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Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of nasal bone assessment in first-trimester screening for Down syndrome (DS) in the Korean population. Methods From July 2004 to March 2006, we prospectively evaluated the fetal nasal bones at 11–14 weeks' gestation in the Korean population. Results A successful evaluation was possible in 6490 of 6787 fetuses (95.6%). Absent, hypoechoic, and short nasal bones were seen in 4 (26.7%), 4 (26.7%), and 1 (6.7%) of 15 fetuses with DS, respectively, whereas in 5 (0.1%), 11 (0.2%), and 246 (3.8%) of 6456 normal fetuses. The incidence of absent and hypoechoic nasal bone showed significant differences between normal fetuses and fetuses with DS (P < 0.0005, both). Screening for DS using an absent or hypoechoic nasal bone resulted in a sensitivity of 53.3%, a specificity of 99.8%, a positive likelihood ratio of 215.2, and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.5. Conclusion Our study showed that nasal bone abnormality at 11–14 weeks of gestation had a high association with DS in the Korean population. This suggests that nasal bone assessment can be used to supplement the current first-trimester screening for DS in the Korean population. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Lee ES  Woo NC  Schwartz FW  Lee BS  Lee KC  Woo MH  Kim JH  Kim HK 《Chemosphere》2008,71(5):902-910
Release and spreading of permanganate (MnO(4)(-)) in the well-based controlled-release potassium permanganate (KMnO(4)) barrier system (CRP system) was investigated by conducting column release tests, model simulations, soil oxidant demand (SOD) analyses, and pilot-scale flow-tank experiments. A large flow tank (L x W x D=8m x 4m x 3m) was constructed. Pilot-scale CRP pellets (OD x L=0.05 m x1.5m; n=110) were manufactured by mixing approximately 198 kg of KMnO(4) powders with paraffin wax and silica sands in cylindrical moulds. The CRP system (L x W x D=3m x 4m x 1.5m) comprising 110 delivery wells in three discrete barriers was constructed in the flow tank. Natural sands (organic carbon content=0.18%; SOD=3.7-11 g MnO(4)(-)kg(-1)) were used as porous media. Column release tests and model simulations indicated that the CRP system could continuously release MnO(4)(-) over several years, with slowly decreasing release rates of 2.5 kg d(-1) (day one), 109 g d(-1) (day 100), 58 g d(-1) (year one), 22 g d(-1) (year five), and 12 g d(-1) (year 10). Mean MnO(4)(-) concentrations within the CRP system ranged from 0.5 to 6 mg l(-1) during the 42 days of testing period. The continuously releasing MnO(4)(-) was gradually removed by SOD limiting the length of MnO(4)(-) zone in the porous media. These data suggested that the CRP system could create persistent and confined oxidation zone in the subsurface. Through development of advanced tools for describing agent transport and facilitating lateral agent spreading, the CRP system could provide new approach for long-term in situ treatment of contaminant plumes in groundwater.  相似文献   
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The ilmenite-chloride process has used for the production of TiCl4 from the ilmenite (FeTiO3) ore, which produces cyclone dust containing mostly...  相似文献   
A three‐dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied to Lake Paldang, South Korea. The lake has three inflows, of which Kyoungan Stream has the smallest flow rate and poorest water quality. Since all drinking water intake stations are located near the confluence of Kyoungan Stream within the lake, this contaminated tributary may have a significant impact on the quality of drinking water sources. The optimum drinking water intake location was determined from the applied model. The model was calibrated and verified using the data measured under different hydrological conditions. The model results were in reasonable agreement with the field measurements in both calibration and verification. The circulation and spreading patterns of the incoming flows in the lake, as well as their composition ratios to the drinking water intakes were determined from the model, and three alternative intake locations were proposed. The simulation results suggested that the horizontal and vertical relocations of the intake aqueduct could significantly decrease the composition ratio of the contaminated water. From this study, it was concluded that the three‐dimensional hydrodynamic model could successfully simulate the temporal and spatial mixing patterns of incoming flows and become a useful tool in determining the optimum water intake location in Lake Paldang.  相似文献   
