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难降解有机废水处理新技术   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
介绍了光氧化法、超临界氧化和低温等离子体化学三种废水处理新技术的原理,国内外研究的现状和未来的发展前景,分析了这些新技术在优化污染物废水处理方面得到工业应用所必须解决的主要技术问题.  相似文献   
To reduce the leaching potential, to prevent groundwater contamination and to maintain the efficacy of a pesticide, natural polysaccharides have received increasing attention due to their biocompatibility and useful biological reactivity for controlled release formulations (CRFs) of pesticides. In this paper, the toxicities of the chiral herbicide dichlorprop (DCPP) and its complexes with chitosan molecules (DCPP-CS) and chitosan nanoparticles (DCPP-NP) to two different green algae were determined and compared. The inhibition rates of DCPP, DCPP-CS and DCPP-NP were determined at 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168 h, and the results show that (S)-DCPP was more toxic to Chlorella vulgaris than (R)-DCPP, while the (R)-DCPP was more toxic to Scenedesmus obliquus than (S)-DCPP. The study also found that the chiral selectivity of DCPP to Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus could be changed when DCPP was complexed with chitosan molecules (CS) or chitosan nanoparticles (NP). For Chlorella vulgaris, the order of inhibition was (R)-DCPP-CS > (S)-DCPP-CS and (R)-DCPP-NP > (S)-DCPP-NP; for Scenedesmus obliquus, the order was (S)-DCPP-CS > (R)-DCPP-CS and (S)-DCPP-NP > (R)-DCPP-NP. This phenomenon suggests that the enantioselective behaviors of chiral compounds might shift when interactions with other chiral receptors coexist in different biological environments. Additionally, chitosan molecules and chitosan nanoparticles also showed different toxicities, which could be ascribed to the difference in the physicochemical properties between CS and NP or the differences in the cell walls of the two fresh water green algae.  相似文献   
活性硅酸聚合硫酸铁的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以硅酸钠,硫酸和聚合硫酸铁为原料制备活性硅酸合硫酸铁,测定了ASPFS红外光谱,了Fe/Si摩尔比和水样PH值等因素对产品和除浊效果的影响当Fe/Si摩尔比为1.5时产品稳定性和除浊效果均较好。  相似文献   
自由贸易协定中纳入环境保护规定是提高自由贸易中的正环境效应,同时避免或减轻负面环境影响的保障,已经逐渐成为新型国际自由贸易谈判中的重要内容。以跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定为代表的新型自由贸易谈判,试图在协定中丰富环境条款,例如环保原则、国际环境公约、环境标准、争端解决机制、环境产业和服务、环境合作和能力建设等。我国也开始在自贸谈判中纳入环保要求,基于最新的政策要求,我国应积极赶上国际自由贸易谈判中环境保护的新要求,推动贸易与环保政策的深度融合。  相似文献   
人工湿地系统植被构建方式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物是人工湿地系统的核心之一,不但有助于污水净化,还能产生一定的生态环境效益.湿地运行初期植物的生长好坏直接影响到今后植物的生长和污染物的去除效率.面对新建的人工湿地,如何快速高效的构建植被系统,是工程建设中必须面对的一个重要问题.湿地植被构建方式的改进有助于提高湿地建设效率,改善系统处理效果.本文从工程角度探讨植物种植方式、种植时间、种植密度及湿地启动对湿地植被构建的影响.  相似文献   
应用灰色理论,以2002,2003,2004,2005,2006连续五年为时间序列点,取大气降水pH值为参考因素,取大气中SO2、NOx、TSP、降尘的浓度为比较因素进行关联分析。灰关联度矩阵表明:邹平县大气降水酸度的最大影响因素是SO2,其次降尘的影响也不容忽视。  相似文献   
我国污染场地再利用的开发活动日渐增多,伴随场地的再利用对环境和人体健康造成不良影响的环境事件也愈加频繁。在土壤污染防治立法、相关的土壤环境质量标准与监管制度都欠缺的情况下,针对污染场地再利用环境风险管理的项目规划的失当、环境风险评估指标的缺失及监督管理制度不健全的障碍,应加强区域环评与单项建设项目环评的协调,落实场地监管主体、层级及各自的监管职责,形成环境损害赔偿机制,从而健全场地环境风险管理制度。  相似文献   
A novel analytical method has been established for on-line simultaneous determination of fluorene and acenaphthene,chrysene and benzo[a]anthracene (B[a]A) by polarization synchronous fluoromet.y (PSF) coupled to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The detection limits were: 0.039, 0.046, 0.016 and 0.042 mgL-1 for fluorene, acenaphthene, chrysene and B[a]A, respectively. The proposed method has been successfisily applied to simultaneous determination of these PAHs in environmental air and marine sediment samples.  相似文献   
A number of activated carbons derived from waste tires were further impregnated by gaseous elemental sulfur at temperatures of 400 and 650 degrees C, with a carbon and sulfur mass ratio of 1:3. The capabilities of sulfur diffusing into the micropores of the activated carbons were significantly different between 400 and 650 degrees C, resulting in obvious dissimilarities in the sulfur content of the activated carbons. The sulfur-impregnated activated carbons were examined for the adsorptive capacity of gas-phase mercuric chloride (HgC1) by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The analytical precision of TGA was up to 10(-6) g at the inlet HgCl2 concentrations of 100, 300, and 500 microg/m3, for an adsorption time of 3 hr and an adsorption temperature of 150 degrees C, simulating the flue gas emitted from municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators. Experimental results showed that sulfur modification can slightly reduce the specific surface area of activated carbons. High-surface-area activated carbons after sulfur modification had abundant mesopores and micropores, whereas low-surface-area activated carbons had abundant macropores and mesopores. Sulfur molecules were evenly distributed on the surface of the inner pores after sulfur modification, and the sulfur content of the activated carbons increased from 2-2.5% to 5-11%. After sulfur modification, the adsorptive capacity of HgCl2 for high-surface-area sulfurized activated carbons reached 1.557 mg/g (22 times higher than the virgin activated carbons). The injection of activated carbons was followed by fabric filtration, which is commonly used to remove HgCl2 from MSW incinerators. The residence time of activated carbons collected in the fabric filter is commonly about 1 hr, but the time required to achieve equilibrium is less than 10 min. Consequently, it is worthwhile to compare the adsorption rates of HgCl2 in the time intervals of < 10 and 10-60 min.  相似文献   
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