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ABSTRACT: Long-term land use and reservoir sedimentation were quantified and linked in a small agricultural reservoir-watershed system without having historical data. Land use was determined from a time sequence of aerial photographs, and reservoir sedimentation was determined from cores with 137Cs dating techniques. They were linked by relating sediment deposition to potential sediment production which was determined by the Universal Soil Loss Equation and by SCS estimates for gullied land. Sediment cores were collected from Tecumseh Lake, a 55-ha reservoir with a 1,189-ha agricultural watershed, constructed in 1934 in central Oklahoma. Reservoir sediment deposition decreased from an average of 5,933 Mg/yr from 1934 to 1954, to 3,179 Mg/yr from 1954 to 1962, and finally to 1,017 Mg/yr from 1962 to 1987. Potential sediment production decreased from an average of 29,892 to 11,122 and then to 3,589 Mg/yr for the same time periods as above, respectively. Reductions in deposition and sediment production corresponded to reductions in cultivated and abandoned cropland which became perennial pasture. Together, cultivated and abandoned cropland accounted for 59 percent of the watershed in 1937, 24 percent in 1954, and 10 percent in 1962. Roadway erosion, stream bank erosion, stored stream channel sediment, and long-term precipitation were considered, but none seemed to play a significant role in changing sediment deposition rates. Instead, the dominant factor was the conversion of fields to perennial pastures. The effect of conservation measures on reservoir sedimentation can now be quantified for many reservoirs where historical data is not available.  相似文献   
Heterogeneous diffusion in different regions of a fractured granodiorite from Japan has been observed and measured through the use of X-ray absorption imaging. These regions include gouge-filled fractures, recrystallized fracture-filling material and hydrothermally altered matrix. With the X-ray absorption imaging technique, porosity, relative concentration, and relative mass of an iodine tracer were imaged in two dimensions with a sub-millimeter pixel size. Because portions of the samples analyzed have relatively low porosity values, imaging errors can potentially impact the results. For this reason, efforts were made to better understand and quantify this error. Based on the X-ray data, pore diffusion coefficients (Dp) for the different regions were estimated assuming a single diffusion rate and a lognormal multirate distribution of Dp. Results show Dp for the gouge-filled fractures are over an order of magnitude greater than those of the recrystallized fracture-filling material, which in turn is approximately two times greater than those for the altered matrix. The recrystallized fracture-filling material was found to exhibit the greatest degree of variability. The results of these experiments also provide evidence that diffusion from advective zones in fractures through the gouge-filled fractures and recrystallized fracture-filling material could increase the pore space available for matrix diffusion. This evidence is important for understanding the performance of potential nuclear waste repositories in crystalline rocks as diffusion is thought to be an important retardation mechanism for radionuclides.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of the lidar experiments that have been performed during January 1989 through August 1990 to study the aerosol vertical distributions in the nocturnal atmosphere and their comparison with near-simultaneous aerological soundings for environmental monitoring. During the study period, the aerosol distributions showed significant stratified aerosol layer structures in the lower atmosphere throughout the south-west monsoon season (June-September), while these structures appear to be either erratic or absent during remaining months of the year. In addition, the aerosols present in the lowest air layers up to 200 m are found to contribute significantly (about 40%) to the aerosol loading in the nocturnal boundary layer at the lidar site. The pre-monsoon to winter ratio of mixing depth and ventilation coefficient were found to be 1.11 and 1.62, respectively. Thus the height of the mixed layer (around 350 m) and the associated ventilation coefficients suggest that early winter evenings tend to have higher pollution potential at the experimental site. The results indicate that the lidar technique has the potential to yield good information on the structure of the nocturnal atmosphere which is found to be influenced by the atmospheric stability conditions as revealed by aerological observations.  相似文献   
Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in streams adjacent to cornfields, streams where cows had unrestricted access, and reference locations without agriculture were compared to examine the effects of local land use and land use/land cover in the watershed. At each local site, macroinvertebrates and a variety of habitat parameters were measured upstream, adjacent, downstream, and farther downstream of the local land use. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to calculate drainage basin area, land use/land cover percentages in each basin, and the distance from sample sites to the stream source. Three‐way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) tests with date, site type, and sampling location as main effects were used to explore differences in macroinvertebrate metrics using median substrate size, percent hay/pasture area, and stream depth as covariates. The covariates significantly improved model fit and showed that multiple contributing factors influence community composition. Local impacts were greatest at sites where cows had access, probably because of sedimentation and embeddedness in the substrate. Differences between the upstream and the adjacent and downstream locations were not as great as expected, perhaps because upstream recolonization was reduced by agricultural impacts or because of differences in the intensity or proximity of agriculture to riparian areas in the watershed. The results underscore the importance of both local and watershed factors in controlling stream community composition.  相似文献   
The organophosphorus (OP) pesticide profenofos (O-4-bromo-2-chlorophenyl O-ethyl S-propyl phosphorothioate) is used heavily in cotton-growing areas of eastern Australia toward the end of the growing season. European carp (Cyprinus carpio), bony bream (Nematalosa erebi), and mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) were collected from the cotton-growing areas around Wee Waa, New South Wales, to determine the relationship between profenofos residues and acetyl-cholinesterase (AChE) activity in wild fish. Profenofos concentrations in water, sediment, and fish tissue reflected its general level of use; levels in March 1994 were significantly higher than in 1993 and generally decreased in May, 6 wk after cessation of spraying. Residues in carp and bony bream generally correlated with concentrations in water and sediment, although residues in fish tend to persist longer at some sites. Acetylcholinesterase inhibition was a useful indicator of profenofos exposure within a season, particularly if linked with residue measurements. Bony bream and gravid female mosquitofish recovered AChE levels more slowly than carp or nongravid mosquitofish. Recovery in creeks was generally more rapid than in lagoons.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an optimization framework for prioritizing sites for wetlands restoration on a watershed or landscape scale. The framework is designed for analyzing the potential environmental impacts of alternative management strategies while accounting for economic constraints, thereby aiding decision makers in explicitly considering multiple management objectives. The modeling strategy consists of two phases. First, relationships between the configuration of land use types in a watershed and valued ecosystem services are specified mathematically. Second, those functions are incorporated into a spatial optimization model that allows comparisons of the expected environmental impacts and economic costs of management strategies that change the configuration of land use in the watershed. By way of a stylized example, this paper develops the general structure of the framework, presents simulation results based on two production functions for ecosystem services, and discusses the potential utility of the methodology for watershed management.  相似文献   
Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 establishes a unique “market-based“ approach to reduce national electric utility sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions during the next century by about 10 million tons/year below the corresponding level in 1980. This program is designed to provide utility operators with the flexibility to achieve the applicable SO2 emissions limitations (total tons) using the most cost-effective approach. However, in reality, it is unlikely that many utility operators would have such operational flexibility, especially in the case of plants located in the Western United States. This is due to the fact that these sources may also be subject to other more stringent provisions of the Act, such as to protect public health and visibility, which override the Title IV provisions.

