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Agricultural practices can lead to copper accumulation in soils and at high concentration it can become toxic for plants. One common toxic effect of copper on plants is a decrease of crop yield. Here, we studied 1) the crop yield of maize grown on plots of a soil intentionally enriched with copper sulphate and 2) the possible relationship between the copper concentration in chemical soil fractions and the maize crop yield. Anthropogenic copper is mainly bound to manganese oxides, to iron oxides and to the organic matter. Maize (Zea maize L.) was grown on outdoor experimental plots. The crop yield was evaluated for three development stages: the 6–10 leaf stage, the female flowering stage and the maturity stage, 2, 4 and 6 years after the soil copper enrichment. Strong crop yield reductions, proving a toxic effect of copper on maize growth were noted 2 years after the copper input at the maturity stage and 4 years after the copper input at the 6–10 leaf stage. Variations in maize crop yield are described with linear multiple regression equations including the variable copper content in soil, and other variables when needed such as soil pH, soil organic carbon level and the climatic variables, the precipitation rate and the ambient temperature. The crop yield study at the 6–10 leaf stage and at the female flowering stage does not provide significant regression equations, while the crop yield study at the maturity stage does. Request variables for the models are the total copper content or the copper bound to the organic matter and the meteorological data. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Animal communication is a dynamic field that promotes cross-disciplinary study of the complex mechanisms of sending and receiving signals, the neurobiology of signal detection and processing, and the behaviors of animals creating and responding to encoded messages. Alongside visual signals, songs, or pheromones exists another major communication channel that has been rather neglected until recent decades: substrate-borne vibration. Vibrations carried in the substrate are considered to provide a very old and apparently ubiquitous communication channel that is used alone or in combination with other information channels in multimodal signaling. The substrate could be ‘the ground’, or a plant leaf or stem, or the surface of water, or a spider’s web, or a honeybee’s honeycomb. Animals moving on these substrates typically create incidental vibrations that can alert others to their presence. They also may use behaviors to create vibrational waves that are employed in the contexts of mate location and identification, courtship and mating, maternal care and sibling interactions, predation, predator avoidance, foraging, and general recruitment of family members to work. In fact, animals use substrate-borne vibrations to signal in the same contexts that they use vision, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. Study of vibrational communication across animal taxa provides more than just a more complete story. Communication through substrate-borne vibration has its own constraints and opportunities not found in other signaling modalities. Here, I review the state of our understanding of information acquisition via substrate-borne vibrations with special attention to the most recent literature.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The number of stream restoration and enhancement projects being implemented is rapidly increasing. At road crossings, a transition must be created from the restored channel through the bridge or culvert opening. Given conflicting design objectives for a naturalized channel and a bridge opening, guidance is needed in the design of the transition. In this paper we describe the use of vanes, cross vanes, and w‐weirs, commonly used in stream restoration and enhancement projects, that may provide an adequate transition at bridges. Laboratory experiments were conducted on vanes and cross vanes to provide a transition for single span bridge abutments and on w‐weirs to provide a transition for double span bridges which have a pier in mid‐channel. The results of the experiments provided design criteria for transitions using each of the three structures. Prior field experience provided guidance on appropriate applications in terms of the stream and bridge characteristics.  相似文献   
This study was designed to test the usefulness of the common definitions for maternal cell contamination, true mosaicism, and pseudomosaicism for amniotic fluid specimens processed by in situ culture and robotic harvesting. We prospectively studied 4309 consecutive amniotic fluid specimens processed with these methods and found that 0.84 per cent had maternal cell contamination, 0.28 per cent had true mosaicism, and 5.4 per cent had pseudomosaicism. Although the frequencies of maternal cell contamination and true mosaicism were comparable to those in similar published studies, the frequency of pseudomosaicism was more than twice as high as that in previous reports. This finding is most likely not due to the method, but rather to a more accurate estimate of the actual frequency of pseudomosaicism in amniotic fluid cultures than reported heretofore. Follow-up clinical information was available on 72 per cent of the cases. In three cases of true mosaicism involving structural anomalies, the results of cytogenetic follow-up studies on the neonates were normal. None of the pseudomosaic cases involving trisomy 8, 13, 18, or 21; triple X; or monosomy X were associated with newborns who had birth defects.  相似文献   
Anthracene, fluoranthene, and pyrene are phototoxic in , first instar larvae of , late embryonic forms of , and fish ( ). Since polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are generated in the combustion processes held responsible for the damages of acid rain, and they are introduced into the environment through other means as well, the high phototoxicity of the major pollutants, which are not carcinogenic, suggests that greater attention must be given to their environmental significance.  相似文献   
