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Soil and sediments collected at a former chlor‐alkali plant in coastal Georgia (United States), revealed the presence of PCDF concentrations as great as 82.3 ng/g, dry wt. PCDF congener profile in soil was typical of “chlorine pattern”; with elevated proportions of OCDF and HpCDF. Concentrations of PCDFs declined gradually by 44‐fold at a distance of about 500 m along the contamination gradient. Of PCDDs/DFs, 2,3,7,8‐substituted PCDFs accounted for 94–98% of the TCDD‐like activity, which declined by 25‐fold, corresponding with the reduction of total PCDF concentrations. Concentrations of PCDDs in sediments were as great as 17 ng/g, with an elevated contribution from OCDD. The magnitude of decline in PCDD concentrations with distance from the source was less pronounced than that for PCDFs. PBDDs and PBDFs were not detected. Polybrominated biphenyl ether (PBBE) and monobromo‐heptachloro dibenzo‐p‐dioxins and dibenzofurans (PXDDs/DFs) were found, though, at low concentrations. Their spatial distribution was similar to those of PCDDs.  相似文献   
Organophosphoric acid triester (OPE) concentration levels in water and bottom sediment at the Osaka North Port Sea-Based Solid Waste Disposal Site were investigated, and the behavior of OPEs in the water environment of the waste disposal site was examined. The more highly water-soluble OPEs were frequently detected in raw water. Of the OPEs detected, TCEP and TCPP showed very high concentrations (1.0–90 μg/l), followed by TEP (0.3–10 μg/l) > TBXP (0.8–6.3 μg/l) > TDCPP (0.6–6.2 μg/l) > TBP (0.2–1.5 μg/l) > TPP (<0.1 μg/l). Most OPEs detected in water were eluted from the disposal waste to the water phase immediately and behaved as dissolved forms with no distribution in suspended solids (SS). On the other hand, the less water-soluble OPEs, such as TCP or TEHP, were detected in bottom sediment but hardly at all in water samples. All OPEs were detected at the waste disposal site, within which their concentration levels were uniform. It appeared that the less water-soluble OPEs were present as SS-associated forms and behaved in line with the floating surface sludge at the bottom. Received: July 6, 1998 / Accepted: February 25, 1999  相似文献   
The fate of spiked anthracene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene in soil with or without sewage sludge compost was assessed during a 6-month bioremediation process simulating landfarming. Bioassays and physico-chemical analyses were employed to monitor toxicity change in soil samples and elutriates through ten sampling campaigns. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was determined to measure the strength of relationship between bioassays and physico-chemical analyses. The PAH dissipation in soil was enhanced after the first water addition, and the remaining amounts at the end of the experiment were positively correlated to the number of benzene rings and the presence of sewage sludge compost. Toxicity of soil elutriates to Daphnia magna was evident at early stages, originating exclusively from sewage sludge compost amendment. The lettuce root elongation was continuously inhibited by elutriates for all the treatments including control soil, probably due to high salinity or to unaddressed leachable phytotoxic compounds that were present in the experimental soil. The newly developed direct solid-phase chronic toxicity test using ostracod (Heterocypris incongruens) succeeded in evaluating the soil-bound PAH toxicity, as PAHs could not be detected in elutriates.  相似文献   
Males of many tephritid fruit fly species of the genus Bactrocera show a very strong affinity to methyl eugenol (ME). An attracted male compulsively ingests ME, which is then biotransformed before its metabolites are accumulated into the rectal gland. The glandular organ is known to serve as a reservoir for sex pheromone in some species. Upon ME-feeding, males of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, selectively accumulated two metabolites, 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol (DMP) and (E)-coniferyl alcohol (E-CF), in the rectal pheromone gland. We compared the profiles of phenylpropanoid metabolites accumulated by three other species of very high economic and quarantine importance—Bactrocera