal region of North Frisia (Germany). Coastal dwellers understand climate change through the lens of local and regional experiences of meteorological phenomena, seasonal changes, knowledge of the sea, and changes in local flora and fauna. Our detailed ecolinguistic analysis revealed six prevailing conceptual metaphors: Climate change is an enemy, preventing climate change is fight/war, climate change is punishment for human sins, climate change is overheating/heat, climate change is hot air/hoax and climate change is eco-dictatorship. These metaphors were used to make sense of climate change at the regional level and provide insights into place-based social and cultural conceptualisations of climate change. An understanding of these meanings should feed into developing more grounded climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in coastal regions.  相似文献   
After the deceleration of the postglacial marine transgression, the German North Sea coast was subject to deposition of a complex pattern of subtidal to terrestrial facies. This study aims at reconstructing these facies changes in the ‘Land Wursten’ region (Lower Saxony) by focussing on so-called dwog horizons (incipient soil horizons of the pre-engineered salt marshes). We explore their implications for relative sea-level reconstructions and their indication for early settlement activities. Archive drilling data (1960, provided by the ‘Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie’) were analysed to create five high-resolution stratigraphic cross sections. Three new drilling records were subjected to sedimentological and microfaunal investigations and interpreted to verify and calibrate the archive data. Two dwog horizons were found and 14C-AMS dated. We found basal salt marsh deposits inundated by a high-energy event and covered by tidal flat sediments. The thick tidal flat unit is again overlain by salt marsh deposits indicating the transition from a shallow marine to a terrestrial environment where dwogs were developed and covered by episodic marine incursions. The ages of the dwogs (1128–969 cal BC; cal AD 1426–1467) do not correlate with known layers of adjacent settlement sites and are critically discussed. However, we show that they correlate with phases of stagnant regional relative sea level (RSL) and can be used as RSL indicators. The combined archive and modern data provide valuable information for the RSL reconstruction and palaeoenvironmental changes. However, further research is recommended to accomplish more detailed information about coastal response during the Holocene sea-level changes and implications for settlement dynamics.  相似文献   
Since the Neolithic, humans have gathered along coastal plains, where they had to face sea level rise and subsidence without the technology to oppose these processes. When sea level stabilized, approx. 6.000 yr. B.P., coastal colonization was allowed, but where mountain deforestation was carried out river sediment input increased tremendously: settlements were disconnected from the shore and harbour siltation occurred. Shore erosion was a limited process at the time and local solutions were adopted: clay dikes, wood piles, fascinates and rock revetments. Along the Mediterranean, in China and Japan the construction of more complex structures has been documented since the Middle Ages. Further human development, with river bed quarrying, wetland reclamation, dam construction and mountain re-afforestation, favoured a coastal erosion that nowadays threatens most world coasts. From the Venetian “Murazzi” to the recent 114-km-long concrete element defence at the Yellow river delta, shore protection structures evolved following the different needs (protect coastal communication routes, urban and industrial settlements, tourist resorts). Beach nourishment, previously performed with inland quarried materials, is now intensively carried out with marine aggregates. The vernacular solution, left to undeveloped countries, has been recently revaluated by “green engineering”. However, with Sea Level Rise, the debate of whether to defend, accommodate or retreat is open.  相似文献   
Markgrafenheide-Hütelmoor covers a total area of 1000 ha (about 490 ha are coastal moor) and a coastline of about 6 km. This touristy area belongs to the city of Rostock in Germany. As response to sea level rise and heavy coastal erosion, the small seaside resort Markgrafenheide received a comprehensive storm surge protection until 2006. Subsequently, the adjacent Hütelmoor was flooded with the aim to restore it as a brackish coastal moor. Coastal protection measures at the Baltic Sea coastline were abandoned to enable natural dynamics, a coastal realignment and salt water intrusions. The entire process until full implementation took 14 years and was associated with very problematic public participation and a strong local polarization. Based on a literature and media review, two surveys, and expert interviews we retrospectively document and analyse the planning process with focus on public information, perception and participation. The local population and holidaymakers did not perceive coastal changes and if, did not associate them with climate change. Interviewees remembered single storm surges, but felt save from it and sea level rise was not perceived as a threat. 89% said that they feel insufficiently informed about the combined coastal protection wetland restoration measure, but did not use the offered information possibilities. 81% had their information from newspapers and freely distributed advertisers. It seems that insufficient information was the major reason for the problems with local acceptance and public participation. The media played a dominating role. The decline of traditional newspapers and the growths of free advertisers seemed to have a negative impact on quality of information and favoured a polarization. Additionally, we discuss local specifics like the cultural background (GDR history), traditions, frustration and the relatively old population and their role in public participation. We strongly promote a pro-active and long-term information and public relation strategy.  相似文献   
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