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In various countries, actors try to reconcile climate science and policy through joint knowledge production (JNP). While many conceptual analyses of JNP exist, empirical studies that actually try to assess JNP processes are rare. This paper aims to fill this gap through an empirical analysis of the ‘Hotspot Zuidplaspolder’ project in which scientists, policymakers and other actors collaboratively looked for ways to ‘climate proof’ existing plans for urban development in one of the deepest polders of the Netherlands. The analysis is done by identifying and explaining the credibility and salience of the knowledge produced as well as the perceived legitimacy of the JNP process. Seven success factors derived from existing literature were used in the analysis. Stakeholders appeared to evaluate this project as positive, but the analysis shows that criteria and thresholds regarding success differ between the actors involved. We found three underlying design principles that should be followed to enhance the success of future JNP projects. First, it is necessary to organize several instances for reflection on the project processes. Second, new reward structures are needed to stimulate actors to take new initiatives and come up with creative ideas. Third, projects and programs should provide room to make mistakes and learn from them. This first set of empirical design principles for JNP is useful but should be further refined and nuanced in order to better deal with the social complexity of climate change and other wicked problems.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to explain the occurrence of food sharing across primates. Defined as the unresisted transfer of food, evolutionary hypotheses have to explain why possessors should relinquish food rather than keep it. While sharing with offspring can be explained by kin selection, explanations for sharing among unrelated adults are more controversial. Here we test the hypothesis that sharing occurs with social partners that have leverage over food possessors due to the opportunity for partner choice in other contexts. Thus, we predict that possessors should relinquish food to potential mates or allies, who could provide or withhold matings or coalitionary support in the future. We used phylogenetic analyses based on both maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches in a sample of 68 primate species to test these predictions. The analyses strongly indicate that (1) sharing with offspring is predicted by the relative processing difficulty of the diet, as measured by the degree of extractive foraging, but not overall diet quality, (2) food sharing among adults only evolved in species already sharing with offspring, regardless of diet, and (3) male–female sharing co-evolved with the opportunity for female mate choice and sharing within the sexes with coalition formation. These results provide comparative support for the hypothesis that sharing is “traded” for matings and coalitionary support in the sense that these services are statistically associated and can thus be selected for. Based on this, we predict that sharing should occur in any species with opportunities for partner choice.  相似文献   
Monkey alarm calls have shown that in the primate clade, combinatorial rules in acoustic communication are not exclusive to humans. A recent hypothesis suggests that the number of different call combinations in monkeys increases with increased number of predator species. However, the existence of combinatorial rules in great ape alarm calls remains largely unstudied, despite its obvious relevance to ideas about the evolution of human speech. In this paper, we examine the potential use of combinatorial rules in the alarm calls of the only Asian great ape: the orangutan. Alarm calls in orangutans are composed of syllables (with either one or two distinct elements), which in turn are organized into sequences. Tigers and clouded leopards are predators for Sumatran orangutans, but in Borneo, tigers are extinct. Thus, orangutans make a suitable great ape model to assess alarm call composition in relation to the size of the predator guild. We exposed orangutans on both islands to a tiger and control model. Response compositionality was analyzed at two levels (i.e., syllable and syllable sequences) between models and populations. Results were corroborated using information theory algorithms. We made specific, directed predictions for the variation expected if orangutans used combinatorial rules. None of these predictions were met, indicating that monkey alarm call combinatorial rules do not have direct homologues in orangutans. If these results are replicated in other great apes, this indicates that predation did not drive selection towards ever more combinatorial rules in the human lineage.  相似文献   
Tolerated transfer of food among adults is rare among primates, except in humans. Here, we present data on a consistent pattern of tolerated intersexual transfer of food (held in hand, foot, or mouth by the owner) among adult orangutans, in two different natural populations (Pongo abelii and Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii), based on ca. 9,000 h of focal observation per site. Although rare, intersexual food transfers were disproportionately from males to sexually active females and involved food that was equally available to both sexes. There was no evidence for direct trading of food for social favors (mating, grooming, or agonistic support) or for sharing under pressure of harassment. However, females frequently protested with loud screams when males, especially unflanged ones, attempted to take food they possessed, and also when males responded aggressively to their taking attempt. Since associations ended sooner when the female emitted noisy calls, a male who did not allow a female to take food from him risked losing the association. These findings support the hypothesis that by taking food, a sexually active female may test the male's tendency toward violence. Thus, intersexual food taking in orangutans is based on female leverage, resulting in a species-wide female entitlement to male “generosity”. The inhibition of food defense required for this kind of transaction may also form the basis for sharing patterns among species in which nutritional benefits have become important, such as chimpanzees and perhaps human foragers.  相似文献   
