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The estimation of nitrous oxide emissions is complicated by the high degree of uncertainty on the emission factors involved and by the limited acquaintance with all significant nitrous oxide sources. A potentially important source for which emission data are lacking is the sewage system transporting waste water from human activities. For this study an experimental measurement campaign has been carried out on waste water sampled at different sewage treatment plants. The nitrous oxide developing from the water samples was monitored by means of gas chromatography. The methodological analysis was based on the concentration/time curves obtained. Our results indicate that the formation of nitrous oxide from the waste water matrices results from microbiological denitrification. We deduced tentative emission factors for the waste water types studied.  相似文献   
Summary Indices of association are frequently used in studies of social behaviour. Observed association indices may be compared with those obtained from computer randomizations of the data in order to test whether any two individuals in a population tend to occur together more than would be expected by chance. Data for individually-identifiable colour-ringed sanderlings Calidris alba are presented to illustrate the importance of the assumptions on which such null models are built. When each individual was given an equal chance of appearing in each flock associations differed from those expected by chance. But when the different numbers of times that each individual occurred at the study site were taken into account associations were not different from those expected by chance. Hypotheses relating association levels to a number of factors were tested. None of the factors examined had significant and appreciable effects on association levels. In particular, there was no evidence for sanderlings moving around in stable groups. Taking into account the different distributions of different individuals, the population of birds present on any day represented a random sample from the population of birds seen during the winter. Correspondence to: G. Roberts  相似文献   
The impact of the Central American fires on PM2.5 mass concentration and composition in the Tennessee Valley region during portions of May, 1998, has been quantified. Elevated concentrations of smoke aerosol tracers—fine potassium, (and to a lesser extent, calcium and silicon) and, where available, organic and elemental carbon—were observed in the region during times in which satellite imagery (TOMS and GOES-8) showed regional transport of hazy, smoky airmasses from southern Mexico and adjacent areas of Central America. Back-trajectories from network sites in the Tennessee Valley network were consistent with this regional transport. The extent of transport of extra-regional fine particle mass during May, 1998, is discussed relative to the new US fine particle mass-based standards for fine particulate matter.  相似文献   
Supply curves were prepared for coal-fired power plants in the contiguous United States switching to Wyoming's Powder River Basin (PRB) low-sulfur coal. Up to 625 plants, representing approximately 44% of the nameplate capacity of all coal-fired plants, could switch. If all switched, more than dollars 8.8 billion additional capital would be required and the cost of electricity would increase by up to dollars 5.9 billion per year, depending on levels of plant derating. Coal switching would result in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions reduction of 4.5 million t/yr. Increase in cost of electricity would be in the range of 0.31-0.73 cents per kilowatt-hour. Average cost of S emissions reduction could be as high as dollars 1298 per t of SO2. Up to 367 plants, or 59% of selected plants with 32% of 44% nameplate capacity, could have marginal cost in excess of dollars 1000 per t of SO2. Up to 73 plants would appear to benefit from both a lowering of the annual cost and a lowering of SO2 emissions by switching to the PRB coal.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND, AIMS AND SCOPE: Dredged materials because of its variable but unique physical and chemical properties are often viewed by society and regulators as pollutants, but many have used these materials in coastal nourishment, land or wetland creation, construction materials, and for soil improvement as a soil amendment. Environmental impact assessment is an important pre-requisite to many dredging initiatives. The ability to reuse lake-dredge materials (LDM) for agricultural purposes is important because it reduces the need for off-shore disposal and provides an alternative to disposal of the materials in landfills. Additional research on disposal options of dredged materials are much needed to supply information on criteria testing and evaluation of the physical and chemical impacts of dredged materials at a disposal site, as well as information on many other aspects of dredging and dredged material disposal. While preliminary efforts are underway to provide information to establish criteria for land disposal, testing procedures for possible land disposal of contaminated sediments are still in their developing stage. The objective of this study (Part 1) was to quantify the effect of applied LDM from Lake Panasoffkee (LP), Florida on soil physico-chemical properties (soil quality) at the disposal site. This series of two papers aims at providing assessment of the efficacy of lake-dredged materials from LP especially its implication to environment (soil quality, Part 1) and agriculture (forage quality and pasture establishment, Part 2). METHODS: The experimental treatments that were evaluated consisted of different ratios of natural soil (NS) to LDM: LDM0 (100% NS:0% LDM); LDM25 (75% NS:25% LDM); LDM50 (50% NS:50% LDM); LDM75 (25% NS:75% LDM); and LDM100 (0% NS:100% LDM). Field layout was based on the principle of a completely randomized block design with four replications. The Mehlich 1 method (0.05 N HCl in 0.025 N H2SO4) was used for chemical extraction of soil. Soil P and other exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Al, and Fe) were analyzed using an Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Spectroscopy. The effects of dredged materials addition on soil quality and compaction were analyzed statistically following the PROC ANOVA procedures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Sediments that were dredged from LP have high CaCO3 content (82%) and when these materials were incorporated