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Concentrations and Pools of Heavy Metals in Urban Soils in Stockholm,Sweden   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb andZn) and arsenic (As) were surveyed and the metal pools estimatedin soils in Stockholm Municipality. The sampling sites were distributed all over the entire municipality with a higher sampling density in the city centre. Soils were sampled to a maximum depth of 25 to 60 cm. Soil texture, total-C content, electrical conductivity and pH were analysed. Heavy metal concentrations were determined after wet digestion with boiling7 M HNO3.The results showed a wide range in heavy metal concentrations, as well as in other soil properties. The city centre soils constituted a rather homogeneous group whereas outside this areano geographical zones could be distinguished. These soils were grouped based on present land use, i.e. undisturbed soils, public parks, wasteland (mainly former industrial areas), and roadside soils. The city centre and wasteland soils generally hadenhanced heavy metal concentrations to at least 30 cm depth compared to park soils outside the city centre and rural (arable)soils in the region, which were used to estimate background levels. For example, the mean Hg concentration was 0.9 (max 3.3)mg kg-1 soil at 0–5 cm and 1.0 (max 2.9) at 30 cm depth in the city centre soils, while the background level was 0,04 mg kg-1. Corresponding values for Pb were 104 (max 444) and135 (max 339) mg kg-1, at 0–5 and 30 cm, respectively, while the background level was 17 mg kg-1.The average soil pools (0–30 cm depth) of Cu, Pb and Zn were 21,38 and 58 g m-2 respectively, which for Pb was 3–4 timeshigher and for Cu and Zn 1.5–2 times higher than the backgroundlevel. The total amount of accumulated metals (down to 30 cm)in the city centre soils (4.5*10 6 m2 public gardens and green areas) was estimated at 80, 1.1, 120 and 40 t for Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn, respectively. The study showed (1) thatfrom a metal contamination point of view, more homogeneous soilgroups were obtained based on present land use than on geographicdistance to the city centre, (2) the importance of establishing a background level in order to quantify the degree of contamination, and (3) soil samples has to be taken below the surface layer (and deeper than 30 cm) in order to quantify theaccumulated metal pools in urban soils.  相似文献   
Sucralose - an ecotoxicological challenger?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The non-calorie sweetener sucralose - sucrose containing three chlorine atoms - is intensively sweet and has become a popular substitute for sugar. Its widespread use, exceptional stability in combination with high water solubility have thus resulted in contamination of recipient waters. Earlier studies on sucralose in aquatic organisms indicate low bioaccumulation potential and negligible acute/chronic toxicity, but the close structural resemblance with sucrose in combination with the importance of sugar in nature, warrant a more detailed ecotoxicological assessment. The aim of this investigation was therefore to study behavioural and physiological effects of sucralose in crustaceans. Our results show that both physiology and locomotion behaviour were affected by exposure to sucralose. In Daphnia magna, the behavioural response was manifested as altered swimming height and increased swimming speed, whereas in gammarids the time to reach food and shelter was prolonged. Regardless if these behavioural responses were initiated via traditional toxic mechanisms or stimulatory effects, they should be considered as a warning, since exposed organisms may diverge from normal behaviour, which ultimately can have ecological consequences.  相似文献   
Host plant odours attract gravid insect females for oviposition. The identification of these plant volatile compounds is essential for our understanding of plant–insect relationships and contributes to plant breeding for improved resistance against insects. Chemical analysis of grape headspace and subsequent behavioural studies in the wind tunnel show that host finding in grapevine moth Lobesia botrana is encoded by a ratio-specific blend of three ubiquitous plant volatiles. The odour signal that attracts mated females to grape consists of the terpenoids (E)-β-caryophyllene, (E)-β-farnesene and (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene. These compounds represent only a fraction of the volatiles released by grapes, and they are widespread compounds known throughout the plant kingdom. Specificity may be achieved by the blend ratio, which was 100:78:9 in grape headspace. This blend elicited anemotactic behaviour in moths at remarkably small amounts. Females were attracted at release rates of only a few nanograms per minute, at levels nearly as low as those known for the attraction of male moths to the female sex pheromones.  相似文献   