invadens, Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera correcta, with that of B. dorsalis. Males of each species were fed artificially on ME and the metabolites stored in the rectal glands were examined by means of chromatography and spectroscopy. Similar to B. dorsalis, males of laboratory-raised B. invadens accumulated DMP and E-CF, in almost equal quantities, in the rectal sac. The sum of DMP and E-CF increased gradually with time after ME consumption and reached as high as 150 μg/male 2 days post ME-feeding. Wild males of B. invadens captured in Kenya also possessed both the compounds in varying quantities. In contrast, males of B. zonata accumulated DMP and (Z)-coniferyl alcohol (Z-CF) in an approximate ratio of 1:1; whereas B. correcta is known to convert ME to (Z)-3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl alcohol (Z-DMC) and Z-CF also in an approximately 1:1 ratio. Thus, there are three types of binary combinations of rectal phenylpropanoid volatiles (i.e. DMP + E-CF; DMP + Z-CF; Z-CF + Z-DMC) utilized among the four Bactrocera species. Such differences in phenylpropanoid ingredients may play a critical role in differentiating these species if encountered in the natural habitat. In this context, the two putative sibling species—B. invadens and B. dorsalis, possess the identical subset of rectal volatiles (DMP and E-CF) in a similar proportion. Furthermore, the phylogenetic analyses of the four Bactrocera species by comparing nucleotide sequences in the mitochondrial genes showed that B. invadens clearly belonged to the same clade as B. dorsalis species. Therefore, we consider the two as the same biological species, and certainly not distinct.  相似文献   
Degradation of organophosphoric esters (OPEs) in leachate from a sea-based solid waste disposal site was investigated by laboratory experiment. Aryl-phosphates, tricresyl phosphate and triphenyl phosphate, in leachate rapidly decreased to less than the detection limit within 20 days under aerobic condition, suggesting high biodegradability. These phosphates also decreased in sterilized leachate, which suggested a contribution to degradation by reactions (adsorption and chemical degradation) with chemicals in the leachate. Concerning alkyl-phosphates, tributyl phosphate decreased rapidly after one week, which is considered to have been caused by biodegradation. Tris-2-ethylhexyl phosphate and tris-2-butoxyethyl phosphate decreased slowly in all samples but that of sterilized distilled water. This however, suggested contribution of biodegradation because the velocity of decrease in the leachate was higher than in control samples. Among chloro alkylphosphates, decrease of tris-2-chloroethyl phosphate and tris-dichloropropyl phosphate were observed though it was not obvious whether by biodegradation or not. Decrease of tris-2-chloropropyl phosphate (TCPP) was not observed for 80 days suggesting that TCPP remains in the leachate over a long period of time. Except for aryl-phosphates decrease of OPEs was not observed under anaerobic condition. It was considered that the composition ratio and the behavior of OPEs in leachate in the field reflects the biological and chemical degradation as well as the chemical properties of OPEs.  相似文献   

To elucidate the neurologic features of chronic Minamata disease, and the incidence of complications with aging, we studied 80 patients with documented Minamata disease (organic mercury poisoning) from 1986 to 1994 (mean age: 63 years). Of the cardinal neurologic findings, sensory impairment was seen with highest frequency in 98.8% of patients limited to the extremities in 86.3%. Impairment of lower extremity coordination was observed in 60%, constriction of the visual field in 51.9%, and retrocochlear hearing loss in 41%. To assess age‐related complications, patients were separated into three groups by age: Group I (10 to 39 years); Group II (40 to 69 years); Group III (≥7 0 years). The incidences of hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases, organic ophthalmologic disorders (including cataracts), presbyacusis, and cervical spondylosis deformans increased significantly with age. Compared with a preceding survey (1981 to 1985, 171 patients, mean age: 63.5 years), the incidences of complicated hypertension and cataracts had decreased, whereas those of cerebrovascular disease and retinitis pigmentosa remained unchanged. The incidences of abnormal brain computed tomography (CT), presbyacusis, cervical spondylosis deformans, and positive tests for urine sugar also increased. The incidences of these complications other than retinitis pigmentosa were similar to those in the general population. These results accurately reflect the recent epidemiological disease tendencies in Japan toward a decreased incidence of hypertension and an increased incidence of diabetes.  相似文献   
