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Over a period of 6 weeks in aquaria, Portuguese oysters Crassostrea angulata, accumulate 65Zn to a greater extent than do native Ostrea edulis, although intake rates for any particular organ in either species are quite similar. The general distribution pattern of radioactivity in the tissues is similar to that observed for stable zine and 65Zn in other oyster species, concentration occurring to the greatest extent in gills and mantle, and least in muscle. The observed equilibrium concentrations and biological half-lives are considerably less than those measured in the natural environment, and the significance of this and its bearing on the mechanism of uptake is discussed. Cobalt and iron depress the rate of 65Zn uptake by both oyster soft tissues and the shell. The limiting effect in soft tissues is probably due to competition for sites at the actual point of uptake. The distribution of 65Zn in tissue subcellular fractions separated by centrifugation shows the greatest concentration of the radioisotope in the insoluble tissue components of gills, mantle and heart. Appreciable amounts of 65Zn are associated with tissue proteins.  相似文献   
A comparative study was made of the entrained (12:12 LD) and endogenous (DD) respiratory rhythms of 8 species of cardinal fishes. Volumetric respirometers, designed specifically for long-term measurements of oxygen uptake by small fishes under controlled conditions, were used during standard 5 day experiments. Despite some individual variation, certain species-specific and genus-specific patterns of respiration emerged. Each species showed a persistant (advancing) rhythm of oxygen consumption during 3 days of DD. Light appeared to be the Zeitgeber, with the light-dark transition phasing the nocturnal peaks and the dark-light transition possibly phasing the diurnal ones. Genus-specific and species-specific trends in field behavior, habitat selection, and distribution were studied. There were correlations between the field behavior and the entrained respiratory rhythms of these nocturnally active fishes. Entrained and endogenous rhythms of each species showed characteristic similarities and were interpreted as integral components of a level of organization evolved for nocturnal life in the shallow marine environment.  相似文献   
Three species of the marine wood-boring genus Limnoria were subjected to low dissolved oxygen concentrations at different temperatures under laboratory conditions. 28-day median tolerance limits (TLm) were 1.0 mg/l of dissolved oxygen at 15° to 16°C and 19° to 20°C for L. lignorum, 0.75 and 0.60 mg/l at 15° to 16°C and 22° to 25°C, respectively, for L. quadripunctata, and 1.0 and 1.18 mg/l at 15° to 16°C and 22° to 25°C, respectively, for L. tripunctata. The amount of burrowing activity, as measured by the egestion rate, was directly related to the amount of dissolved oxygen. A daily egestion rate of 0.116 mg per day in L. tripunctata at 22° to 25°C was the highest figure measured. The daily egestion rate was sharply reduced at dissolved oxygen concentrations below 3.0 mg/l.  相似文献   
In many animals, territoriality will arise or cease depending on environmental factors such as intruder rate and resource availability. We investigated the effect of rearing environment on territorial behaviour in ~1.5-month-old brown trout. In the laboratory, wild-caught (reared at a low density) and hatchery-reared (high density) trout were allowed to defend a territory against a size-matched intruder reared in the same or the other environment. Because territorial behaviour should be relaxed at high-rearing densities, we hypothesized that hatchery-reared trout should value their territories less and therefore invest less in defence compared with wild-caught trout. However, in all cases, territory owners were more likely to win the contest and hatchery-reared trout were just as likely as wild-reared to win mixed contests. Furthermore, pairs of hatchery-reared trout initiated contests sooner, fought longer and were more aggressive during the contest compared with pairs of wild trout. When hatchery-reared owners met wild intruders, the contest ended sooner compared with when the roles were reversed. We conclude that territorial behaviour in brown trout is largely innate, but that the hatchery environment has promoted more aggressive individuals. These results suggest that hatchery-reared trout invest more time and energy to obtain the same contest success as wild trout. In conclusion, the lack of experience of territorial defence in a high-density rearing environment seems to reduce the efficiency of territorial behaviour. In turn, this may have negative consequences for the performance of released hatchery fish in the wild.  相似文献   
