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Atrazine is one of the most widely applied and persistent herbicides in the world. In view of limited information on the regional contamination of atrazine in soils in China, this study investigated the spatial distribution and environmental impacts of atrazine in agricultural soils collected from the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) as an illustrative analysis of rapidly developing regions in the country. The results showed that the concentrations of atrazine in the YRD agricultural soils ranged from <1.0 to 113 ng/g dry weight, with a mean of 5.7 ng/g, and a detection rate of 57.7 % in soils. Pesticide factory might be a major source for the elevated levels of atrazine in Zhejiang Province. The contamination of atrazine was closely associated with land use types. The concentrations and detection rates of atrazine were higher in corn fields and mulberry fields than in rice paddy fields. There was no significant difference in compositions of soil microbial phospholipids fatty acids among the areas with different atrazine levels. Positive relationship (R = 0.417, p < 0.05, n = 30) was observed between atrazine and total microbial biomass. However, other factors, such as soil type and land management practice, might have stronger influences on soil microbial communities. Human health risks via exposure to atrazine in soils were estimated according to the methods recommended by the US EPA. Atrazine by itself in all the soil samples imposed very low carcinogenic risks (<10?6) and minimal non-cancer risks (hazard index <1) to adults and children.  相似文献   
Arsenic (As) is a pervasive environmental toxin and carcinogenic metalloid. It ranks at the top of the US priority List of Hazardous Substances and causes worldwide human health problems. Wetlands, including natural and artificial ecosystems (i.e. paddy soils) are highly susceptible to As enrichment; acting not only as repositories for water but a host of other elemental/chemical moieties. While macroscale processes (physical and geological) supply As to wetlands, it is the micro-scale biogeochemistry that regulates the fluxes of As and other trace elements from the semi-terrestrial to neighboring plant/aquatic/atmospheric compartments. Among these fine-scale events, microbial mediated As biotransformations contribute most to the element’s changing forms, acting as the ‘switch’ in defining a wetland as either a source or sink of As. Much of our understanding of these important microbial catalyzed reactions follows relatively recent scientific discoveries. Here we document some of these key advances, with focuses on the implications that wetlands and their microbial mediated transformation pathways have on the global As cycle, the chemistries of microbial mediated As oxidation, reduction and methylation, and future research priorities areas.
Leaching behavior and gastrointestinal bioaccessibility of rare earth elements (REEs) from hospital waste incineration (HWI) fly and bottom ash samples collected from Beijing and Nanjing Cities were assessed. In the same ash sample, the leaching concentrations of individual REEs determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) were higher than those detected by the European standard protocol (EN-type test), thereby suggesting that the low pH value of leaching solution was an important factor influencing the leachability of REE. The REE bioaccessibility results, which were evaluated using the physiologically based extraction test (PBET), indicated that REEs were highly absorbed during gastric phase by dissolution; and subsequently precipitated and/or re-adsorbed in small intestinal phase. The relative amounts of the total REEs extracted by the TCLP method, EN-type test and PBET test were compared. In addition to the pH value of extraction solutions, the chelating role of REEs with organic ligands used in the PBET method was also an important parameter affecting REE adsorption in human body. Additionally, this study showed that REEs were extracted by these methods as concomitants of heavy metals and anions (NO3 , F, SO4 2–, and Cl) from HWI ash, which probably caused the remarkably complex toxicity on human body by the exposure pathway.
此文介绍了一个用于数值模拟过程的二维图形界面,它由两大部分组成:“MANU”实现计算结果的手工操作显示及编辑,“AUTO”用于数值计算过程的自动跟踪.文中详细介绍了系统的设计方法、结构、工作原理和主要功能.  相似文献   
锅炉烟气脱硫技术发展综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在调查研究的基础上,论述国内外烟道气脱硫技术的发展与前景,提出开发生产适合我国国情的烟气脱硫技术势在必行。还简要介绍了最为普遍的石灰/石灰石法脱硫基本原理。  相似文献   
着重讨论两种生物处理工艺对港口含油污水的处理效果,试验结果表明;经PAC絮凝──生物接触氧化工艺处理,出水COD<100mg/L,达到排放标准。  相似文献   
浦东新区大气气溶胶中碳颗粒的分布规律   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用元素相关性分析方法,找出浦东新区大气气溶胶中碳颗粒的污染源,确证该区大气中碳颗粒主要来自煤的燃烧。同时初步找出浦东新区大气中碳颗粒污染的时空分布和粒径分布规律,为改善浦东 新区大气污染状况提供依据。  相似文献   
生物质材料在重金属废水处理中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
可再生、低成本、有效且易从环境获取的生物质材料越来越多地用于去除废水中的重金属离子。本文着重介绍三大类生物质材料:Ⅰ、动物类(主要是甲壳素和壳聚糖衍生物);Ⅱ、植物类(包括木质素、活性炭、竹炭、富含单宁的物质、农林废弃物等);Ⅲ、微生物类(各种茵类等),及其改性产物在处理有毒重金属废水方面的应用研究进展。  相似文献   
剩余污泥的水解与氮磷回收   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统污水好氧生物处理过程中产生大量剩余污泥,这些污泥有机质中富含大量的氮磷元素。随着剩余污泥的消化并最终处置,大量的氮磷资源被白白浪费。在污泥消化过程中有机态氮磷可以在水解类细菌的水解作用下最终以氨氮和磷酸盐的形式溶出。当水解液中氨氮和磷酸盐达到一定浓度时,投加镁盐并调节pH,生成鸟粪石沉淀。鸟粪石作为一种缓释肥具有良好的经济效益。从资源回收的角度看,对剩余污泥水解酸化阶段研究有利于实现剩余污泥中氮磷资源的有效回收。  相似文献   
选取自制高岭土颗粒和氧化铝颗粒作为介质阻挡放电的电介质,并将其作为板-板式气体放电填充床反应器的填充材料,通过对反应器放电特性的实验研究。研究了电场强度、李萨如图形、放电功率以及电流脉冲情况,初步探讨了粒状电介质阻挡放电机制。并从粒径、成分、排序三个角度进行了结果分析,进而总结这三方面因素对气体放电的影响规律。  相似文献   
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