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This study continues a comparative cytogenetic analysis of the fish family Mugilidae, reporting the karyotype characterization of the leaping mullet, Liza saliens, by C-banding, Ag- and fluorochrome-staining, and completing the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)-mapping of the 18S and 5S rRNA genes (rDNA) to the chromosomes of the six Mediterranean mullets, namely L. saliens, L. ramada, L. aurata, Mugil cephalus, Chelon labrosus and Oedalechilus labeo. In all species, except M. cephalus, the 5S rDNA sites were localized on a medium-sized acrocentric chromosome pair, which was considered homeologous in all of them. In L. saliens, an additional 5S rDNA site was detected in a location close to the one shown by major ribosomal genes in M. cephalus, i.e. the subtelomeric region of chromosome pair 1. The 5S rDNA site in M. cephalus is located on the smallest chromosome pair of the complement, which, on the other hand, though on a different position, bears 18S rDNA in all the species of Liza and Chelon examined. The heterochromatin composition and the major and minor ribosomal gene locations suggest that the karyotype of L. saliens (subgenus Protomugil) can be considered intermediate between the karyotype of the more primitive M. cephalus and those of the other Liza (subgenus Liza) species and of the representatives of the more derived genera Chelon and Oedalechilus.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was the documentation of the molecular immune response of Suberites domuncula upon bacterial infection. Additionally, the bacteria that are naturally present in the sponge after prolonged aquarium maintenance were characterized. After 6 months of maintenance of S. domuncula in seawater aquaria, only one bacterial 16S rDNA sequence could be recovered, which belongs to the genus Pseudomonas. Concomitantly, morphologically uniform bacteria were found encapsulated in bacteriocytes. These findings indicate that certain bacteria, possibly of the genus Pseudomonas, are able to persist for long periods in host bacteriocytes. Subsequent to performing a previously established infection assay with S. domuncula, a potentially pathogenic Vibrio sp. was isolated from the tissues. Furthermore, the host tissue disintegrated and asexual propagation bodies (gemmules) were formed. In order to gain insights into the molecular events occurring after bacterial infection, the stress-response kinases, p38 protein kinase and JNK protein kinase, were analyzed. It is demonstrated that these two kinases are activated (phosphorylated) upon incubation of the tissue with the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Moreover, LPS strongly inhibits protein synthesis. It is concluded that there are many functionally different interactions between S. domuncula and bacteria and that the animal possesses mechanisms to differentiate between bacteria and to respond accordingly.  相似文献   
Male genitalia may facilitate sperm protection by acting as a plug that prevents or hinders future matings. The pedipalps (intromittant organs) of males of the orb-web spider, Nephila plumipes, have a conductor with a peculiarly curved ending and a triangular process near the terminal end. The tip of the conductor, including the process, breaks during most matings and remains inside the female genital tract. We explored the possible function of the conductor as a mating plug using the double-mating sterile-male technique. Our data are not consistent with a plug function because males use only one pedipalp in each mating, thus leaving an unobstructed insemination duct available for future matings; conductors of males mating with virgin females are not more likely to break than those of males mating with mated females, and second males show no preference for used or unused spermathecae. In addition, males that inserted their palp in the insemination duct that contained a tip of the conductor from a previous male obtained a share in the paternity of the female's clutch of eggs. Interestingly, the conductor is more likely to break if it is inserted in an unused spermatheca. We argue that several lines of evidence suggest that the conductor breaks as a result of intersexual conflict over the duration of copulation.  相似文献   
The ability of territorial lizards to discriminate between scents of neighbors and non-neighbors might contribute to decreasing the costs of aggressive interactions. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a field study to analyze the spatial relationships between male Iberian rock-lizards, Lacerta monticola. We then used the same individuals in a laboratory experiment to test whether male lizards can use chemical cues to discriminate between familiar conspecific males (those whose home ranges overlapped) and unfamiliar conspecific males (those whose home ranges did not overlap, and whose home range centers were at least 50 m apart). Differences in tongue-flick rates in the presence of chemical cues suggested that male L. monticola discriminated between odors of familiar and unfamiliar males. The behavioral responses were also dependent on relative differences in body size between the responding male and the unfamiliar male that donated the scent: There was a significant negative correlation between tongue-flick rates emitted in cages of unfamiliar males and the body size differences between males. In contrast, when the donor of the scent was a familiar male, the tongue-flick rate was not dependent on body size differences. These results are compatible with individual discrimination through chemical cues in male L. monticola.  相似文献   
Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) is a straightforward way to manage waste, however the disposal of process byproducts, mainly bottom and fly ash, is still a problem, because of their hazardous contents. Fly ash is a byproduct of many other processes that involve combustion to produce energy. In this paper we present and discuss a new method for MSWI fly ash inertization, mainly based on the use of colloidal silica as a stabilization agent for metals. In the patented procedure, fly ash of different provenance can be used to produce an inert and non-hazardous material, that can be reused. In fact to make the recovery process more efficient, landfilling should be totally avoided. For this reason, to enhance the possibility of reuse, a washing process, for salts recovery, is proposed as a final step of the inertization procedure. The obtained inert material is called COSMOS (COlloidal Silica Medium to Obtain Safe inert), and it is composed of calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, silicon oxide and a wide quantity of non-soluble amorphous compounds. COSMOS does not contain any corrosive salts. This makes it extremely interesting for cement industry applications with several other advantages, and environmental benefits. The new proposed inertization procedure appears very promising, because it allows MSWI fly ash to be considered a valuable resource. Thanks to the obtained results, a demonstration project, in the frame of LIFE+, has been funded by the European Commission (LIFE+ 2008 project ENV/IT/000434, ).  相似文献   
Terrestrial freshwater runoff strongly influences physical and biogeochemical processes at the fjord scale and can have global impacts when considered at the Greenland scale. We investigate the performance of the HIRHAM5 regional climate model over the catchments delivering freshwater to Tyrolerfjord and Young Sound by comparing to the unique Greenland Ecological Monitoring database of in situ observations from this region. Based on these findings, we estimate and discuss the fraction of runoff originating from glacierized and non-glacierized land delivered at the daily scale between 1996 and 2008. We find that glaciers contributed on average 50–80% of annual terrestrial runoff when considering different sections of Tyrolerfjord–Young Sound, but snowpack depletion on land and consequently runoff happens about one month earlier in the model than observed in the field. The temporal shift in the model is a likely explanation why summer surface salinity in the inner fjord did not correlate to modelled runoff.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to study the colour and chemical modifications of the surfaces in chestnut wood samples as a consequence of irradiating in a controlled environment. The changes were investigated by a new analytical approach by combining traditional techniques such as reflectance spectrophotometry in the visible range and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with new hyperspectral imaging, in order to obtain forecast models to describe the phenomenon. The statistical elaboration of the experimental data allowed to validate the measurements and to obtain models enabling to relate the investigated parameters; the elaboration of the hyperspectral images by chemometric methods allowed for studying the changes in the reflectance spectra. A result of great importance is the possibility to correlate the oxidation of wood chemical components with the colour change in a totally non-invasive modality. This result is particularly relevant in the field of cultural heritage and in general in the control processes of wooden materials.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) has been used to demonstrate effects of sediment contamination on microbes and meiofauna. Our study...  相似文献   
There is concern about the hazard of acute residential CO exposures from portable gasoline-powered generators, which can result in death or serious adverse health effects in exposed individuals. To address this hazard, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has developed low CO emission prototype generators by adapting off-the-shelf emission control technologies onto commercially available generators. A series of tests was conducted to characterize the indoor CO concentrations resulting from portable generators operating in the attached garage of a research house under seven different test house/garage configurations. The tested generators include both unmodified and modified low CO emission prototypes. It was found that CO concentrations varied widely, with peak house CO concentrations ranging from under 10 ppm to over 10,000 ppm. The highest concentrations in the house resulted from operation of the unmodified generator in the garage with the garage bay door closed and the house access door open. The lowest concentrations resulted from operation of a modified low CO emission prototype in the garage with the garage bay door open and the house access door closed. These tests documented reductions of up to 98% in CO concentrations due to emissions from two low CO emission portable generators compared to a stock generator.

Implications: Improper portable generator use has caused 800 U.S. deaths in the past 14 years. Generators operated in attached garages can cause CO to quickly reach deadly levels. Two low-emission prototypes generators were tested and had CO emissions reduced by up to 98%. Low-emission generators can reduce the risk of consumer poisonings and deaths.  相似文献   

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