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Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This paper describes the effect of torrefaction on the characteristics of empty fruit bunches (EFB) and palm kernel shell (PKS). The torrefaction...  相似文献   
The level and extent of organic contaminants along the Korean coast were estimated through the mussel watch program, established in 2001. Mussels and oysters were collected at 20 sites along the Korean coast in 2001 and at 25 sites from 2002 to 2007. The mussel tissues were analyzed for PCBs, organochlorine presticides, PAHs, BTs, and PCDD/Fs. PCBs, PAHs, BTs, and PCDD/Fs were ubiquitous contaminants along the Korean coast, showing mean detection frequencies of more than 95% over 7 years. The concentrations of organic contaminants in mussels along the Korean coast were relatively low or moderate compared with foreign studies. Concentrations of DDTs, PCBs, and PCDD/Fs were below the action or maximum levels for humans established by USFDA and EU. Elevated concentrations above the 85th percentile were found for PCBs, PAHs, BTs, and PCDD/Fs at sites near industrial complexes or big harbors, for HCHs at sites near non-industrial complexes, and for DDTs at sites near both non-industrial and industrial complexes. Using two nonparametric tests to assess temporal trends, the Spearman test revealed that BTs and PCDD/Fs had significant decreasing trends at four sites (Gwangyang Bay, Cheonsu Bay, Garorym Bay, and the Incheon coast) and at six sites (Hupo coast, Guryongpo coast, eastern part of Geojedo, Gunsan coast, Garorym Bay, and Asan Bay), respectively.  相似文献   
农业活动与水质的关系十分密切。过量施用化肥、农药等不合理的农业活动常引起氮、磷等营养元素在土壤中富集,进而导致地表水富营养化和地下水硝酸盐污染。  相似文献   
An aerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) packed with Bauer rings was used to treat real domestic wastewater for simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. The SBBR is advantageous for creating an anoxic condition, and the biofilm can absorb and store carbon for good nitrification and denitrification. An average concentration of oxygen ranging from 0.8 to 4.0 mg/L was proved very efficient for nitrification and denitrification. Volumetric loads of TN dropped dramatically and effluent TN concentration increased quickly when the concentration of average dissolved oxygen was more than 4.0 mg/L. The efficiency of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) increased with increasing thickness of the biofilm. The influent concentration hardly affected the TN removal efficiency, but the effluent TN increased with increasing influent concentration. It is suggested that a subsequence for denitrification be added or influent amount be decreased to meet effluent quality requirements. At optimum operating parameters, the TN removal efficiency of 74%–82% could be achieved. Translated from Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2006, 26(5): 728–733 [译自: 环境科学学报]  相似文献   
雾霾灾害严重影响了居民的生活,使得民众不得不对其加以认识和了解.通过问卷的方式对南京居民的雾霾风险认知状况进行调查发现,南京居民对雾霾风险的认知程度并不高.主要表现在:居民无法区分PM2.5与雾霾之间的确切差异;居民的雾霾成因认知存在偏差;但居民对雾霾后果及其主体责任的认知较为清晰.另外,在日常生活中,居民通过佩戴口罩、改变饮食、调整户外活动和进行健康支付等一系列行为方式来防止自雾霾的侵害,居民表现出较高的防霾积极性.  相似文献   
基于二叉决策树分类技术对河北省大中专毕业生创业状况调查数据进行理性分析,结果发现:创业目的、环境和时机,政府扶持大学生创业的优惠政策,对于高职毕业生创业倾向起到了重要的作用。针对高职毕业生创业的现状,提出全面提高个人素质、正确引导创业教育、加大政府创业扶持力度等对策建议。  相似文献   
刘杨  张延青  郭一令  王森 《环境工程》2011,29(6):42-45,52
对土地处理法中适合于小城镇的耕作层下土地自然净化系统的成本进行了分析研究。通过对已经运行的几个实际工程的建设投资与运行费用的数据监测与收集,利用SPSS17.0数据处理软件进行拟合,得到处理规模(Q,m3/天)与建设投资(C,万元)之间的关系C=258.130 6Q0.433 7。预测了不同处理规模该系统建设投资与运行...  相似文献   
污水厂二沉池出水化学除磷实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在原水总磷较高的情况下,生物除磷已不能满足除磷要求。化学除磷作为生物除磷的重要补充显得非常重要。液体硫酸铝是一种很好的化学除磷药剂,在二沉池出水总磷大于2.00mg/L的情况下,60.00mg/L液体硫酸铝投加量可以使TP降至0.50mg/L以下,去除率达到80.00%以上。适宜的水动力条件是除磷效果的保证。  相似文献   
本文从理论上推导出建立在ACF(活性炭纤维)上的穿透曲线数学模型,并引入了误差函数的概念得出近似解,为吸附动力学机理的研究和工程应用计算提供了方便。  相似文献   
以中国矿业大学南湖校区为例,采用分功能区监测布点的方法对校园各功能区人群密集地点的噪声污染等级进行监测和分析,以探明大学校园内各功能区人员密集时噪声所能达到的最大声级,并进行评价分析.结果表明:在人流密集状态下,校园内的各测点噪声等级均在60dB以上,处于噪声超限状态.故虽然校园内各测点全天的等效声级不超限或基本达到《声环境质量标准》(GB 3096-2008)的要求,但实质上校园声环境却时常处于"亚健康"状态.  相似文献   
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