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We studied correlation between crown conditions and tree-ring widths in 260 trees of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) growing on 33 sites in southern Sweden. The tree-ring increment over 1998-2002 was highest in trees with healthy crowns, intermediate in trees with moderately declined crowns, and lowest in trees with heavily declining crowns. The time period with significant correlation between crown status and tree-ring increment varied between 10 years (given autocorrelation in tree-ring chronologies preserved) and 4 years (autocorrelation removed). In pairwise comparisons of three crown classes, differences in tree-ring increment between trees with healthy crowns and trees with heavily declining crowns were the most pronounced, Fisher LSD P value staying below 0.05 over 13 years (autocorrelation preserved ) or 4 years (autocorrelation removed). Over two 5-year periods (1993-1997 vs. 1998-2002) the cumulative increment increased significantly for trees with healthy crowns, did not change in trees with moderately declining crowns, and significantly decreased in trees with heavily declining crowns. For trees with healthy crowns, this dynamics may represent growth recovery after 1992 drought. Instead, oaks with defoliation above 60% appear to reach a threshold in their ability to recover growth. At sites on nutrient-poor soils cumulative increments over 1998-2002 differed significantly among trees with different crown condition and no differences were observed at sites on nutrient-rich soils. Analyses and interpretation of the oak growth trends as recovered from tree-ring chronologies may be improved by controlling for the crown status of the trees sampled, e.g., by using sampling strategy that would represent the average crown and growth conditions of the sites.  相似文献   
Aerosol constituents (elemental carbon, organic carbon, soluble ions including organic acids, and selected trace metals) were investigated from samples of a field campaign taking place at Bhola Island in the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh). The campaign took place in the pre-monsoon season (May 2001) using low volume samplers. Carbonaceous material comprised the majority of the analysed components. The average concentrations of EC and OC were 2.8 and 4.6 microg m(-3), respectively. Oxalic acid was the most abundant dicarboxylic acid (average 268 ng m(-3)) followed by malonic and malic acid. The contribution of carboxylic acids-carbon to organic carbon was 2.0%. Average concentrations observed for sulfate and nitrate were 3.7 microg m(-3) and 1.5 microg m(-3). Two different types of aerosol were identified at the rural background site on Bhola Island during southerly synoptic flow by means of trajectory analysis: air masses were transported from the Bay of Bengal to the sampling site in all cases. However, during "Period 1" they experienced longer residence times over the Indian Ocean, while the "Period 2" trajectories came along the Indian coast or passed over the Indian continent. During Period 1 the concentration levels of soluble ions were a factor of 4-6 lower than during Period 2. The concentrations of EC, OC and K differed less than a factor of 1.5 between the two periods. The Period 1 aerosol showed similarities to the haze layers observed during winter-monsoon conditions south of India during the INDOEX experiment. Based on EC/TC and K/EC ratios we find that around 80% of the carbonaceous aerosol from Period 1 in Bhola is from fossil fuel and only around 50% from Period 2. Absolute concentrations of carbonaceous species, soluble ions and trace metals indicate that the background site on Bhola Island is affected by emissions from urbanized regions of Southeast Asia.  相似文献   
The use of assimilation tools for satellite validation requires true estimates of the accuracy of the reference data. Since its inception, the Network for Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC) has provided systematic lidar measurements of ozone and temperature at several places around the world that are well adapted for satellite validations. Regular exercises have been organised to ensure the data quality at each individual site. These exercises can be separated into three categories: large scale intercomparisons using multiple instruments, including a mobile lidar; using satellite observations as a geographic transfer standards to compare measurements at different sites; and comparative investigations of the analysis software. NDSC is a research network, so each system has its own history, design, and analysis, and has participated differently in validation campaigns. There are still some technological differences that may explain different accuracies. However, the comparison campaigns performed over the last decade have always proved to be very helpful in improving the measurements. To date, more efforts have been devoted to characterising ozone measurements than to temperature observations. The synthesis of the published works shows that the network can potentially be considered as homogeneous within +/-2% between 20-35 km for ozone and +/-1 K between 35-60 km for temperature. Outside this altitude range, larger biases are reported and more efforts are required. In the lower stratosphere, Raman channels seem to improve comparisons but such capabilities were not systematically compared. At the top of the profiles, more investigations on analysis methodologies are still probably needed. SAGE II and GOMOS appear to be excellent tools for future ozone lidar validations but need to be better coordinated and take more advantage of assimilation tools. Also, temperature validations face major difficulties caused by atmospheric tides and therefore require intercomparisons with the mobile systems, at all sites.  相似文献   
This contribution highlights the role and importance of ecotoxicology in regulatory decisions of chemicals legislation focussing on the responsibilities of the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA). Therefore, organisational structures and processes relevant for making decisions concerning the risks of chemicals to men and the environment are described. As any regulatory decision starts with scientific findings, a brief overview of UBA’s activities with regard to own research and to initiate research in the area of ecotoxicology is provided. In addition, the vast importance of standardisation and international harmonisation of guidelines for testing and assessment of chemicals is illustrated, including the time- and ressource consuming character of these harmonisation processes. Subsequently, the involvement of regulatory decision making in intense and controversial scientific and political debates is emphasised. The transparency of these discussions and the independence of science is critically addressed in this context. In a final chapter the job requirements and options for qualification in Germany are described, ending up with a brief summary of the positive experiences with UBA’s contribution to the new advanced training course in ecotoxiciology realised by GDCh/SETAC GLB. A summary of the discussions on these different topics emphasises the specific challenge in regulatory ecotoxicology: To generate knowledge relevant for decision making, while acting in an area of conflict between scientific demands and economical as well as political interests.  相似文献   
