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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The positioning of quality detection points as well as the frequency of sampling is a crucial aspect for the implementation of Water Safety Plans...  相似文献   
随着现代科学技术的进步和发展,在电磁辐射的运用范围越来越广的同时其污染水平也在不断增高,人类生存的环境也在不断受到电磁辐射的影响,加强电磁辐射环境管理已势在必行。通信系统电磁辐射应是新疆当前电磁辐射环境管理的重点。  相似文献   
利用重力波冰雹预警系统对1994—2004年预警范围内出现的冰雹等强对流天气过程及其他相关天气过程进行了监测。经过对所获得的部分大气重力波周期-振幅谱实时资料与对应天气资料的对比分析,发现了一些天气过程与大气重力波特征,特别是雹云发展不同阶段大气重力波的演变特征之间的联系。  相似文献   
Recent development of systems for assisted driving has raised questions about what features of the stimuli perceived by a driver may improve driving behaviour and road safety. The present study aimed to uncover whether emotional auditory stimuli can affect risky behaviour in hazardous situations. Forty-nine volunteers rode a motorcycle in a virtual environment and went through a number of preset risky scenarios, some of which were cued by a sound (a beep, a positive emotional sound or a negative sound). Results showed that hearing the beep reduced the frequency of accidents in the upcoming risky situation, while the emotional cues did not. Likewise, the beep induced the drivers to decrease their speed and focus their gaze on relevant areas of the visual field, while the emotional sounds did not. These results suggest that auditory warning systems for vehicles should avoid using emotion-laden sounds, as their affective content might diminish their utility to increase driving alertness. These findings could provide important information for the development of new advanced driver assistance systems and in general for the specification of future Human–Machine-Interaction design guidelines.  相似文献   
A dynamic aquatic model (DynA model) was previously developed to predict the fate of a chemical in aquatic scenarios characterized by daily or periodic changes in several input parameters. DynA model is here calibrated with data obtained from the literature in specific unsteady state scenarios, such as those of rice fields. The results obtained for two herbicides (cinosulfuron and pretilachlor) in rice paddy scenarios revealed the capability of the model to accurately predict water and sediment concentrations, as shown by some statistical indicators. Modelling efficiency (EF) values of 0.86-0.99 for the water compartment and of 0.77-0.84 for sediment show the good agreement between predicted and measured concentrations. An "external validation" was performed using measured data for a different herbicide (molinate) applied in a Portuguese paddy rice scenario. A sensitivity analysis for this volatile chemical revealed the influence of some climatic parameters (e.g. temperature) to the model outcomes, such as water and sediment concentrations. This confirmed the capability of DynA model as an efficient tool for the pesticide risk assessment in dynamic scenarios.  相似文献   