Nutrient inputs to estuaries are increasing worldwide, and anthropogenic contributions are increasingly complex and difficult to distinguish. Measurement of integrated effects of salinity and nutrient changes simultaneously can help ascertain whether N sources of similar magnitude and stable isotope (sigma15N) signatures are river dominated. We used Enteromorpha spp., an opportunistic macroalga, to obtain integrated measures of salinity, nutrient supply, and nutrient source in estuaries. We outplanted cultured algae in the field along spatial gradients within three southern California estuaries for 24 hours in wet and dry seasons. Tissue was analyzed for potassium (K+) to measure osmoregulatory changes, total nitrogen to examine changes in nutrient supply, and sigma15N to assess nutrient sources. Discrete measures of water salinity correlated with tissue K+ content; however, there was significant variability in the relationship, suggesting that the algae were subject to considerable variation in salinity over a tidal cycle. Tissue total N was not always related to snapshot measures of water column dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), suggesting that integrated measures may be better at capturing the temporal and spatial complexity of nutrient availability. The combination of tissue K+, total N, and sigma15N measures revealed that inflowing rivers delivered N from watershed sources to Mugu Lagoon and Carpinteria Salt Marsh, while both the inflowing river and a mid estuary source were important sources of high sigma15N N in Upper Newport Bay. These experiments revealed complex patterns of supply and sources of N and demonstrate the usefulness of macroalgal indicators over water sampling to detect these patterns.  相似文献   
Rocky intertidal habitats frequently are used by humans for recreational, educational, and subsistence-harvesting purposes, with intertidal populations damaged by visitation activities such as extraction, trampling, and handling. California Marine Managed Areas, particularly regulatory marine reserves (MRs), were established to provide legal protection and enhancement of coastal resources and include prohibitions on harvesting intertidal populations. However, the effectiveness of MRs is unclear as enforcement of no-take laws is weak and no regulations protect intertidal species from other detrimental visitor impacts such as trampling. The goal of this study was two-fold: (1) to determine impacts from human visitation on California mussel populations (Mytilus californianus) and mussel bed community diversity; and (2) to investigate the effectiveness of regulatory MRs in reducing visitor impacts on these populations. Surveys of mussel populations and bed-associated diversity were compared: (1) at sites subjected to either high or low levels of human use, and (2) at sites either unprotected or with regulatory protection banning collecting. At sites subjected to higher levels of human visitation, mussel populations were significantly lower than low-use sites. Comparisons of mussel populations inside and outside of regulatory MRs revealed no consistent pattern suggesting that California no-take regulatory reserves may have limited effectiveness in protecting mussel communities. In areas where many people visit intertidal habitats for purposes other than collecting, many organisms will be affected by trampling, turning of rocks, and handling. In these cases, effective protection of rocky intertidal communities requires an approach that goes beyond the singular focus on collecting to reduce the full suite of impacts.  相似文献   
The aquatic sediments have special significance as habitats of species-rich biocoenoses and as the place where manifold transformation processes occur. Because of their high potential for accumulation of contaminants, sediments are particularly sensitive to anthropogenic impacts, which may disturb the natural state of sediments. In order to protect the aquatic life community, such impacts must be identified, assessed, and the chemical causes of toxic effects must be found. Since the end of the 1980s, the interest for a possibly comprehensive assessment of sediments has increased. This problem can be tackled only by an integrated approach, which combines the detection of toxicity under standardized laboratory conditions with chemical data and biologicalin situ studies into a holistic view. The information value of the results depends essentially on the selection of a diversity of test methods, which are able to indicate contaminant effects differentially. This paper presents results from a comprehensive test approach, which integrates standardized methods (DIN) with pore waters and eluates, as well as tests using the whole sediment. To cover a wider variety of contaminants in the sediment, solvent extracts and fractions thereof were also examined by different bioassays. Chemical analyses examined the structural parameters and identified priority contaminants. Non-target screening could detect a variety of further substances and substance classes. The model organisms of the bioassays responded very differentially and sometimes very intensively to the contaminants in the various investigation media. Especially in sediment extracts, some fractions, and consequently also substances and groups of substances, proved to be particularly toxic. It could be shown that the selected chemical, ecotoxicological, and biological study methods contribute to a holistic assessment. Further, possibly very sensitive bioassays and benthos-biological parameters should be examined aiming to optimize the very wide battery of tests.  相似文献   
The restoration of ecosystem services, i.e., production, regulation, and information, is a global challenge, which the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in NE Germany addressed in 2000 by rewetting over 20,000 ha of degraded peatlands within the Mire Restoration Program. We evaluated ecosystem services in 23 rewetted sites by assessing the following mire parameters within a ten year period: (a) dominant vegetation at the ecosystem level, (b) peat formation potential at the landscape level, and (c) aboveground biomass and nutrient levels. Seven to 10 years after rewetting, the wetlands formed a mosaic of vegetation types with the highest potential for peat formation and several dominant, peat-forming species accumulated high levels of aboveground biomass and nutrients (C, N, P). Common reed (Phragmites australis) accumulated the most biomass (up to 24 t dry matter/ha), and N+P during the growing season. A future management option is to annually harvest aquatic and wetland plants to reduce nutrient levels in restored mire ecosystems.  相似文献   
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