This paper examines the Phase II allowance allocations for the utility units located in the 11 western states and assesses the potential impacts of the current federal/state air quality regulatory programs on the allowance market in the West. This analysis shows that, even after accounting for the projected population growth and the accompanying growth in electric power demand during the next decade, the West should have a surplus of allowances, especially if new regulations are initiated to further reduce SO2 emissions, mainly for the purpose of improving visibility in Western Class I areas.  相似文献   
Due to the amounts of chromium in the leachate resulting from leather leaching tests, chromium sulfate tanned leather wastes are very often considered hazardous wastes. To overcome this problem, one option could be recovering the chromium and, consequently, lowering its content in the leather scrap. With this objective, chromium leather scrap was leached with sulfuric acid solutions at low temperature also aiming at maximizing chromium removal with minimum attack of the leather matrix. The effects of leather scrap dimension, sulfuric acid and sodium sulfate concentration in the solutions, as well as extraction time and temperature on chromium recovery were studied, and, additionally, organic matrix degradation was evaluated. The best conditions found for chromium recovery were leather scrap conditioning using 25 mL of concentrated H2SO4/L solution at 293 or 313 K during 3 or 6 days. Under such conditions, 30–60 ± 5% of chromium was recovered and as low as 3–6 ± 1% of the leather total organic carbon (TOC) was dissolved. Using such treatment, the leather scrap area and volume are reduced and the residue is a more brittle material showing enhanced anaerobic biodegradability. Although good recovery results were achieved, due to the fact that the amount of chromium in eluate exceeded the threshold value this waste was still hazardous. Thus, it needs to be methodically washed in order to remove all the chromium de-linked from collagen.  相似文献   
The threat-sensitivity hypothesis predicts that prey individuals will increase antipredator behaviors as apparent predator risk increases. An implicit assumption of the threat-sensitivity hypothesis is that predator risk is additive. In other words, all characteristics of a predator that indicate risk should contribute in an additive way to determine the degree of risk-sensitive behavior. We tested this assumption in the laboratory by presenting live predators (green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus) to groups of western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). We examined effects of predator diet, hunger level, and size on predator avoidance and inspection behavior of mosquitofish. Both predator diet and predator hunger level were significant and additive determinants of distance maintained from a predator, resulting in a graded response to combinations of these predator cues. In contrast, whereas predator diet was the most important determinant of general avoidance distances, predator hunger level was more important in determining mosquitofish vertical distribution and inspection behavior. Thus, the relationship between predator cue and the antipredator behavior that it elicits is dependent on which cues and behaviors are examined. Our data suggest that during risky behaviors, such as predator inspection, mosquitofish rely mainly on visual cues (behavior differences between hungry and satiated predators), whereas general avoidance behavior is determined by additive responses from visual and chemical cues.  相似文献   
Whilst the education of young people is often seen as a part of the solution to current environmental problems seeking urgent attention, it is often forgotten that their parents and other household members can also be educated/influenced via home-based educational activities. This paper explores the theory of intergenerational influence in relation to school based waste education. Waste Watch, a UK-based environmental charity (www.wastewatch.org.uk), has pioneered a model that uses practical activities and whole school involvement to promote school based action on waste. This methodology has been adopted nationally. This paper outlines and evaluates how effective school based waste education is in promoting action at a household level. The paper outlines Waste Watch's 'Taking Home Action on Waste (THAW)' project carried out for two and half years in Rotherham, a town in South Yorkshire, England. The project worked with 6705 primary age children in 39 schools (44% of primary schools in the project area) to enable them to take the "reduce, reuse and recycle message" home to their families and to engage these (i.e. families) in sustainable waste management practices. As well as substantial increases in students' knowledge and understanding of waste reduction, measurement of the impact of the project in areas around 12 carefully chosen sample schools showed evidence of increased participation in recycling and recycling tonnages as well as declining levels of residual waste. Following delivery of the project in these areas, an average increase of 8.6% was recorded in recycling set out rates which led to a 4.3% increase in paper recycling tonnages and an 8.7% increase in tonnages of cans, glass and textiles collected for recycling. Correspondingly, there was a 4.5% fall in tonnages of residual waste. Waste Watch's THAW project was the first serious attempt to measure the intergenerational influence of an education programme on behaviour at home (i.e. other than schools' own waste). It clearly shows that household recycling behaviour can be positively impacted by intergenerational influence via a practical school-based waste education model. However, although the model could potentially have a big impact if rolled out nationally, it will require seed funding and the long-term durability of the model has not yet been fully quantified.  相似文献   
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