Based on multi-year measurements of CH4 exchange in sub-daily resolution we show that clear-cutting of a forest in Southern Germany increased soil temperature and moisture and decreased CH4 uptake. CH4 uptake in the first year after clear-cutting (−4.5 ± 0.2 μg C m−2 h−1) was three times lower than during the pre-harvest period (−14.2 ± 1.3 μg C m−2 h−1). In contrast, selective cutting did not significantly reduce CH4 uptake. Annual mean uptake rates were −1.18 kg C ha−1 yr−1 (spruce control), −1.16 kg C ha−1 yr−1 (selective cut site) and −0.44 kg C ha−1 yr−1 (clear-cut site), respectively. Substantial seasonal and inter-annual variations in CH4 fluxes were observed as a result of significant variability of weather conditions, demonstrating the need for long-term measurements. Our findings imply that a stepwise selective cutting instead of clear-cutting may contribute to mitigating global warming by maintaining a high CH4 uptake capacity of the soil.  相似文献   
Each year governments and industry around the globe spend billions of dollars in search of treatments and cures for diseases that shorten lives, which often means gadgets, implants, radiation and pills. These “cures”, do not get to the root of the problem. Perhaps it is time for us to adjust our thinking to be more proactive instead of reactive in public health. Perhaps we need to consider confronting environmental pollution of air, soil and water at a local level. As the Physicians for Social Responsibility point out, we should be “preventing what we cannot cure”. One such preventive measure is ensuring that our communities, including our poor inner-city neighbourhoods, enjoy a clean environment. We challenge local and national policy-makers to respond to the global call and to take action to address environmental toxins; to take local action to ameliorate the pollution of the air, water and soil in so many of our nation’s neighbourhoods. A person’s neighbourhood, and the proximity of dangerous environmental contaminants within it, is a powerful predictor of how long s/he will live. While situations like the poisoning of the water in Flint, Michigan have gotten some attention, they are generally treated as the exception rather than a reflection of real environmental hazards that exist in the west. Moreover we wonder why more endemic issues of neighbourhood environmental contamination that shorten human lives are not a priority for local action or that it is not linked to disproportionate production of greenhouse gases that cause climate change/warming/chaos.  相似文献   
A hydrodynamic field study of the Segara Anakan lagoon combined with a reconstruction of the recorded data using a three-dimensional numerical model provides insights into the processes driving the hydrodynamics of the lagoon. This includes bathymetry, quantification of water volume fluxes with ADCP measurements, sea level recordings, salinity measurements, water budget and numerical model results for the periods of the field studies. Salinity measurements at the Klaces village show a complete flushing of the western lagoon during neap tide in the rainy season, which is assumed to increase the sedimentation. Mean salinities of the western part are in the order of 10 and 21 g/kg, while the eastern part has a larger mean salinity of 27 and 32 g/kg for the rainy and dry season, respectively. A numerical sensitivity study shows a relationship between the Citanduy discharge and the nett water volume transport between the eastern and western part of Segara Anakan. A nett transport to the west, which differs from neap to spring tides, turns to zero when Citanduy discharges are between 300 and 400 m3/s. The flushing time of the lagoon depends on the monsoon season and is about 1–3 days at the western outlet and increases to 12 days in the central parts.  相似文献   
Wind tunnel measurements of the total drag force for aligned arrays of cubes exposed to two different boundary-layer flows at three flow velocities are discussed. The drag force for eight different building packing densities λ p (from 0.028 to 1) is measured with a standard load cell generating a novel dataset. Different λ p are reproduced by increasing the number of buildings on the same lot area; this represents a real situation that an urban planner is faced with when a lot area of a given (fixed) size is allocated to the development of new built areas. It is assumed that the surrounding terrain is uniform and there is a transition from a given roughness (smooth) to a new roughness (rough). The approaching flow will adjust itself over the new surface within a distance that in general may be larger than the horizontal length covered by the array. We investigate the region where the flow adjustment occurs. The wide range of packing densities allowed us to analyse in detail the evolution of the drag force. The drag force increases with increasing packing densities until it reaches a maximum at an intermediate packing density (λ p  = 0.25 in our case) followed by a slight decrease at larger packing densities. The value of the drag force depends on the flow adjustment along the array which is evaluated by introducing the parameter “drag area” to retrieve information about the drag distribution at different λ p . Results clearly suggest a change of the distribution of the drag force, which is found to be relatively uniform at low packing densities, while most of the force acts on first rows of the arrays at large packing densities. The drag area constitutes the basis for the formulation of a new adjustment length scale defined as the ratio between the volume of the air within the array and the drag area. The proposed adjustment length scale automatically takes into account the change in drag distribution along the array for a better parameterization of urban effects in dispersion models.  相似文献   
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