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Aquatic stability and impact of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs, 10–30 nm) were investigated using Artemia salina. Acute exposure was conducted on nauplii (larvae) and adults in seawater in a concentration range from 10 to 100 mg/L TiO2 NPs for 24 and 96 h. Rapid aggregation occurred in all suspensions of TiO2 NPs to form micrometer size particles. Yet, both nauplii and adults accumulated the aggregates significantly. Average TiO2 content in nauplii ranged from 0.47 to 3.19 and from 1.29 to 4.43 mg/g in 24 and 96 h, respectively. Accumulation in adults was higher ranging from 2.30 to 4.19 and from 4.38 to 6.20 mg/g in 24 and 96 h, respectively. Phase contrast microscopy images revealed that Artemia were unable to excrete the particles. Thus, the TiO2 aggregates filled inside the guts. No significant mortality or toxicity occurred within 24 h at any dose. Lipid peroxidation levels characterized with malondialdehyde concentrations were not statistically different from those of the controls (p?>?0.05). These results suggested that suspensions of the TiO2 NPs were nontoxic to Artemia, most likely due to the formation of benign TiO2 aggregates in water. In contrast, both mortality and lipid peroxidation increased in extended exposure to 96 h. Highest mortality occurred in 100 mg/L TiO2 NP suspensions; 18 % for nauplii and 14 % for adults (LC50?>?100 mg/L). These effects were attributed to the particle loading inside the guts leading to oxidative stress as a result of impaired food uptake for a long period of time.  相似文献   
Although a large number of medical error taxonomies have been published, there is little evidence to suggest that these taxonomies have been systematically compared. This paper describes a study comparing 26 medical error taxonomies using a human factors perspective. The taxonomies were examined to determine if they classified systemic factors of medical errors and if they utilized theoretical error concepts in their classifications. Scope of classification was also examined. It was found that two-thirds of the taxonomies classified systemic factors of medical errors and only a third utilized theoretical error concepts. Medical error taxonomies based on theoretical error concepts were more likely to be generic in applicability and also more likely to classify systemic factors and psychological error mechanisms of medical errors. In addition to terminology, the medical error taxonomies also varied in terms of domain-specificity, granularity, and developmental process. Different medical error taxonomies provide different information; how these differences affect medical error management needs to be investigated.  相似文献   
Hurricanes are relatively frequent ecological disturbances that may cause potentially long-term impacts to the coastal environment. Hurricane Katrina hit the Mississippi Gulf Coast in August 2005, and caused a storm surge with the potential to change the trace element content of coastal surface sediments. In this study, surface estuarine and marine sediments were collected monthly following the storm from ten sites along the Mississippi Gulf Coast (Mobile Bay, Grand Bay Bayous Heron and Cumbest, Pascagoula, Ocean Springs, Biloxi Gulf, Back Biloxi Bay, Gulfport Gulf, Gulfport Courthouse Rd, and Gulfport Marina). Concentrations of V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb were measured by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry to evaluate their temporal and spatial variations in the year following Hurricane Katrina. Sediments were characterized by pH, particle size distribution and total carbon and nitrogen content. Trace element contents of the sediments were determined in both <2 mm and <63 μm grain size fractions. Results revealed no significant temporal and spatial variability in trace element concentrations, in either size fraction. Potential ecological risk of the sediments was assessed by using NOAA SQuiRTs’ guideline values; most concentrations remained below probable adverse effects guidelines to marine organisms suggesting that trace elements redistributed by Hurricane Katrina would not cause an adverse impact on resident organisms. Instead, the concentrations of trace elements were site-dependent, with specific contaminants relating to the use of the area prior to Hurricane Katrina.  相似文献   