Veneridae, a cosmopolitan and ubiquitous family in world-wide littoral environments, lists more than 500 species, many of which are often subject to intensive commercial exploitation due to their numerical dominance in benthic communities. Historically, the family has been divided into 12 subfamilies by M. Keen and, even though this taxonomical arrangement was adopted for convenience and does not necessarily reflect genetic relationships, as suggested by Keen herself, this classification is still accepted. To contribute to clarify the systematics and phylogeny of Veneridae, the portion of the nucleotide sequence corresponding to domains IV and V of the gene encoding the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA was analysed in 14 species representative of 10 genera belonging to 6 different subfamilies. The results obtained using the maximum-parsimony and neighbour-joining methods indicate that the current placement of the genera into subfamilies does not always reflect a natural subdivision. In addition, the six species of Tapetinae studied, though confirmed to be a monophyletic clade, do not exhibit a correct attribution at the genus level.  相似文献   
In most rhodophytes, the quenchers zeaxanthin or lutein seem to be used for carotenoid photoprotection next to β-carotene. However, our study shows that the tropical intertidal alga Gracilaria birdiae possesses high concentrations of antheraxanthin, as well as lower concentrations of both zeaxanthin and violaxanthin. In higher plants and some algal groups, these three oxygenated carotenoids are known to protect photosystem II in a xanthophyll cycle. We were able to manipulate the carotenoid concentrations in G. birdiae by varying irradiance and temperature in laboratory experiments. Higher concentrations of violaxanthin were found in dark incubations and higher concentrations of zeaxanthin in light incubations, which is an indication that a xanthophyll cycle is active in G. birdiae. Our results also suggest a biosynthesis pathway from lycopene to β,β-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin in the light and synthesis of new lycopene in darkness. This would imply that the production of functional carotenoids is regulated by their need in photoprotection. Despite cultivation in the laboratory under the same conditions for at least 6 years, there were differences in photosynthetic properties and carotenoid dynamics between algae obtained from a population close to the Equator and another population close to the Tropic of Capricorn. These differences most probably have their origin in genetic differentiation mediated by ambient irradiance and temperature regimes. Four phycoerythrin-deficient mutant strains of G. birdiae were studied as well. Photosynthetic properties and carotenoid dynamics were basically the same in the mutants and the wild strains, but two green strains had remarkably low dark respiratory rates. This is an indication of low production of metabolites, which may be a competitive disadvantage.  相似文献   
The reproductive status of the holothuroid species Isostichopus badionotus (Selenka, 1867) and Holothuria mexicana (Ludwig, 1875) was studied over 16 months in Bocas del Toro (Panama), from November 1999 to February 2001. Sexual reproduction was evaluated by the gonad index method, and by histology of gonad development. In addition, population structure was assessed based on sex ratio, minimum reproductive size, and length and weight distributions of males and females. The sex ratio in both species was 1:1, with a unimodal population distribution composed mainly of mature individuals. The minimum reproductive length and weight were 13-20 cm and 150 g, respectively, for both species, although reproductive individuals 10 cm in length were also found. A consistently higher gonad index was observed in H. mexicana, due to a high proportion of mature females and males and high gonad indices in most monthly samples. Gametogenesis and spawning patterns seemed to occur throughout the year, with periods of enhanced activity. Two periods of maximum reproductive activity were tentatively identified: July-November for I. badionotus and February-July for H. mexicana, but neither species had a single, sharply defined annual spawning event. Further work on these exploited holothuroids should examine the relationships between reproduction and environmental factors and between reproductive status and recruitment.  相似文献   
Growth and production of the bathyal ophiurid brittle star Ophiocten gracilis was studied from skeletal growth bands and disc size frequencies of specimens collected in sled and trawl samples taken on the continental slope off Scotland. Growth bands showed up in SEM examination as ring-like zones in surface relief and texture of the stereom microstructure of the intervertebral muscle insertions on the arm ossicles. Seasonal variability in somatic growth, presumed to underlie this growth pattern, may reflect reproduction and/or a possible non-feeding period during gonad maturation. Disc size-at-age was back-calculated from size-at-age interpreted from growth-band series on the vertebral ossicles from arms of O. gracilis. Pooled growth-band frequency data and normal-distribution mixtures based on size-at-age data were used to test for overgrowth of early growth bands on the ossicles from larger individuals. Von Bertalanffy and Gompertz growth models were fitted to the finalised back-calculated disc size-at-age data. These were used along with the modal structure of the observed disc size frequencies to develop a demographic model based on normal-distribution mixtures constrained by the growth model. These and other defining parameters were fitted by non-linear regression to size structure observed in a sample of the breeding population from 997 m depth on the Hebrides Terrace. Recruitment was estimated according to available data from sediment-trap time series. A ratio