into existing topsoil they would have the same favorable effects as liming the field. Thus, sediments with high CaCO3 may improve the physical and chemical conditions of subtropical sandy pastures. The heavy and trace metal contents of LDM were below the probable effect levels (PEL) and threshold effect levels (TEL). Average values for Pb, Zn, As, Cu, Hg, Se, Cd, and Ni of 5.2 +/- 1.3, 7.0 +/- 0.6, 4.4 +/- 0.1, 8.7 +/- 1.2, 0.01 +/- 0.02, 0.02 +/- 0.02, 2.5 +/- 0.1, and 14.6 +/- 6.4 mg kg(-1), respectively, were below the TEL and the PEL. TEL represents the concentrations of sediment-associated contaminants that are considered to cause significant hazards to aquatic organisms, while, PEL represents the lower limit of the range of the contaminant concentrations that are usually or always associated with adverse biological effects. As such, the agricultural or livestock industry could utilize these LDM to produce forages. LDM should be regarded as a beneficial resource, as a part of the ecological system. Addition of LDM had significant (p < or = 0.001) effects on soil physico-chemical properties and soil quality. Compared with the control plots, the soils in plots amended with LDM exhibited: (1) lower degree of soil compaction; (2) an increase in soil pH, Ca, and Mg; (3) decrease in the levels of soil Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Si; and (4) no significant change in the level of Na in the soil. Results have shown the favorable influence that LDM had on soil compaction. The treatment x year interaction effect was not significant, but the average soil compaction varied widely (p < or = 0.001) with LDM application. In 2002 and 2003, soil compaction of plots was lowered significantly as a result of LDM additions. The least compacted soils in 2002 and 2003 were observed from plots with LDM75 with mean soil compaction of 300 x 10(3) and 350 x 10(3) Pa, respectively. CONCLUSION: Beneficial uses of dredged materials from LP, Florida are both economical and environmental. Often these materials can be obtained at little or no cost to the farmers or landowners in south Florida. Environmentally, dredging of sediments that are rich in CaCO3 should restore the 19.4-sq km LP by removing natural sediments from the lake bottom to improve the fishery, water quality, and navigation of the lake. The bottom sediment materials from lakes, river, and navigational channels usually are composed of upland soil enriched with nutrients and organic matter. These materials should be regarded as a beneficial resource to be used productively and not to be discarded as spoil materials. RECOMMENDATION AND OUTLOOK: Land application of LDM from LP may not only provide substantial benefits that will enhance the environment, community, and society in south Florida, but also in other parts of the world especially those areas having tropical and subtropical climate with forage-based beef cattle pastures. The heavy and trace metal contents of LDM from LP were below the PEL and TEL. As such, the agricultural or livestock industry could utilize these LDM to produce forages (Part 2 of this study). LDM should be regarded as a beneficial resource, as a part of the ecological system. Further studies are still needed to determine whether the environmental and ecological implications of LDM application are satisfied over the longer term.  相似文献   
The detection of maternal cells in amniocyte cultures is thought to be due to the outgrowth of cells from small fragments of maternal tissue removed by the amniocentesis needle. An unusual case is reported in which maternal cell contamination (MCC) was found in the cell cultures from a woman in two different amniocenteses from two consecutive pregnancies. Both pregnancies were complicated by the presence of fibroids and the fibroid tissue may have been the source of the maternal cells. A history of an amniocentesis in which there was MCC of cell cultures, or the detection of fibroids, may pose an additional risk for MCC attributable misdiagnosis in prenatal genetic studies.  相似文献   
Summary An energetic analysis of the foraging behaviour for nectar of Eristalis tenax L. is presented. The rate of energy gain while foraging on Aster is low (0.01 W) relative to similar calculations for bees, but the flies can fill their crop in about 75–220 min. Flies visit the nectar-bearing ring of florets on a capitulum systematically, leaving when they have circled it once (Fig. 1). A simple decision-making rule appears to be used to decide when to leave.  相似文献   
The effects of porous media grain size distribution on the transport and deposition of polydisperse suspended particles under different flow velocities were investigated. Selected Kaolinite particles(2–30 μm) and Fluorescein(dissolved tracer) were injected in the porous media by step input injection technique. Three sands filled columns were used: Fine sand,Coarse sand, and a third sand(Mixture) obtained by mixing the two last sands in equal weight proportion. The porous media performance on the particle removal was evaluated by analysing particles breakthrough curves, hydro-dispersive parameters determined using the analytical solution of convection–dispersion equation with a first order deposition kinetics, particles deposition profiles, and particle-size distribution of the recovered and the deposited particles. The deposition kinetics and the longitudinal hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients are controlled by the porous media grain size distribution. Mixture sand is more dispersive than Fine and Coarse sands. More the uniformity coefficient of the porous medium is large, higher is the filtration efficiency. At low velocities, porous media capture all sizes of suspended particles injected with larger ones mainly captured at the entrance.A high flow velocity carries the particles deeper into the porous media, producing more gradual changes in the deposition profile. The median diameter of the deposited particles at different depth increases with flow velocity. The large grain size distribution leads to build narrow pores enhancing the deposition of the particles by straining.  相似文献   
用粘土和壤土为材料,研究垃圾填埋场渗滤液灌溉对土壤微生物生物量及酶活性的影响,结果表明:经1年的渗滤液浇灌后,土壤中的各种营养元素与对照相比表现出明显的积累效应;渗滤液浇灌后的土壤微生物生物量均以用50%的渗滤液稀释液浇灌处理为最高,种植植物(狗牙根)能促进土壤微生物的活性,从而提高微生物生物量;酶活性变化与此相似,但粘土经渗滤液浇灌后酶活性增强较大,除了原液浇灌处理的过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶活性在α=0.05水平下与对照差异显著;其他酶活性均在α=0.01水平下与对照差异显著.壤土除了多酚氧化酶活性在α=0.01水平下与对照差异显著,其他大多在α=0.05水平下表现出与对照的差异.  相似文献   
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