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赤霉酸是目前国内外使用极其广泛的一种植物生长调节剂,但是针对其发育毒性的数据依然较少。本文探讨了赤霉酸暴露对SD大鼠青春期发育的影响。参考国内外环境内分泌干扰物危害的评价方法,将144只初断乳SD大鼠按体重随机分为4组,分别为对照组和1、10、100 mg·kg-1bw剂量组,采用经口灌胃方式对雄鼠连续染毒28 d,雌鼠连续染毒21 d。暴露结束后检测大鼠的体重、食物利用率、雄鼠包皮分离时间/雌鼠阴道开口时间、血清生化指标、脏器系数及组织病理学的变化。研究结果表明,与对照组相比,仅10和100 mg·kg-1bw剂量组雄鼠的肌酐水平显著升高(P<0.01),100 mg·kg-1bw剂量组雌鼠谷丙转氨酶水平有显著升高(P<0.01)。而与对照组相比,所有剂量组均未观察到大鼠的体重、食物利用率、雄鼠包皮分离时间/雌鼠阴道开口时间、脏器系数等指标有显著性差异的改变(P>0.05),组织病理学结果亦显示大鼠重要器官无损害性改变。因此,在本试验给予的剂量范围内赤霉酸染毒不会对SD大鼠青春期发育产生显著影响。  相似文献   
双酚A及其类似物对斑马鱼胚胎及幼鱼的毒性效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨双酚A及其类似物对鱼类早期生长发育的毒性效应,研究了双酚A及其7种类似物对斑马鱼胚胎及仔鱼的毒性效应。通过对胚胎的孵化率、心率、仔鱼体长等指标进行测定分析,结果显示:(1)双酚A及其7种类似物都可使斑马鱼胚胎出现心包水肿、卵黄囊肿、脊柱弯曲和尾部弯曲等症状。(2)综合考虑斑马鱼78 hpf胚胎心率、120 hpf胚胎孵化率及7 dpf仔鱼体长抑制率等指标,8种受试物中双酚P(BPP)的毒性最大,其次是双酚AP(BPAP)、双酚AF(BPAF)、双酚Z(BPZ),然后是双酚A(BPA)、双酚B(BPB)、双酚F(BPF),双酚S(BPS)的毒性最小,每种受试物的浓度与受精卵的孵化率、仔鱼心率呈明显负相关关系,与体长抑制率呈明显正相关关系。8种受试物毒性与辛醇-水分配系数(log K_(OW))呈正相关关系,log K_(OW)越大毒性则越大。  相似文献   
频发的污染事故严重影响环境质量,危害人群健康,事故的源解析和修复成为了关键问题。而传统的靶向分析方法无法胜任实际工作需求。因此,本研究建立了1)有毒有害物质清单;2)一种针对有毒有害物质的快速高效鉴别方法。将上述方法应用于某场地污染事件,成功筛查鉴定出30种环境高关注度物质,通过数据库比对进一步鉴定了6种危废物质,通过购买标准样品成功验证了4种物质。同时,还通过文献查阅与标样比对确认了另外2种有毒物质。因此,本研究建立的有毒有害物质快速筛查方法为实际环境中的污染物快速鉴别提供了一种可靠的、可行的方法。  相似文献   
以敌敌畏、乐果联合作用于线虫的毒理学实验为基础,基于FH插值法理论,通过较少的实验数据建立有机磷农药二元混合物联合效应模型,求解作用效应表达式并绘制联合效应三维曲面图;基于合并用药分析公式,计算联合作用评价q值并绘制农药浓度与q值的联合作用评价三维曲面图,结果表明敌敌畏与乐果混合物联合作用不仅表现为相加作用,而且还在局部低浓度表现为拮抗作用,与多元统计分析结果一致。上述研究表明FH插值法理论可作为二元有机磷农药联合效应分析及评价的一种新方法。  相似文献   
王朔  王羽  赵元慧  # 《生态毒理学报》2017,12(3):681-686
不同暴露途径下有机物在生物体内的吸收分布不同,导致毒性效应亦不同,研究化学品在不同暴露途径下对生物体的毒性,对化学品的安全性评价有实际意义。本文通过研究静脉注射、腹腔注射、肌肉注射与经口灌胃4种暴露途径下527个有机物对大鼠的急性毒性数据相关性,比较了不同暴露途径下大鼠对有机污染物的敏感度顺序,结果为:静脉注射>腹腔注射>肌肉注射>经口灌胃途径,静脉注射途径下log1/LD50与其他几种注射途径下的log1/LD50有较显著的相关性,但是与灌胃途径下毒性值之间的相关性较差,相关系数r的范围为0.82~0.97。通过逐项分析研究不同暴露途径下化合物对大鼠的急性毒性与生物利用度、吸收速率、消除速率以及代谢过程的关系,结果表明,导致这种差异的原因主要是有机污染物在大鼠体内的吸附动力学过程不同所致。  相似文献   
我国环境科学学科的主要开创者之一、南京大学环境学院教授、博士生导师王连生先生离开我们已一年,我们深沉缅怀他对我国环境科学的卓越贡献.王连生先生1934年7月出生在江苏丰县.1956年毕业于南京大学化学系,1962年莫斯科大学化学系副博士研究生毕业,并于当年回国在南京大学化学系任教.1978年开始从事环境保护方面的科研工作,并于1980赴美国南加州大学化学系访问进修,开展多环芳烃的环境行为及结构活性相关研究.享受国务院特殊津贴.  相似文献   
气溶胶中抗生素抗性基因研究进展:以养殖场和医院为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素在医药和养殖业的大量使用导致耐药菌的出现,加速了抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)在不同环境介质中的传播扩散,抗生素耐药性已成为目前全球卫生、食品安全和发展的最大威胁之一。气溶胶作为ARGs的潜在储存库缺乏系统的研究数据,而通过空气传播具有较高抗生素抗性水平的细菌可能是引起重要疾病的主要传播途径。本文针对养殖场和医院2个抗生素大量使用的典型场所,对气溶胶中ARGs的污染现状、样品采集与检测技术进行综述,并探讨了这一环境污染的潜在风险,表明开展气溶胶中ARGs研究的必要性,并为以后需开展的工作提出几点建议。  相似文献   
Leaching behavior and gastrointestinal bioaccessibility of rare earth elements (REEs) from hospital waste incineration (HWI) fly and bottom ash samples collected from Beijing and Nanjing Cities were assessed. In the same ash sample, the leaching concentrations of individual REEs determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) were higher than those detected by the European standard protocol (EN-type test), thereby suggesting that the low pH value of leaching solution was an important factor influencing the leachability of REE. The REE bioaccessibility results, which were evaluated using the physiologically based extraction test (PBET), indicated that REEs were highly absorbed during gastric phase by dissolution; and subsequently precipitated and/or re-adsorbed in small intestinal phase. The relative amounts of the total REEs extracted by the TCLP method, EN-type test and PBET test were compared. In addition to the pH value of extraction solutions, the chelating role of REEs with organic ligands used in the PBET method was also an important parameter affecting REE adsorption in human body. Additionally, this study showed that REEs were extracted by these methods as concomitants of heavy metals and anions (NO3 , F, SO4 2–, and Cl) from HWI ash, which probably caused the remarkably complex toxicity on human body by the exposure pathway.