Two closely related dove species, Streptopelia vinacea and S. capicola, show clear interspecific divergence in one acoustic signal (perch-coo), but much less so in another (bow-coo). Both signals play a role in territorial defense and mate attraction and may thus convey information used for species recognition. In Uganda, there is a small zone of overlap where the two species most probably hybridize. With playback experiments in allopatric populations of each species we tested the potential of the two signal types for species isolation. Allopatric populations showed a stronger response to conspecific than to heterospecific perch-coos, but an equal response to bow-coos of either species. However, S. vinacea responded relatively stronger to S. capicola perch-coos than vice versa. The hybrid population showed an equal response to bow-coos of either species, but a marginally stronger response to perch-coos of S. capicola compared to perch-coos of S. vinacea. Hybrids have a variable and intermediate vocal structure compared to both parental species, which allowed for testing of behavioral coupling between production and perception of these signals. Hybrids showed no relationship between their coo structure and that of the species to which they respond most strongly, indicating a lack of behavioral coupling. Although perch-coos may differ sufficiently to allow species isolation, the similarity in bow-coos may allow interspecific interactions. We suggest that the similarity in bow-coos and the higher salience of S. capicola perch-coos may have allowed S. capicola to extend its range into that of S. vinacea, resulting in hybridization. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Female philopatry in mammals is generally associated with ecological and sometimes social benefits, and often with dispersal by males. Previous studies on dispersal patterns of orangutans, largely non-gregarious Asian great apes, have yielded conflicting results. Based on 7?years of observational data and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analyses on fecal samples of 41 adult Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) from the Tuanan population, we provide both genetic and behavioral evidence for male dispersal and female philopatry. Although maternally related adult female dyads showed similar home-range overlap as unrelated dyads, females spent much more time in association with known maternal relatives than with other females. While in association, offspring of maternally related females frequently engaged in social play, whereas mothers actively prevented this during encounters with unrelated mothers, suggesting that unrelated females may pose a threat to infants. Having trustworthy neighbors may therefore be a social benefit of philopatry that may be common among solitary mammals, thus reinforcing female philopatric tendencies in such species. The results also illustrate the diversity in dispersal patterns found within the great-ape lineage.  相似文献   
Forests offer good possibilities for the sequestration of carbon dioxide. This service can be commodified by the introduction of carbon (dioxide) credits, which can be traded on a carbon market. The premise of this paper is that the traditional economic view on the construction of these carbon markets is a too simplistic one, particularly, because it neglects the social meaning of a carbon market for developing countries. From their viewpoint as suppliers of carbon credits such a market has a broader meaning. It must be seen as a social mechanism for improving both the living conditions of local people and a more encompassing improvement of the environment than climate as such. What initially might be labelled as a carbon market might better be understood as a more encompassing 'green market'. The agreement between Costa Rica and Norway, officially known as the Reforestation Conservation Activities Implemented Jointly Project (RFCAIJP) represents a clear example of a green market. In this paper, we study the development, characteristics and benefits of that market, asking the question what lessons can be learned from this first practical experiences. More specifically we focus on the conditions that have made this type of agreement successful.  相似文献   
The number of adult males in a bisexual primate group is thought to be determined mainly by the defensibility of mating access to the females. However, among primates, small groups sometimes contain several adult male. We evaluate the hypothesis that high predation risk may lead to greater male representation in primate groups, independent of the effect of group size. Male primates are known to be more vigilant than females, and may also be better at detecting potential predators. A comparative test was done using arboreal folivores in three continents, howler monkeys in the Neotropics, colobus monkeys in Africa and langurs in South and Southeast Asia. Howlers and colobus are exposed to predation by large monkey-eating eagles, whereas the langurs are not. We conducted regression analyses on group composition data of single populations and on mean group compositions among populations, and found that the arboreal langurs basically live in groups with only a single adult males whereas groups of howler and colobus monkeys of comparable size have multiple adult males (Fig. 3). Thus, the hypothesis was supported. Several alternative hypotheses do not account for this pattern.  相似文献   
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