of somatic production/biomass, PS/B, in the range of 0.43–0.54 was estimated using a fitted size/mass relationship and the increment summation method (ISM) applied to the fitted growth models. A narrower, but otherwise similar, range in estimated PS/B ratios (0.48–0.49) was obtained in a parallel approach using the mass-specific growth rate method (MSGRM), whereby the same size/mass relationship was applied to the observed frequencies and growth parameters fitted to growth banding. Using previously obtained data on population density, a standing crop of 4.8 g wet weight (~0.58 mg AFDW) m?2 would provide annual wet weight production in the range of 1.9–2.4 g (~0.23–0.29 mg AFDW) m?2 in the population between ca. 700–1000 m depth. Somewhat greater production estimates (PS/B=0.73–0.98) were obtained from MSGRM by pooling the sample with size frequencies from other large samples in which postlarval sizes were more numerous, but larger sizes less numerous. Similarly high production was estimated by MSGRM from a box corer sample from the Wyville-Thomson Ridge. Explanations for variability in size structure are discussed, but even the lower estimates are comparable to boreal shallow-water brittle stars. The high rate of growth and production by accepted deep-sea standards may be related to a capability for interface feeding.  相似文献   
The reproductive cycles of the serpulid polychaetes Pomatoceros lamarckii (Quatrefages, 1865, as Vermilia) and P. triqueter (Linnaeus, 1767, as Serpula triquetra) were studied by histological examination during 1999 and 2000 at Bantry Bay, south-west Ireland. Gametogenesis, sex ratios and hermaphroditism were also investigated. The male/female ratio in P. lamarckii was approximately equal, but in P. triqueter it deviated significantly in favour of females. There was no significant variation in the sex ratios throughout the year in either species. Results confirm that the species are protandric hermaphrodites. In P. lamarckii, but not in P. triqueter, sexual dimorphism was exhibited in body size, the females being larger than the males of the same species. In both species, the proportion of females increased with increasing body size. Simultaneous hermaphroditism was recorded in P. lamarckii, but not in P. triqueter. There was no clearly defined annual gametogenic cycle in either species. Both species appear to have an extended reproductive season, with numerous small-scale peaks in reproductive maturity that can vary annually. Spawning was broadly synchronous between sexes. Visual observation alone (i.e. without histology) was insufficient to accurately assess reproductive condition in individuals not in, or close to, a ripe state.  相似文献   
In eutrophic areas, green macroalgae are frequently and for long periods arranged in mats, resulting in a steep light gradient. This study investigates the effect of this gradient on physiological characteristics [tissue nitrogen content, maximal photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm), glutathione levels and redox ratio, absorbance and absorption spectra] of the green macroalga Ulva spp. Mats were sampled during the build-up (June), stationary (July), and decomposing (September) phases of a macroalgal bloom in the Veerse Meer, a eutrophic brackish (salinity 15–20 psu) lake in the southwest Netherlands. Water samples were taken for nutrient analyses. At all three sampling dates, the mats were composed almost entirely of Ulva spp.; in September the mats were in decay and covered with silt and epiphytes. In June and July, total dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration (DIN) of the water within the mat was significantly higher than outside the mat. Pronounced vertical differences were found in tissue N, Fv/Fm values, total glutathione levels, glutathione redox ratios, and absorbance. In June and July, tissue N decreased from over 2.2% dry weight (DW; N-sufficient) in the bottom layers to around 1% DW (minimum level for survival) in the top layers. Wide-band absorption increased with depth in the mat and throughout the season, probably due to higher Chl a and b and lutein contents. The shape of the absorption spectrum was similar for all layers. The absorption of the silt/epiphyte film on the top Ulva layer was highest; its absorption spectrum (high absorption in the 500–560 nm range) indicates that the film on the top layers of the macroalgal mats mainly consisted of diatoms. In June, Fv/Fm and the glutathione redox ratio of the algae increased with depth in the layer, while total glutathione decreased. Low Fv/Fm values in the bottom and middle layers in September reflect the bad condition of the algae; the mats were largely decaying. It is concluded that multiple growth-limiting gradients occur in macroalgal mats: upper layers suffer from nitrogen limitation and photoinhibition while bottom layers are light limited. The algae in the mat acclimatize to low light conditions by increasing their absorption through increased pigment contents and by higher photosynthetic efficiency during the build-up and stationary period. This study qualifies the glutathione redox ratio as a promising candidate for stress indicator in macroalgae and provides suggestions for its further development.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   
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