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Substantial amounts of NO3 from agricultural crop production systems on poorly drained soils can be transported to surface water via subsurface drainage. A field study was conducted from the fall of 1993 through 2000 on a tile-drained Canisteo clay loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, calcareous, mesic Typic Endoaquoll) to determine the influence of fall vs. spring application of N and nitrapyrin [NP; 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine] on NO3 losses from a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation. Four anhydrous ammonia treatments (fall N, fall N + NP, spring preplant N, and spring N + NP) were replicated four times and applied at 135 kg N ha(-1) for corn on individual drainage plots. Drainage occurred in all seven years. Seventy-one percent of the annual drainage and 75% of the annual NO3 loss occurred in April, May, and June. Fifty-four percent of the NO3 lost in the drainage occurred during the corn phase and 46% during the soybean phase. Annual flow-weighted NO3-N concentrations for the fall, fall + NP, spring, and spring + NP treatments averaged 14.3, 11.5, 10.7, and 11.3 mg L(-1) during the corn phase but annual NO3-N concentrations were still > or =10 mg L(-1) in three of six years for the spring preplant treatment. Averaged across the six rotation cycles, flow-normalized NO3-N losses ranked in the order: fall N > spring N + NP > fall N + NP > spring N. Under these conditions, NO3 losses in subsurface drainage from a corn-soybean rotation can be reduced 14% by spring N and 10% by late fall N + NP compared with fall-applied N. Nitrate losses were not appreciably reduced by adding NP to spring preplant N.  相似文献   
The development, testing, and application of a probabilistic model framework for the light attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance (Kd) and Secchi disc transparency (SD) that resolves the effects of several light attenuating constituents, including phytoplankton and nonliving particles (tripton), is documented. The model is consistent with optical theory, partitioning the magnitudes of the light attenuating processes of absorption and scattering according to the contributions of attenuating constituents as simple summations. The probabilistic framework accommodates variations in the character and concentrations of these constituents and ambient conditions during measurements, and recognizes a linear relationship between the magnitudes of absorption and scattering by tripton. The model is tested and applied for a 21 km reach of the Seneca River, New York, that features optical gradients caused by an intervening hypereutrophic lake and dam, and a severe infestation of the exotic zebra mussel. The model is applied to resolve the roles of phytoplankton and tripton in regulating measured longitudinal patterns of SD along the study reach of the river and increases in SD since the zebra mussel invasion, and to predict decreases in Kd since the invasion.  相似文献   
Emitted thermal infrared radiation (TIR, λ= 8 to 14 μm) can be used to measure surface water temperatures (top approximately 100 μm). This study evaluates the accuracy of stream (50 to 500 m wide) and lake (300 to 5,000 m wide) radiant temperatures (15 to 22°C) derived from airborne (MASTER, 5 to 15 m) and satellite (ASTER 90 m, Landsat ETM+ 60 m) TIR images. Applied atmospheric compensations changed water temperatures by ?0.2 to +2.0°C. Atmospheric compensation depended primarily on atmospheric water vapor and temperature, sensor viewing geometry, and water temperature. Agreement between multiple TIR bands (MASTER ‐ 10 bands, ASTER ‐ 5 bands) provided an independent check on recovered temperatures. Compensations improved agreement between image and in situ surface temperatures (from 2.0 to 1.1°C average deviation); however, compensations did not improve agreement between river image temperatures and loggers installed at the stream bed (from 0.6 to 1.6°C average deviation). Analysis of field temperatures suggests that vertical thermal stratification may have caused a systematic difference between instream gage temperatures and corrected image temperatures. As a result, agreement between image temperatures and instream temperatures did not imply that accurate TIR temperatures were recovered. Based on these analyses, practical accuracies for corrected TIR lake and stream surface temperatures are around 1°C.  相似文献   
Abstract: Opportunities for the development of an amalgam of park and leisure-oriented commercial establishments in urban-core waterfont settings exist in many U.S. cities. Public awareness of the need to enhance the environmental quality of these waterfont areas has resulted in a demand for planning and implementation action. However, the lack of understanding of urban political systems has been an inhibiting factor in the development of this park/ business concept. The major factors that influence the decision-making process leading to the development of urban-core waterfronts for park/business use are identified inthis paper. Understanding this decision-making process can aid project implementation and avoid waste of planning effort in time, dollars, and productivity.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: An important enforcement question is, “What should be the relationship between ‘Best Management Practices’ (BMP) and receiving-water standards?” Nonpoint pollution dischargers are concerned about implementing a BMP program, only to find themselves in violation because receiving-water standards still have not been met. They are also concerned about the procedures a regulatory agency will utilize to determine the relative success of a BMP program. Successful management of nonpoint pollution requires that these concerns be addressed. Three alternative relationships have been developed. The recommended alternative is to implement the BMP program and use standards as a measure of the effectiveness of the program. Failure to achieve the standards would lead to a reevaluation of the BMP program. Enforcement activities against nonpoint dischargers would be restricted to the failure on their part to implement the previously agreed upon BMP program. Recommendations are also made as to measures regulatory agencies should take if their procedures to judge the relative success of a BMP program are to be technically and politically effective.  相似文献   
Planning theory

Andreas Faludi

Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973. Hard cover £4.75, flexi‐cover £3.

PLANNING AND THE INNOVATION PROCESS (Progress in Planning, Vol. 1, Part 3)

Ray Jefferson

Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973


Scottish Development Department H.M.S.O., London, 1973. £6


David Eversley

Faber and Faber, London, 1973. £4.75.


T. M. Cowling and G. C. Steeley

Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973. £3.80


Paolo Soleri.

M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England, 1971.


Paolo Soleri.

M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England, 1969.


Albert Fein

George Braziller, New York. $10.00 cloth. $3.95 paper.

ECOLOGY AND RECLAMATION OF DEVASTED LAND (2 vols.) ed. Russel Hutnick and Grant Davis

Gordon and Breach, New York, 1973. £25.00.

MAN MADE THE LAND: Essays in English Historical Geography

Ed. Alan R. H. Baker and J. B. Harley.

David and Charles, Newton Abbot, 1973. £5.25.

THE UNKNOWN URBAN REALM (Vol. 2, Europe 2,000, Project 3, Urbanization, Planning Human Environment in Europe)

U. Neveling, R. Sulzer, W. Ubbens, G. Wersig.

Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1973.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT .Many growing municipalities near irrigated agriculture are advocating a transfer of water now utilized for irrigation to municipal use. Alternatives are presented whereby this water can be transferred to municipal use in exchange for treated sewage effluent. The irrigation water would in effect be cycled through the municipal system prior to use on the farms. A case study of the Tucson region illustrates the relevant legal, economic and technical aspects. Effluent could be delivered to irrigators in Avra Valley at a cost less than that now paid for water pumped from declining water tables. In return the City of Tucson could import ground water now being used for irrigation through an existing pipeline which presently cannot be used because of a court injunction obtained by the irrigators. It appears that such an exchange agreement could be made without modification of existing statutory law. Similar exchange arrangements may prove to be feasible in other regions containing irrigated agriculture. Increased efficiency of water use can be achieved avoiding external effects which commonly arise in a direct transfer and are difficult to evaluate. High quality water is allocated to municipal use whereas nutrient-rich sewage effluent is transferred to irrigation.  相似文献   
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