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以实验室制备的Fe3O4-TiO2·nH2O·Al吸附剂处理模拟和实际含氟废水,探讨了吸附剂用量、体系pH、吸附温度和吸附时间等因素对F-吸附效果的影响。结果表明:在初始F-浓度16.1 mg/L,起始pH 8.0,吸附剂投加量5 g/L,室温(约25 ℃)下吸附15 min时,模拟和实际废水的出水F-均可达到3O4-TiO2·nH2O·Al具有一定的实际应用价值。含氟水溶液初始pH对Fe3O4-TiO2·nH2O·Al吸附F-性能影响较大。在pH 介于3.0~5.0 时,吸附容量较大,过高或过低都会导致吸附容量降低。Fe3O4-TiO2·nH2O·Al吸附F-的过程为放热反应,升温不利于F-的吸附。该吸附剂吸附F- 的过程为化学吸附,符合准二级动力学模型,等温线拟合接近Freundlich吸附等温线。  相似文献   
城市生活垃圾渗透系数测试研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用常水头测渗实验,对不同压实密度和水力梯度下的新鲜垃圾与陈垃圾的渗透系数进行测试,根据达西定律求得渗透系数值。由于垃圾的不均匀性、小颗粒的运动和大孔隙沟道流的形成和改变,实验初始阶段渗透系数值先增大至峰值,然后缓慢降低直至趋于稳定。实验稳定后,新鲜垃圾压实密度为0.75—0.95t/m^3时,渗透系数值约为1.26E-03~1.43E-03cm/s。陈垃圾在压实密度分别为1.2和1.4t/m^3时,渗透系数为8.29E-04和1.35E-04cm/s。  相似文献   
悬浮态的光催化反应器相比固载的光催化反应器有更高的光催化效率。但是如何在光催化反应完成后使催化剂与水溶液的分离 ,成为了一个关键的问题。本研究采用溶胶 凝胶法将二氧化钛直接沉积在磁性颗粒的表面 ,制备出了磁载的光催化剂。这种催化剂在保留了磁性能具有可磁分离的基础上又具有很好的光催化降解效果。  相似文献   
Photocatalytic oxidation of triclosan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yu JC  Kwong TY  Luo Q  Cai Z 《Chemosphere》2006,65(3):390-399
In the spring of 2003, there was an outbreak of the severe respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Hong Kong. Health concerns have thus triggered an increased and predominant use of various types of household cleansing agents such as triclosan (5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol). However, it has been reported recently that triclosan could be photochemically converted to toxic 2,8-dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,8-Cl(2)DD) in the environment. It is therefore necessary to develop environmentally friendly methods for the treatment of triclosan. To this end, photocatalytic degradation of triclosan in aqueous solution was conducted using TiO(2) (Degussa P25) under irradiation of UV light (lambda < 365 nm). It was found that triclosan could be degraded by this approach. Hydrogen peroxide was added to enhance the degradation process, and the optimal initial hydrogen peroxide concentration for triclosan degradation was 0.005% (w/v). Product identification indicated that triclosan oxidation occurred at its phenol moiety and yielded quinone and hydroquinone intermediates. The formation of a dichlorophenol intermediate in triclosan degradation suggested bond-breaking of the ether linkage occurred during the process. Moreover, no chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin congener was detected. These findings confirm that the photocatalytic degradation of triclosan is an environmentally friendly process.  相似文献   
Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater lake in China. In recent years, the water pollution of cyanobacteria blooms has become a severe problem in this area. Microcystins (MCs) are an important group of toxic compounds mainly produced by some cyanobacteria species and have both acute and chronic hepatotoxic effects on animals and humans. This paper presents the first data on the identification and detection of MCs in both natural occurring cyanobacteria blooms and surface water samples (0-0.5 m), collected from Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake, China. A conventional method for extraction and isolation of MCs from cyanobacteria blooms was applied. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis showed that the main toxic component in the cyanobacteria materials was MC-LR. The monoclonal antibody (mAb) against MC-LR produced by hybridoma technique was employed for direct competitive ELISA to detect the concentrations of MCs in bloom and water samples collected in 2001. The results not only revealed the presence of MCs but also temporal variations of MCs levels of three sampling stations in Meiliang Bay in 1 year. It is obvious that the MC contents were relatively higher during warm months and related with the status of eutrophication. Our study indicates the threat associated with MCs in water body of Taihu Lake. To prevent the MCs potential hazard on public health in this area, some necessary measures of monitoring and control of growth of cyanobacteria are urgently needed.  相似文献   
