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ABSTRACT: A study was conducted to elucidate some of the chemical factors affecting the rate and pathways of N transformations in lake sediments. The main emphasis was placed on modifying a noncalcareous sediment with CaCO3 to approximate the composition of a calcareous sediment. Additionally, the effects of Ca2+, CO32-, Mg2+ and OH- were evaluated by using appropriate chemicals. Further, the effect of aluminum sulfate was evaluated with both sediment types. Sediment pH at 7 days was not affected by CaCO3, but was decreased by aluminum sulfate. The CaCO3 treatment increased the rate of ammonification, nitrification, reduction of acetylene to ethylene and methane formation, while with few exceptions the other treatments decreased the rate of the transformations studied. Aluminum sulfate, which has been proposed as a lake restoration treatment, increased ammonification but decreased most of the other transformations.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This research examines the impact of high rates of interest upon the least cost system design for urban drainage systems when water quality is a critical parameter. Results of examination of twelve alternative system designs in a case study watershed indicate the least cost study design is highly sensitive to the rate of interest, but not sensitive to the water quality parameters. When the high rates of interest currently prevalent are introduced into the model those systems which contain open channel collection components are selected as the least cost system. At low rates of interest pipeline collection components are selected as the least cost system. Holding pond components of system design are cost effective at several levels of water quality. They are neutral to the rate of interest so they are incorporated in least cost systems at all the levels of interest rates. The results of the study indicate that at the current high rates of interest open channel collection systems and holding ponds are cost effective system components to achieve selected levels of water quality in urban drainage system design.  相似文献   
A comparative evaluation is made of the frequency of air mass and frontal types during a 4-year representative portion of the drought as opposed to an equivalent non-drought period. Selection of the non-drought period is based on the Palmer Drought Index. Results indicate a statistically significant increase in the occurrence of continental polar air during the drought. Other conclusions concerning conditions during the drought, not statistically significant but worth further study, are: lower frequency of maritime tropical air in the summer months, more occurrences of cold and occluded fronts, and fewer occurrences of stationary fronts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Following an enclosure of a sink-hole connecting Lake Tarpon to the Gulf of Mexico, the chloride concentration of lake waters decreased. Water and chloride budgets for the lake in 1975 were prepared, and predictions using the model of Lerman and Brunskill (1971) were made as to the time required for the lake to achieve fresh water status. Model verification indicated good agreement with predictions in 1976; however, data on [C1-] for 1977 and 1978 are not as supportive of the model used. The information concerning the Lake Tarpon watershed provided by this latter fact is discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This paper examines the social impact of reservoir construction on a rural community group located in the urban fringe of a major metropolitan area in central Ohio. The study data were collected at three intervals over a ten-year period (1970, 1974, 1980). Evaluation of resident opinions in the affected community revealed significant attitude differences over time for four of the five variables measured. The findings revealed that the study group desired more social stability but had accommodated the changes experienced to date. Responses to the attitude scales showed that the people in the study group were well integrated and were closely identified with each other at all three test periods. Attitudes toward the lake project were significantly more positive over time, and in 1980 the collective community group held a basically neutral attitude about the lake. The development agency was also perceived more positively over time.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Rainstorms which exceed the design capacity of conveyance systems and cause extensive damage to structures and property, occur frequently in Alberta. After such a severe storm, an early and quick assessment of the storm's location and magnitude and the corresponding frequency for various duration (storm intensity-duration curve) is often required to estimate the damage. The storm intensity-duration curve is produced with information obtained from a sparse network of recording raingages, thus, creating a high degree of uncertainty in the result. Short-duration precipitation is usually quite variable in Alberta; hencea very dense network of recording precipitation stations would be required to provide precise measurements of the storm intensity-duration curve at all locations. Such a dense network does not exist in Alberta; it would be very expensive to install, maintain, and thus difficult to justify financially. One solution for obtaining a large amount of closely spaced in-intensity-duration values is to use weather radar. Using weather radar data, intensity-duration curves could be produced routinely for any set of prespecified locations. The radar data thus have the potential for facilitating the identification of the return period of rainfall events quickly, cheaply, and precisely when the long-term intensity-duration curves are available. As a pilot project to demonstrate the feasibility of the method and the potential of the radar data, computer software was developed to derive from archived radar data, intensity-duration values for up to a 2,500 2 area for a given storm.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Most water-resouree investigations in semiarid basins of the Great Basin in western North America conclude that ground-water recharge from direct precipitation on the valley floor is negligible. However, many of these basins contain large areas covered by unvegetated, active sand dunes that may act as conduits for ground-water recharge. The potential for this previously undocumented recharge was investigated in an area covered by sand dunes in Desert Valley, northwestern Nevada, using a deep percolation model. The model uses daily measurements of precipitation and temperature th determine energy and moisture balances, from which estimates of long-term mean annual recharge are made. For the study area, the model calculated a mean annual recharge rate of as much as 1.3 inches per year, or 17 percent of the long-term mean precipitation. Model simulations also indicate that recharge would be virtually zero if the study area were covered by vegetation rather than dunes.  相似文献   
The United States Soil Conservation Service (SCS) conducts a survey for the purpose of establishing an agricultural land use database. This survey is called the National Resources Inventory (NRI) database. The complex NRI land classification system, in conjunction with the quantitative information gathered by the survey, has numerous applications. The current paper uses the wetland area data gathered by the NRI in 1982 and 1987 to examine empirically the factors that generate wetland loss in the United States. The cross-section regression models listed here use the quantity of wetlands, the stock of drainage capital, the realty value of farmland and drainage costs to explain most of the cross-state variation in wetland loss rates. Wetlands preservation efforts by federal agencies assume that pecuniary economic factors play a decisive role in wetland drainage. The empirical models tested in the present paper validate this assumption.  相似文献   
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