The marine dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides is a harmful and highly motile algal species. To distinguish between the motility characteristics of solitary and chain-forming cells, the swimming trajectories and speeds of solitary cells and 2- to 8-cell chains of C. polykrikoides were measured using a digital holographic particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) technique. C. polykrikoides cells exhibited helical swimming trajectories similar to other dinoflagellate species. The swimming speed increased as the number of cells in the chain increased, from an average of 391 μm s−1 (solitary cells) to 856 μm s−1 (8-cell chain). The helix radius R and pitch P also increased as the number of cells in the chain increased. R increased from 9.24 μm (solitary cell) to 20.3 μm (8-cell chain) and P increased from 107 μm (solitary cell) to 164 μm (8-cell chain). The free thrust-generating motion of the transverse flagella and large drag reduction in the chain-forming cells seemed to increase the swimming speed compared to solitary cells. The measured swimming speeds agreed with those from field observations. The superior motility of chain-forming C. polykrikoides cells may be an important factor for its bloom, in addition to the factors reported previously.  相似文献   
Using a time-varying stochastic frontier model, this paper examines the technical efficiency of firms in the iron and steel industry to try to identify the factors contributing to the industry's efficiency growth. Industry observers and policymakers tend to cite most frequently three possible sources of efficiency growth: privatization; economies of scale; and vintage of equipment. Our study corroborates these factors. Based on our findings, which pertain to 52 iron and steel firms over the period of 1978–1997, privatization is likely to improve the efficiency of iron and steel firms to a great extent as evidenced in various industries. This study also provides systematic evidence that iron and steel production shows economies of scale. In addition, newer vintages of equipment are found to be closely correlated with higher levels of efficiency. This clearly indicates that investment in new plants and equipments is critical in pursuit of efficiency in the iron and steel industry.  相似文献   
Identifying zones of sulphide oxidation and carbonate buffering is important in the development of a management plan for mine waste-rock piles. In this study, we used a kinetic cell technique to measure rates of O2 consumption and CO2 production in low sulphide (<0.12 wt.% S), low inorganic carbon (<0.20 wt.% C(inorganic)), gneissic waste rock and associated organic-rich lake sediment (0.7 wt.% C(organic)), and forest soil (1.4 wt.% C(organic)) collected from the Key Lake uranium mine in Saskatchewan, Canada. Solid chemistry, stable carbon isotope, pore water sulphate concentration data, and stoichiometric considerations indicated that O2 consumption and CO2 production were constrained by microbial respiration in the lake sediment and forest soil and by pyrite oxidation-carbonate buffering in the gneissic waste rock. Mean ratios of molar CO2 production to O2 consumption rates were 0.5 for lake sediment, 0.7 for forest soil, and 0.2 for gneissic waste rock. The different O2/CO2 ratios suggested that O2-CO2 monitoring may provide a practical tool for identifying the zones of microbial respiration and pyrite oxidation-carbonate buffering in mine waste-rock piles. Rates of O2 consumption and CO2 production were about one order of magnitude greater in lake sediment than in gneissic waste rock, indicating that microbial respiration would exert a control on the distribution of O2 and CO2 gas in waste-rock piles constructed upon the dewatered lake sediments.  相似文献   
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The recovery of Pd from spent catalysts has been gaining attention due to its high economic value and limited availability in nature. To recover...  相似文献   
Jeong J  Kim JY  Cho M  Choi W  Yoon J 《Chemosphere》2007,67(4):652-659
Recently, the electrochemical disinfection has gained a great interest as one of the alternatives to conventional chlorination due to its high effectiveness and environmental compatibility. Despite the extensive reports on electro-chlorination disinfection, few researches were reported on the systems without generating chlorine. This study mainly focused on the potential disinfecting ability of electro-generated oxidants other than chlorine with using an inert medium (chloride-free phosphate buffer solution), which was intended to exclude the formation of chlorine during the electrolysis, as the Escherichia coli as an indicator bacterium was disinfected by applying the current to a platinum anode. The electrochemical inactivation of E. coli without chlorine production was demonstrated to occur in two distinct stages. The first stage inactivation takes place rapidly at the beginning of electrolysis, which appears to be achieved by the electrosorption of negatively charged E. coli cells to the anode surface, followed by a direct electron transfer reaction. As the electrolysis continues further, the inactivation becomes slower but steady, in contrast to the first stage of inactivation. This was attributed to the action of reactive oxidants generated from water discharge, such as hydroxyl radical. Overall, this study suggests that the electrochemical disinfection could be successfully performed even without producing chlorine, recommending the potential application for disinfecting water that does not allow including any chloride ions (such as the production of ultra-pure sterilized water for semiconductor washing).  相似文献   
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