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Gross average automotive exhaust emissions data collected by the Atlantic Richfield Clean Air Caravan during the summer of 1970 showed only slight geographical variations when the specific makes were ignored. When considering specific makes, significant differences were found on an average emissions basis. Vehicle population—emission distributions showed wide variations in the 50% population levels and in the percent of vehicles with emissions greater than specified values. Hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) data are given on a gross basis for the 1970, 1968-69, 1966-67, and pre-1966 model year group vehicles. Average HC and CO emissions and vehicle population-Idle emissions distribution curves are included for specific make vehicles in selected areas.  相似文献   
Ethylene is an unusual air pollutant in that it is a plant hormone. Motor vehicle exhaust is a primary source. In the Washington, D. C, area, ethylene concentrations ranged from 700 ppb in the city center to 39 ppb in areas outside the circumferential beltway. Plants grown in these concentrations of ethylene, using controlled environment chambers, exhibited typical symptoms of ethylene toxicity: reduced growth, premature senescence, and reduced flowering and fruit production. When plants were grown in carbon-filtered ambient air, which was also filtered through KMnO4 to remove ethylene by oxidation, growth, flowering, and fruit production increased. These observations demonstrate that ethylene air pollution is a continual source of stress for plant growth and development in an urban environment.  相似文献   
The study considers a range of possible effects on the transportation industry, satellite industries, the labor market, and the economy which may be anticipated in the event mass production of unconventional low emission automotive propulsion systems should occur, whether as a consequence of federal intervention, or not. A postulated 1 976 Otto Cycle Internal Combustion Engine equipped with a dual catalyst manifold reactor and other “conventional” emission control devices was compared in detail with a Regenerative Free Turbine Engine and a Rankine Cycle Engine, as specified by the contracting agency. Manufacturing costs, operating and ownership costs, consumer demand, inter-industry effects, employment, resource requirements, and international trade implications were analyzed in depth under a number of plausible sets of policy constraints and parametric variations. Principal conclusions are that conversion over a 10 year period is feasible, that manufacturing cost differentials are less critical than fuel consumption and cost differentials, that industry/employment impacts are minor, and that resource/trade effects are dominated by petroleum imports. Implications for federal policy are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper presents results of source size distribution measurements over the size range from 0.1 μm to 5 μm for six classes of particulate sources and fractional efficiency measurements on five full scale electrostatic precipitators and one pilot scale precipitator. The precipitators all showed moderately high to high particulate collection efficiencies for particles having diameters larger than a few micrometers or smaller than a few hundredths of a micrometer and a minimum in collection efficiency for particles having diameters of a few tenths of a micrometer.  相似文献   
Theories of particle charging based on boundary value solutions to the diffysional equation may not be applicable to electrostatic precipitators where the ion density is rarely more than an order of magnitude greafer than the particle concentration. A new charging equation, based on kinetic theory, is presented which evaluates the charging rate in terms of the probability of collisions between the flust particles and ions. In the presence of an external electric field, the surface of the particle is divided into three charging regions, and separate charging rates are calculated for each region. The total charging rate is the sum of these three individual rates. For large particles and high electric fields, this theory predicts essentially the same charging rate as the classical field charging equation of Rohmann and Pauthenier. For low electric fields, the theory reduces to White’s diffusional charging equation. Agreement is within 25% of Hewitt’s experimental results over the entire range of variables where data are available. For practical charging times, agreement is within 15%.  相似文献   
Confronted with shortages of low sulfur content residual fuel oil and, consequently, faced with the threat of social and economic upheaval, several air pollution control authorities in the Northeastern states were forced to relax hard-won air quality standards during the winter of 1972. The authorities did so by granting variances to their sulfur content standards for residual fuel oil. This paper examines the institutional characteristics of these variance policies from an economic incentive standpoint. After setting up desirable structural criteria for institutional design of such crisis policies, the authors examine the experience of the winter of 1972 and arrive at policy guidelines which recommend themselves for consideration in future periods of fuel oil shortages.  相似文献   
The emphasis on participate control from industrial processes has been shifted recently towards fine particulates, having diameters less than 3 microns. There exists an urgent need for more scientific information of fine particle characterization.1,2 Coal and oil fired power plants are among the largest anthropogenic point sources of particulate matter.3 Limited knowledge is available on particle size distribution and trace metal composition in power plant emissions.4-7 The morphological properties of particle emissions have been largely neglected. In this report we present some information on particle characteristics for an oil-fired and coal-fired power plant.  相似文献   
Fourteen sulfur and/or sulfuric acid producing regenerate FGD processes were discussed at the 1974 FGD Symposium in Atlanta. During the period elapsed since then, considerable status change has occurred on many of these regenerable processes. Other regenerable processes which were not as well known during 1974 have surfaced in 1975. The problems of obtaining reducing gases (hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen) for the reduction of sulfur dioxide product streams to elemental sulfur have become severe due to shortages of natural gas or other petroleum based feedstock. A new sulfur producing process which employs CO and H2 directly (rather than the H2S required for liquid and vapor base Claus reactions) is gaining attention. This paper discusses briefly: (1) the announced status of the many regenerable FGD processes, (2) the problem of reductant gas supply, and (3) the effect on FGD processes of using coal based reducing gas instead of reformed natural gas.  相似文献   
Pollutant data from the Los Angeles Basin were analyzed for weekday-weekend differences for the smog months of June through September 1972 and 1973. The pollutants investigated were oxidant, NO, NO2, total hydrocarbons (HC), CO, and particulates. In order to maintain the diurnal variation, the concentration percentiles were calculated for each weekday and weekend hour.  相似文献   

Inspection and maintenance programs for motor vehicles in the United States increasingly use loaded mode mass emissions testing (IM240). A method was developed to predict mass emission rates and mass emission changes, particularly from repair benefits, using a low-cost, portable four-gas non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) vehicle exhaust gas analyzer. A single vehicle was tested several times with the analyzer while on the dynamometer and undergoing successive repairs. Excellent correlations for CO and HC were observed. Five vehicles were measured using an on-road driving loop before and after emissions-related repairs, while another three vehicles were tested with no repairs performed. The on-road concentration data used to guide the repair process were converted to grams per gallon; when divided by estimated miles per gallon, this gave grams per mile emissions for comparison to IM240. Correlation coefficients (r2) of 0.87 for CO and 0.76 for HC were achieved for the 13 tests. The linear correlations between IM240 and emissions measured by this method would allow repair facilities to perform a relatively inexpensive test for diagnostic purposes and to estimate repair effectiveness without the need for a dynamometer.  相似文献   
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