Elevated levels of copper and zinc in sediment have been shown to adversely affect estuarine infauna. We investigated the additivity of the combined effects of copper and zinc on infaunal recolonisation through a manipulative field experiment in Orewa estuary, New Zealand, using defaunated sediment discs treated with these metals. The nature of their combined effects varied among infaunal taxa and the particular variables being examined. Additive effects were detected for species richness, for the mean log abundances of the polychaetes Prionospio sp. and Scoloplos cylindrifer and for the multivariate response of the community as a whole. Antagonistic effects were detected for the mean log abundances of total infauna and the polychaete Heteromastus sp. Characterising the potentially interactive nature of the combined effects of multiple heavy metals is essential in order to build predictive models of future environmental impacts of metal accumulation in estuarine sediments.  相似文献   
The residual ecotoxicity of long-term bioremediated soils concomitantly spiked with three PAHs at four levels (15, 75, 150, 300 mg Sigma 3 PAHs kg(-1) soil) was evaluated using physico-chemical analyses, solid-phase bioassays and soil microbial activities. The pot-scale bioremediation process consisted of weekly moderate waterings in the presence or absence of sewage sludge compost (SSC) under greenhouse conditions. After 15 months, anthracene and pyrene were almost completely degraded whereas benzo[a]pyrene was still persisting, most apparently in SSC-amended soil treatments. However, no apparent toxic effects of the residual PAHs could be detected. SSC application at 40 t ha(-1) was performed to valorize the biowaste and stimulate PAH biodegradation but caused soil salinization and pH reduction at the end of the bioremediation process. Consequently, SSC-amended soils were characterized by strong phytotoxicity to lettuce and had adverse effects on the ostracod Heterocypris incongruens. Despite the smaller number of culturable bacterial populations in SSC-amended soils, soil enzymatic activities were not affected by the organic amendment and residual PAHs; and the bioremediation efficiency was likely to be more limited by the bioavailability of PAHs rather than by the total number of PAH-degraders.  相似文献   
A total 23 of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) residues were determined in five groups of foodstuffs, i.e.: vegetables (carrot, potato, cucumber, corn, and onion), rice, pulses (green bean and soybean), nuts (peanut), and fish (milkfish), which collected from traditional markets in three big cities of Indonesia; Jakarta, Bogor, and Yogyakarta. OCPs were only detected in fatty foodstuffs, such as soybean, peanut, and milkfish. The concentration of HCB (expressed as ng g?1 on a whole basis), ΣDrins, ΣDDTs, ΣHeptachlors, and ΣHCHs were in the range of <0.3–0.74 ng g?1, <0.03–0.42 ng g?1, <0.02–0.41 ng g?1, <0.03–0.14 ng g?1, and <0.03–0.06 ng g?1, respectively, which were far below the maximum residue limits (MRLs) as established by FAO/WHO. These very low concentrations of OCPs residues in foodstuffs indicated that OCPs were used only in past time and no recent input into the environment. Furthermore, the estimated daily intake (EDI) of HCB, ΣDDTs, ΣDrins, ΣHeptachlors, and ΣHCHs in five group foodstuffs, which were 60% of total daily diet of Indonesian, were 0.09 ng kg?1 bw d?1, 0.04 ng kg?1 bw d?1, 0.01 ng kg?1 bw d?1, 0.003 ng kg?1 bw d?1, and 0.002 ng kg?1 bw d?1, respectively. These results were far below the acceptable daily intake (ADI) as established by FAO/WHO, which indicated that consumption of foodstuffs from Indonesia were at little risk to human health in term of OCPs at present.  相似文献   
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