Reserves, resilience and dynamic landscapes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a world increasingly modified by human activities, the conservation of biodiversity is essential as insurance to maintain resilient ecosystems and ensure a sustainable flow of ecosystem goods and services to society. However, existing reserves and national parks are unlikely to incorporate the long-term and large-scale dynamics of ecosystems. Hence, conservation strategies have to actively incorporate the large areas of land that are managed for human use. For ecosystems to reorganize after large-scale natural and human-induced disturbances, spatial resilience in the form of ecological memory is a prerequisite. The ecological memory is composed of the species, interactions and structures that make ecosystem reorganization possible, and its components may be found within disturbed patches as well in the surrounding landscape. Present static reserves should be complemented with dynamic reserves, such as ecological fallows and dynamic successional reserves, that are part of ecosystem management mimicking natural disturbance regimes at the landscape level.  相似文献   
自然保护区、恢复力和动态景观   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在这个日益被人类活动所改变的世界里,保护生物多样性对于维持有恢复力的生态系统和确保生态系统产品的可持续流动以及对社会的服务是至关重要的.但是,现有的自然保护区和国家公园不大可能结合生态系统的长期和大尺度的动态.因此,保护策略必须包括大面积的人类利用经营的土地.为了能使生态系统在大规模的自然和人为干扰之后得以重组,以生态存储形式出现的空间恢复力是必备的前提.生态存储包括那些能使生态系统得以重组的物种、相互作用和结构,它的组成部分可能出现在干扰斑块中,也可能出现在周围的景观中.现有的静态自然保护区应该由动态自然保护区加以补充,例如生态休闲地和动态演替保护区,这些都是在景观尺度上模拟自然干扰状况,进行生态系统经营的组成部分.  相似文献   
 Three components in extract of pheromone glands of female pea midges, Contarinia pisi, were found to be active on male pea midge antennae by coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection. The EAD active components were identified as 2-acetoxytridecane, (2S,11S)-diacetoxytridecane, and (2S,12S)-diacetoxytridecane. A blend of these compounds proved to be highly attractive to males in windtunnel experiments. Received: 12 November 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 26 january 1999  相似文献   
Tailings containing toxic qualities of heavy metals are a potential source of pollution. Stabilisation by vegetative methods have been found the most effective. In an attempt to vegetate tailings dams it has been noted that while certain milky latex containing plants can be grown without any preconditioning of the soil, almost any plant can be grown after proper conditioning. However, the plants grown there cannot be consumed by humans or cattle due to their high metal content.  相似文献   
Toxicity of the combined effluent as well as effluents from different production units of BAPACO, a Vietnamese bleached kraft integrated pulp and paper mill, was studied using three ecotoxicological tests: Microtox, the micro-alga, Selenastrum capricornutum, and the duckweed, Lemna aequinoctialis. Physico-chemical characteristics of the effluents were also analyzed. Due to unstable operating conditions of the mill, a number of samples taken at different monitoring periods from each effluent were tested, in order to get statistically reliable ranges and averages of toxicity characteristics. For the mill combined effluent, it was found that the micro-algae were the most sensitive followed by Microtox bacteria, while duckweed was not sensitive. Microtox tests showed that the bleaching filtrate from the chlorination stage (C-stage) was the most toxic among all effluents in the mill. The combined effluent from the bleaching plant contributed the largest TEF (Toxicity Emission Factor) to the toxicity balance of the whole BAPACO combined effluent. A less-than-additive mode of toxicity was obtained. In spite of high pollution loads, e.g. BOD, COD, SS, to the Red River, the toxicity of the effluent was considered to be low. However, during periods of low river water sublethal toxic effects on the biota may be expected.  相似文献   
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