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New advances in plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria for bioremediation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are bacteria capable of promoting plant growth by colonizing the plant root. For a long period PGPR were mainly used for assisting plants to uptake nutrients from the environment or preventing plant diseases. Phytoremediation is a new and promising approach to remove contaminants in the environment. But using plants alone for remediation confronts many limitations. Recently, the application of PGPR has been extended to remediate contaminated soils in association with plants. Of all the present contaminants, the profound impacts of organic and heavy metal pollutants have attracted world wide attention. Here we review the progress of PGPR for remediation of soils contaminated with these two sources.  相似文献   
Aiming to determine the plutonium amount as well as its isotopic composition, in particular, in swipe samples for safeguards purposes, an analytical method was developed with a plutonium separation step based on extraction chromatography using 2 cm TEVA columns and detection with quadrupole ICP-MS applying an ultra-sonic nebulizer coupled with membrane desolvation system. The method was successfully applied to New Brunswick plutonium certified reference materials as well as to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory round robin samples, based on the round robin samples provided by the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (Belgium), as part of the Regular European Interlaboratory Measurement Evaluation Programme (REIMEP), campaign 16 (isotopic abundances of plutonium in plutonium nitrate samples), with a total plutonium amount between 1 and 0.25 ng per sample. After the introduction of an additional separation step, it was also possible to carry out precise and accurate total plutonium, (240)Pu/(239)Pu, (241)Pu/(239)Pu and (242)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios determination in sediment sample showing its applicability to environmental samples in general, reaching a detection limit equivalent to 5 mBq(239)Pu kg(-1).  相似文献   
Generic approaches to transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of methods which have been used to describe and predict transfer of radionuclides in biota was undertaken. The intent was to identify approaches that might prove useful in extending predictive estimates to other organisms and environments. Empirical approaches, such as found in the use of transfer factors, were examined. Kinetic methodologies were also presented. Allometric functions, with their ability to make broad generalizations, were also discussed. Data from several earlier radioecological assessments were tested for their potential utility in developing allometric relationships, with the result implying that such an approach might prove useful.  相似文献   
The establishment of the forest eco-compensation mechanism could realize the value of the forest ecosystem services partly or thoroughly, stress the equality of the stakeholders, encourage public participation in forest ecosystem tendering, and strengthen the capacity of sustainable management. Taking the Hainan province as an example, this study focuses on the analysis of major socioeconomic and ecological impacts of forest eco-compensation in the Qiongzhong County and Lingshui County, and recommends approaches and practices for the establishment of the eco-compensation mechanism in the Hainan Province. Data were collected from a household questionnaire survey. Altogether 120 households have been interviewed, and Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) was applied for data analysis. Most of the respondents held a positive attitude toward the forest eco-compensation policy which has contributed to the improvement of environmental quality. However, forest protection has limited the opportunities for the income growth of local communities, who have never got sufficient compensation from either the central or local governments. Insufficient financial support to forest institutions and local communities involved in forest management has led to major conflicts in forest management, such as, the conflict between forest protection and local economic development, and decrease in arable land area and increase in surplus labor force. On the basis of case study results, the core issues of forest eco-compensation mechanism in Hainan province are discussed. Finally, suggestions and recommendations that cover forest eco-compensation standards, management institutions, and community capacity building and diversification of financing channels, have been made for the establishment of forest eco-compensation mechanism in Hainan.  相似文献   