Urban mining is essential for continued natural resource extraction. The recovery of rare and precious metals (RPMs) from urban mines has attracted increasing attention from both academic and industrial sectors, because of the broad application and high price of RPMs, and their low content in natural ores. This study summarizes the distribution characteristics of various RPMs in urban mines, and the advantages and shortcomings of various technologies for RPM recovery from urban mines, including both conventional (pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, and biometallurgical processing), and emerging (electrochemical, supercritical fluid, mechanochemical, and ionic liquids processing) technologies. Mechanical/physical technologies are commonly employed to separate RPMs from nonmetallic components in a pre-treatment process. A pyrometallurgical process is often used for RPM recovery, although the expensive equipment required has limited its use in small and medium-sized enterprises. Hydrometallurgical processing is effective and easy to operate, with high selectivity of target metals and high recovery efficiency of RPMs, compared to pyrometallurgy. Biometallurgy, though, has shown the most promise for leaching RPMs from urban mines, because of its low cost and environmental friendliness. Newly developed technologies—electrochemical, supercritical fluid, ionic liquid, and mechanochemical—have offered new choices and achieved some success in laboratory experiments, especially as efficient and environmentally friendly methods of recycling RPMs. With continuing advances in science and technology, more technologies will no doubt be developed in this field, and be able to contribute to the sustainability of RPM mining.
This study was conducted to assess the merits and limitations of various high-pressure membranes, tight nanofiltration (NF) membranes in particular, for the removal of trace organic compounds (TrOCs). The performance of a low-pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) membrane (ESPA1), a tight NF membrane (NF90) and two loose NF membranes (HL and NF270) was compared for the rejection of 23 different pharmaceuticals (PhACs). Efforts were also devoted to understand the effect of adsorption on the rejection performance of each membrane. Difference in hydrogen bond formation potential (HFP) was taken into consideration. Results showed that NF90 performed similarly to ESPA1 with mean rejection higher than 95%. NF270 outperformed HL in terms of both water permeability and PhAC rejection higher than 90%. Electrostatic effects were more significant in PhAC rejection by loose NF membranes than tight NF and LPRO membranes. The adverse effect of adsorption on rejection by HL and ESPA1 was more substantial than NF270 and NF90, which could not be simply explained by the difference in membrane surface hydrophobicity, selective layer thickness or pore size. The HL membrane had a lower rejection of PhACs of higher hydrophobicity (log D&gt;0) and higher HFP (&gt;0.02). Nevertheless, the effects of PhAC hydrophobicity and HFP on rejection by ESPA1 could not be discerned. Poor rejection of certain PhACs could generally be explained by aspects of steric hindrance, electrostatic interactions and adsorption. High-pressure membranes like NF90 and NF270 have a high promise in TrOC removal from contaminated water.
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