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ABSTRACT: In this study three components of the Rosgen Level III Stream Reach Condition Assessment were tested for their ability to predict short-term erosion rates. Rosgen's bank erosion potential (BEP) ratings and near bank stress (NBS) estimates and the Pfankuch channel stability ratings were evaluated. Thirty-six banks with a range of BEP ratings and NBS estimates were selected on the 101 km Upper Illinois River in northeast Oklahoma. The Upper Illinois River is a meandering, gravel-dominated, riffle/pool channel. Cumulative erosion data measured with bank pins after four 2.0 to 2.5-year return period flows from September 1996 to July 1997 were used in the analyses. When integrated as indicated in Rosgen (1996), the BEP indices and NBS estimates were poor predictors of bank erosion. Individually, the grouped BEP ratings and Pfankuch ratings performed relatively well compared to grouped NBS estimates in predicting erosion; however, the variability of erosion was large within each rating group. Linear regression between erosion and BEP numerical indices and Pfankuch scores was significant (a = 0.05), but variability was high (illustrated by low r2 values). Regression between erosion and NBS estimates was not significant.  相似文献   
The extent to which the American lobster, Homarus americanus (H. Milne-Edwards), utilizes estuarine habitats is poorly understood. From 1989 to 1991 we examined lobster movements in and around the Great Bay estuary, New Hampshire using tag/recapture and ultrasonic telemetry. A total of 1212 lobsters were tagged and recaptured at sites ranging from the middle of Great Bay, 23.0 km from the coast, to Isles of Shoals, 11.2 km offshore. Twenty-six lobsters equipped with ultrasonic transmitters were tracked for periods ranging from 2 weeks to >1 year. Most lobsters moved <5 km toward the coast, with those furthest inland moving the greatest distance. Lobsters with transmitters moved in a sporadic fashion, with residency in one area for 2 to 4 weeks alternating with rapid movement to a new location (mean velocity = 0.3 km d−1, 1.8 km d−1 max.). Site of release influenced distance moved, but there was no significant relationship between lobster size and distance traveled, days at large, or rate of movement. Most movement into the estuary occurred in the spring, while during the remainder of the year there was a strong tendency to move downriver, toward the coast. These seasonal migrations of estuarine lobsters may enhance their growth and survival by enabling them to avoid low salinity events in the spring and fall, and to accelerate their growth in warmer estuarine waters during the summer. Received: 26 January 1996 / Accepted: 22 January 1999  相似文献   
The influence of salinity on the time elapsed between two successive molts and the size reached after each molt were studied at 30, 21, 12 and 3‰S in juveniles of two co-occurring grapsid species, Cyrtograpsus angulatus and C. altimanus, cultured under identical conditions of temperature, photoperiod and food. Juvenile growth patterns were compared between these species (which differ in size-at-maturity and maximum size). C. angulatus grew faster than C. altimanus, reflecting a higher increment per molt and a shorter intermolt period. A significant difference existed between the number of instars preceding the size of maturity in both species: >11 in C. angulatus, 6 in C. altimanus. There was evidence of a differential effect of low salinity on growth. By the end of the experiment, individuals of both species were smaller at the lowest salinity (3‰) tested; the largest crabs developed at 21‰ (C. angulatus) and 30‰ (C. altimanus). The size difference between the “optimal” and the less suitable salinities in the sixth crab instar was 12.4% in C. angulatus and 35% in C. altimanus. During early juvenile development (Crab Instars 1 to 4), there were slight differences in intermolt period among salinities in C. angulatus, but large differences in C. altimanus. The longest intermolt period of C. altimanus was at 3‰S and the shortest at 30‰S. In the following instars (5 to 10 in C. angulatus and 5 to 6 in C. altimanus), the longest intermolt period occurred at 21‰S, the shortest at 3‰S, in both species. Interspecific differences in response to low salinities may explain why C. angulatus occurs throughout a whole temperate coastal lagoon, whereas C. altimanus is restricted to its mouth. Received: 12 July 1998 / Accepted: 24 February 1999  相似文献   
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