To contribute to the aspirations of recent international biodiversity conventions, protected areas (PAs) must be strategically located and not simply established on economically marginal lands as they have in the past. With refined international commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity to target protected areas in places of “importance to biodiversity,” perhaps they may now be. We analyzed location biases in PAs globally over historic (pre‐2004) and recent periods. Specifically, we examined whether the location of protected areas are more closely associated with high concentrations of threatened vertebrate species or with areas of low agricultural opportunity costs. We found that both old and new protected areas did not target places with high concentrations of threatened vertebrate species. Instead, they appeared to be established in locations that minimize conflict with agriculturally suitable lands. This entrenchment of past trends has substantial implications for the contributions these protected areas are making to international commitments to conserve biodiversity. If protected‐area growth from 2004 to 2014 had strategically targeted unrepresented threatened vertebrates, >30 times more species (3086 or 2553 potential vs. 85 actual new species represented) would have been protected for the same area or the same cost as the actual expansion. With the land available for conservation declining, nations must urgently focus new protection on places that provide for the conservation outcomes outlined in international treaties.  相似文献   
针对富含木质纤维素底物利用效率低的问题,通过在中试厌氧消化系统中共接种瘤胃微生物和厌氧污泥来改善水稻秸秆中木质纤维素的水解,采用逐步提升底物有机负荷(OLR)的方式,评估了接种后水稻秸秆的厌氧消化效率。结果表明,在反应体系底物有机负荷达到4.26 g·(L·d)−1(以VS计)时,系统表现出最佳的厌氧消化性能,此时沼气产率为528 mL·g−1 (以VS计),甲烷产率为287 mL·g−1,容积沼气生产强度达到2.20 L·(L·d)−1。在反应器有机负荷从1.05 g·(L·d)−1提升到4.26 g·(L·d)−1的运行过程中,系统的纤维素降解率稳定在(71 ± 2)%,半纤维素降解率稳定在(92 ± 4)%,木质素降解率稳定在(15 ± 3)%。这种稳定性表明反应器的连续运行成功地形成了高效的木质纤维素降解体系,结果可为实际规模化应用提供参考。  相似文献   
航空危险品运输作业风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于危险品的危害特性,运输操作上涉及多环节因素以及航空运输装载的特殊要求,在航空运输作业环节中易造成安全事故,因此需要对危险品航空运输作业进行风险管理。根据人-机-环-管分析方法,从航空危险品运输中的收运、卸载、储存、装载环节进行危险源识别,并构建指标体系。用三角模糊数和ANP相结合的方法对风险发生的严重度进行分析。对安全影响较大的前几位因素:人员违规,规章制度,监督检查,员工教育、培训,应急预案,防护装置使用率,提出了安全管理体系的建立及实施,加强从业人员的管理,对危险品运输环节的设备进行管理风险控制措施。  相似文献   
李哲  张欢  张秀芳  周野  吴迪  李明堂 《环境科学学报》2017,37(10):3687-3695
有机肥的大量使用使得菜田土壤重金属含量呈快速的累积趋势,对蔬菜安全生产构成了严重的威胁.本文从长期施加鸡粪猪粪等农家肥的大棚蔬菜根际土壤中筛选出了一株能降解尿素释放碳酸根,进而通过生物矿化作用固结重金属的细菌,系统发育分析和生理生化特征表明该菌株为氧化木糖无色杆菌,将其命名为LAX2.菌株LAX2可在含尿素的培养基中快速生长,所产脲酶的活力可达140 U·m L~(-1),发酵液的pH可达9.06.菌株LAX2可耐受浓度高达115 mg·L~(-1)的铜离子.X-射线衍射分析(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱分析(FTIR)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和能谱(EDS)分析表明菌株LAX2可通过生物矿化作用形成微球形的Cu_2(OH)_2CO_3,其直径可达2μm.菌体细胞吸附、生物矿化和化学沉淀对溶液中Cu~(2+)的去除率分别为93%、85%和72%.菌株LAX2对土壤中有效态Cu的固定作用呈现适应-快速-慢速3个阶段,培养5、10和30 d后土壤有效态Cu的含量分别下降了52.3%、73.7%和87.4%.与菌体细胞吸附和化学沉淀相比,生物矿化作用固定的Cu对短期内的淹水和反复冻融具有很强的抗性作用.以上结果表明菌株LAX2可通过生物成矿作用形成性质较稳定的碳酸铜矿物,在土壤铜污染修复方面具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   
SWAT模型在国内外非点源污染研究中的应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模型模拟是定量估算非点源污染负荷的有效工具,也是对其进行规划、控制和管理的前提.近年来SWAT模型在国内外得到了快速的发展和应用,是目前全球评价大范围和环境变化条件下非点源污染问题的一个有效工具.简介SWAT模型的发展历程及原理,概述了SWAT模型目前在国内外的水文评价、污染物流失模拟、输人参数、土地利用及气候变化对水文响应的影响等方面的研究现状,并对SWAT模型的发展方向提出了建议,为模型的进一步完善与应用提供参考.结果显示,SWAT模型对水文评价(如径流量、泥沙量)可得到较好的模拟和预测结果,能够模拟污染物(如农药和化肥)在农田和河网中的迁移过程,模拟与分析土地利用/覆被变化及气候变化对水文过程的影响.模型参数的确定及其对地下水流与溶质运移的模拟是模型的主要问题,需要进一步研究与完善.  相似文献   
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