污水中的污染物在管道输送过程中由于管道壁生物膜的微生物作用而发生降解,生化反应过程取决于物质从水相到生物膜之间的传质过程,传质过程受管道中流态特别是湍流作用的影响较大。采用PIV技术和FLUENT软件模拟下水道流态,重点研究充满度为0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5和坡度为0.003、0.005、0.008、0.01、0.03时水相中湍动能和湍动耗散率的沿程变化。结果表明,在充满度一定时管壁处的湍动能及湍动耗散率最大,且其随着坡度的增大而逐渐增大;坡度一定时,充满度越大管壁处湍动能及湍动耗散率越大。  相似文献   
采用室内模拟实验方法对受污河道底泥和上覆水进行研究,对比分析静置状态X0和不同曝气深度条件下(分别为水体曝气泥水界面上方10 cm,底泥曝气下方5和15 cm处,依次记为X+10、X-5和X-15)河道底泥特性及水质的影响情况。结果表明:底泥曝气较水体曝气而言,能促进水体DO更快恢复;停止曝气,DO浓度也会维持在较高的状态,有利于有机物和氨氮的进一步去除。在相同曝气量下,底泥曝气比水体曝气能更好地去除底泥中污染物,并减少再次释放,且底泥曝气深度越深,处理效果越好,至实验结束时,X-15组上覆水中COD、NH4+-N、TN及TP浓度分别为16.25、3.03、13.39及0.09 mg/L,去除率分别为69.73%、78.36%、45.98%及84.21%;停止曝气后,经曝气处理的底泥对磷的吸附容量显著增加,并且不会再向上覆水中释放污染物,避免引起水体的二次污染。  相似文献   
Chen YX  He YF  Yang Y  Yu YL  Zheng SJ  Tian GM  Luo YM  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2003,50(6):781-787
The effects of cadmium stress on nodulation, N2-fixation capabilities of the root nodule, the change in ultrastructure of the root nodule, soybean growth, and the distribution of cadmium in plants were studied. The results obtained show that the nodulation of soybean roots was greatly inhibited by the addition of Cd, especially at the addition level of 10 and 20 mg kg(-1) soil. The inhibition of plant growth, especially the root growth, increased as the cadmium concentration increased, with deleterious effects observed for the roots. The weight ratio of soybean root/leaf decreased as the Cd concentration increased, which might explain the reason for nodulation decreases. The results also indicate that N2-fixation of root nodule was stimulated to some extent at the low levels of Cd addition, but decreased sharply with further increase of the Cd concentration. High Cd levels were also associated with changes in the ultrastructure of root nodule, in which the effective N2-fixing area was reduced and the N2-fixing cells in the area also reduced. In addition, the results also reveal that the content of Cd in different parts of the plants was as follows: roots > stems > seeds, indicating that the accumulation of Cd by roots is much larger than that by any other part of the soybean plant, and might cause deleterious effects to root systems.  相似文献   
Both enzymatic hydrolysis and solution (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy have been used to characterize P compounds in animal manures. In this study, we comparatively investigated P forms in 0.25 M NaOH/0.05 M EDTA extracts of dairy and poultry manures by the two methods. For the dairy manure, enzymatic hydrolysis revealed that the majority of extracted P was inorganic P (56%), with 10% phytate-like P, 9% simple monoester P, 6% polynucleotide-like P, and 18% non-hydrolyzable P. Similar results were obtained by NMR spectroscopy, which showed that inorganic P was the major P fraction (64-73%), followed by 6% phytic acid, 14 to 22% other monoesters, and 7% phosphodiesters. In the poultry manure, enzymatic hydrolysis showed that inorganic P was the largest fraction (71%), followed by 15% phytate-like P and 1% other monoesters, and 3% polynucleotide-like P. NMR spectroscopy revealed that orthophosphate was 51 to 63% of extracted P, phytic acid 24 to 33%, other phosphomonoesters 6 to 12%, and phospholipids and DNA 2% each. Drying process increased orthophosphate (8.4% of total P) in dairy manure, but decreased orthophosphate (13.3% of total P) in poultry manure, suggesting that drying treatment caused the hydrolysis of some organic P to orthophosphate in dairy manure, but less recovery of orthophosphate in poultry manure. Comparison of these data indicates that the distribution patterns of major P forms in animal manure determined by the two methods were similar. Researchers can utilize the method that best fits their specific research goals or use both methods to obtain a full spectrum of manure P characterization.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Microbial desalination cells (MDCs) have been studied for contaminant removal from wastewater and salinity reduction in saline water. However, in an...  相似文献   
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