In this paper, an approach to simulate the spatial distribution of urban population is proposed using urban land use and population statistical data through the geographical information systems (GIS). Then, the spatial population distribution of Urumqi as a case is simulated by the approach mentioned above and its varying patterns are analyzed by the raster population surface. As a result, producing raster population surface is more accurate and natural than the traditional choropleth map of population density. Concerning the spatial population distribution of Urumqi, the population density declines from south to north and the population distribution mainly presents' "T-type", the population distribution presents multicentre agglomeration and the population distribution of the districts shows different features. The population density varies significantly with the increase in the distance from central business district (CBD). Finally, it is found in this paper that the development history of districts, terrain and traffic road are main factors that have an influence Urumqi's population distribution. This paper tries to provide more accurate population data for the plan and management of urban land, traffic and public facilities in order to enrich the researches on urban population distribution.  相似文献   
采用柠檬酸-硝酸盐燃烧法制备了光催化剂BiFeO3。采用SEM,XRD,FTIR等技术对光催化剂BiFeO3进行表征。表征结果显示,光催化剂BiFeO3晶相纯、粒径小、比表面积大,存在Fe#x02014;O的弯曲振动和伸缩振动。实验结果表明:通过鼓气及加入H2O2可有效提高BiFeO3对甲基紫可见光催化降解的效率;在300mL质量分数为1.5#x000d7;10-5的甲基紫溶液中加入0.9g光催化剂BiFeO3和0.1mL质量分数为30%的H2O2溶液,当反应时间为240min时,甲基紫去除率可达99%。  相似文献   
纳米生态基对水产养殖污水的处理效果   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用三因子四水平的正交设计,实验研究了纳米生态基在不同温度、溶解氧和水力停留时间下对水产养殖污水的处理效果,确定了纳米生态基处理养殖污水的最佳条件。结果表明,含氨氮和亚硝氮浓度较高的模拟养殖污水用纳米生态基挂膜,所需时间约为22 d。纳米生态基对氨氮的去除效果明显,平均去除率达到93.5%。对氨氮去除率的影响程度,水力停留时间>温度>溶解氧。当温度为30℃,DO为5.43 mg/L,HRT为0.33 h时,纳米生态基对氨氮的处理能力最佳,去除率达到94.6%。纳米生态基对亚硝氮的平均去除率为69.3%。对亚硝氮去除率的影响程度,水力停留时间>溶解氧>温度。当温度为21℃,DO为6.40 mg/L,HRT为0.33 h时,纳米生态基对亚硝氮的处理能力最佳,去除率为71.5%。纳米生态基处理养殖污水的最佳条件:温度为30℃,DO为6.40 mg/L,HRT为0.33 h。  相似文献   
流域水生态承载力研究的起源和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域水生态承载力的研究是近几年来从水生态的角度解决流域可持续发展问题的有效手段。通过文献综述的方法,从流域水生态承载力的起源和发展入手,对流域水生态承载力的理论基础,与相关已有研究的区别和联系进行了探讨,并对流域水生态承载力的进一步研究进行了展望。从起源上看,承载力理论、可持续发展和生态足迹理论、流域生态学理论分别是流域水生态承载力研究的基础、落脚点和支撑。从发展上看,水生态承载力是水资源和水环境承载力的有机结合和深化。从测度和评价方法上看,第一生产者的净初级生产力方法、生态足迹法、可持续发展指标法和生态系统健康等生态承载力的测度方法为流域水生态承载力的评价奠定了基础。目前流域水生态承载力的研究尚处于初级阶段,今后不论是在理论探讨还是模型应用中均应进一步体现人类与自然和谐共存的根本目的以及水体质、量辩证统一的规律,通过物质、能量、信息、空间和时间五位一体的研究方法,使流域水生态承载力的研究更具有实践意义  相似文献   
During the 11th Five Year Plan period,China improved its policy system for the overall strategy of regional development,and established and completed the policies intended for the promotion of regional cooperation and interaction.Thereupon,regional development in China took on a series of positive changes such as the enhancement of coordination.During the 12th Five Year Plan period,China will fully implement and continuously improve the policy measures for development in its four major regions,strengthen differentiated guidance to different regions in line with the planning for major function-oriented zones,and accelerate the establishment of basic systems that facilitate coordinated regional development.  相似文献   
Molecular genetic methods were used to perform the species and individual identification of 117 samples of hair and feces of carnivores collected in natural habitats. The species were identified for 85.5% of the samples. The analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene was used to identify the samples of hair and feces of snow leopards (Uncia uncia, 40%), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes, 48%), wolves (Canis lupus, 6%), and lynx (Lynx lynx, 5%). The analysis of eight microsatellite loci allowed the genotypes of 13 snow leopards to be described. The sex of 11 animals was identified.  相似文献   
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