Many non-linear processes link atmospheric emissions to the bioavailability of metals; consequently, the monitoring of metals in ecosystem components is required to model their ecodynamics. American mink (Neovison vison) and river otter (Lontra canadensis) have the potential to serve as an upper-level-consumer component in monitoring metals bioavailability. However, the relationship of bioaccumulated metals to various environmental factors has not been explored nor have the effects of demographic factors been resolved. To address these limitations, mink and otter, collected throughout New York State during 1998–2002, were analyzed for hepatic concentrations of total mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb). Relationships were investigated between metals concentrations and landscape-level factors (physiographic zone, hydrologic unit, and elevation) and demographic factors (gender and age). Considerable variation in Hg and Cd concentrations was observed relative to both physiographic zone and hydrologic unit for both species. In contrast with Hg, Cd concentration increased predictably with increasing elevation. Mercury concentrations were greater, but for Cd less, in otter than mink. Lead concentrations showed little landscape heterogeneity and were independent of elevation. Age-related bioaccumulation was evident for Hg and Cd, but not for Pb, in both species. Mercury and Cd concentrations were greater in female than male mink; however, Pb concentrations were greater in males than females. Inverse relationships of relative growth (weight/length) to metals concentrations explained gender differences in Hg and Cd in mink. For otter, no gender-related differences in metals concentrations were apparent. The suitability of mink and otter for monitoring programs is discussed.  相似文献   
In rural areas in Bangladesh, groundwater is the principal source of water supply. This underground water is available in considerable amount in shallow aquifers. It is free from pathogenic microorganisms and hence water-borne diseases. In plain lands, other than hilly areas, water supply to 97% rural population comes from tube-wells, which is regarded to be a phenomenal achievement in preserving public health. Besides, a dependable water supply system all throughout the country is offset by two factors: (a) high salinity in surface plus groundwater in coastal areas; (b) want of suitable groundwater aquifers in hilly areas and the high cost of setting up tube-wells due to deep underground water table and stony layers. However, presence of arsenic in underground water now poses a serious threat to the success once made in water supply by setting up of manually operated tube-wells in the village areas—the achievement is now on the brink of total collapse. In about 61 districts out of 64, presence of arsenic exceeds a quantity of 0.05 mg/1, a permissible limit as per Bangladeshi water quality standard. Harvesting rainwater can be a pragmatic solution to this problem, which is common in many places in Sylhet especially in the hilly areas on the north eastern part of the city. This can be an alternative source of drinking water because of availability of rainwater from March to October. Heavy rain occurs from end of May till mid September, which is commonly known as the rainy season. This paper focuses on the possibility of harvesting rainwater in rural communities and thickly populated urban areas of Sylhet. It also demonstrates the scopes of harvesting rainwater using simple and low-cost technology. With setting up of a carefully planned rainwater storage tank, a family can have all of its drinking water from rain. Planned use of rainwater through rainwater harvesting in the roof catchments may fulfill the entire annual domestic water demand of a family in the rural areas of Bangladesh.  相似文献   
This paper reviews how aerosol exposure assessment, for people in both working and living environments, has evolved over the years. It charts the main scientific developments that led to progressively improved ways of thinking and methods to assess exposure to airborne particulate matter in a manner more relevant to human health. It has been a long scientific journey as one generation of pioneering contributors has handed off to the next. In the process a consistent rationale has emerged, producing aerosol sampling criteria--and in turn exposure standards--which have been increasingly relevant to actual human exposures. The journey continues as a new generation of scientists steps up to deal with the new challenges that are emerging. An appreciation of the history of what went before is essential to charting the most effective path looking forward.  相似文献   
The distribution and concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in fish species (European perch Perca fluviatilis, northern pike Esox lucius, pike perch Sander lucioperca, wels catfish Silirus glanus, common carp Cyprinus carpio, European eel Anguilla anguilla, freshwater bream Abramis brama, goldfish Carassius auratus, and roach Rutilus rutilus) in a heavily polluted water reservoir Zemplínska ?írava (Slovakia). The study performed at two different time points 5?years apart (2004 and 2009) revealed serious PCB contamination of fish muscle tissue and significant interspecies as well as tissue-specific differences in PCB uptake by fish. Total PCBs broadly correlated with the trophic position of individual fish species within a food chain (P??0.05). The study has shown that the kind of fish, its feeding habit, and specific conditions of the habitat are mutually interrelated factors that are responsible for significant variations in fish body burdens. A tendency to PCB biomagnification was also proved in some fish species of this water reservoir.  相似文献   
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