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Hypotheses about the evolution of gregariousness and social organisation in primates are based on ecological explanations as well as on social factors such as conspecific threat (especially infanticide by males). The social explanation fits well with the conditions found in strepsirrhine primates and furthermore explains why infanticide in anthropoid primates living in one-male groups mainly occurs when the resident male (protector) is replaced. However, whether it likewise fits to the conditions in multimale groups will depend on the role of resident males as infant protectors, which has rarely been examined. We investigated long-term data of wild Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) inhabiting a forest near the village of Ramnagar (southern Nepal). Twenty-two eye-witnessed attacks on infants by males were analysed in connection with male residency, paternity (DNA analyses) and sexual behaviour. Adult males played a major role in infant defence (65%). Only the genetic father or males who had been residents when the infant was conceived were observed to protect infants. Males who immigrated after a female had conceived may later attack her infant and were never observed to defend it. lt seems that the males took only copulations with potentially fertile females but not with pregnant females as clues for paternity. In the light of these results it seems likely that the risk of infanticide is an important determinant in female-male associations even in anthropoid primate multimale groups. Received: 22 December 1998 / Received in revised form: 30 April 1999 / Accepted: 1 May 1999  相似文献   
Knowledge about migratory routes and highly frequented areas is a priority for sea turtle conservation, but the movement patterns of juveniles frequenting the Adriatic have not been investigated yet, although juveniles represent the bulk of populations. We tracked by satellite six juvenile and one adult female loggerhead from the north Adriatic. The results indicated that loggerhead juveniles (1) can either show a residential behaviour remaining in the Adriatic throughout the year or perform seasonal migrations to other areas, (2) can remain even in the coldest, northernmost area during winter, (3) can frequent relatively small foraging areas, (4) mostly frequent the eastern part of the Adriatic, and (5) follow preferred migratory routes along the western and eastern Adriatic coasts. The movements of the adult turtle also revealed (6) a behavioural polymorphism in Mediterranean adults, which included a lack of area fidelity and connection between distant neritic foraging grounds.  相似文献   
The evolution of social monogamy in larger mammals is difficult to explain because males usually do not invest much in direct offspring care and might achieve greater fitness by deserting a pregnant female to reproduce with additional females elsewhere. It has been hypothesized that socially monogamous males remain with the female year-round to protect their offspring from infanticide by new immigrant males. We investigated this idea by analyzing all cases of infant loss in a wild population of white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar; Primates), in which most groups were socially monogamous and some polyandrous (137.5 group years). We examined the influence of (a) male intruder pressure on male immigration rates and (b) the presence of a new male in the group on infant loss. We found no relation between intruder pressure and male immigration rates. Infant loss was lowest (4.5%) for stable monogamy (probable father stayed from conception through infancy) and intermediate (25.0%; p = 0.166) for stable polyandry. If a new male immigrated after conception, however, the infant was lost in all cases (p < 0.01) independent of the presumed father’s presence. Overall, 83.3% of infant losses were associated with the presence of a presumably unrelated male. Although the sample size is small, our results provide the first true support for the idea that the risk of infanticide is an important factor in the evolution of social monogamy in larger mammals.  相似文献   
Regional Environmental Change - Many coasts are eroding. In the Comoros, as in many other small island developing states (SIDS), communities frequently respond to coastal erosion by building...  相似文献   
A peat core from a Swiss bog represents 2110 14C years of peat accumulation and provides a continuous record of atmospheric rare earth element (REE) deposition. This is the first study providing a time-series of all REE originating from the atmosphere. Concentrations of the 14 REE (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu) were determined using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after dissolution of 200 mg aliquots of age-dated peat samples with 3 ml HNO3 and 0.1 ml HBF4 at 240 degrees C in a microwave autoclave. Strict quality control schemes were applied to ensure the accuracy of the applied analytical methodology. Previous analyses of selected REE by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) in the same set of peat samples revealed that INAA frequently under- or overestimated REE concentrations in a systematic manner. Concentration profiles obtained for all REE were almost identical, except for Ce and Eu. Calculation of enrichment factors (EF) revealed a distinct depletion of heavy REE relative to light REE in peat samples since the beginning of the 19th century which marks the onset of the Industrial Revolution in Europe, suggesting a pronounced influence by anthropogenic activities. Enrichments of REE calculated using Sc as a reference element exceeded unity, relative to the Upper Continental Crust. Overall, EF in all peat samples ranged from 1.96 for Sm to 2.34 for Gd, with considerably lower EF for Ce (1.82) and Eu (1.44), respectively. A significant enrichment of all REE which may have been caused by military activities, was observed in the peat sample dating from World War II (1944); this exceptional sample, however, is not enriched in Ce. The concentration profiles of REE were similar but not identical to those of other lithogenic, conservative reference elements such as Sc, Y, Al, Zr and Ti. While it has been suggested that individual REE concentrations or the sum of REE can be used as a reference parameter to calculate crustal EF in environmental samples the data presented here indicates that anthropogenic emissions of REE cannot simply be ignored.  相似文献   
In the seasonally breeding langur (Presbytis entellus) population of Ramnagar, South Nepal, where multimale groups prevail, 25 attacks on 11 infants (including one actual killing) by seven adult males were witnessed in five groups by six observers between 1990 and 1996. Circumstantial evidence also indicates three additional attempts at infanticide and in seven additional cases infanticide was presumed or likely. Infanticide presumably accounted for 30.8–62.5% of infant mortality in the first 2 years of life. Most attackers (91.4%) were residents of the infants' group and had immigrated after the infants had been born (75.0%) or conceived (25.0%). Thus, they were not related to the victims. The interbirth interval was shortened if an infant died either prior to September of its 1st year of life (mean = 1.2 years), or its 2nd year (mean = 2.0) and even its 3rd year (mean = 2.4). All attackers remained in the group at least until the next mating season; high-ranking males maintained their dominance rank and lower-ranking males rose in rank. Since rank and mating success were correlated and rank and reproductive success might be correlated, all attackers had a good chance of siring the next infant of the victims' mothers and could thus have benefited by their action. Infanticide seems to be a male reproductive strategy at Ramnagar. Infanticide has never before been reported among seasonally breeding langurs living at such low densities. This is also the first detailed report of infanticide as a male reproductive strategy in a seasonally breeding primate population. Received: 19 December 1996 / Accepted after revision: 7 June 1997  相似文献   
Two birch clones originating from metal-contaminated sites were exposed for 3 months to soils (sand-peat ratio 1:1 or 4:1) spiked with a mixture of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; anthracene, fluoranthene, phenanthrene, pyrene). PAH degradation differed between the two birch clones and also by the soil type. The statistically most significant elimination (p ≤ 0.01), i.e. 88% of total PAHs, was observed in the more sandy soil planted with birch, the clearest positive effect being found with Betula pubescens clone on phenanthrene. PAHs and soil composition had rather small effects on birch protein complement. Three proteins with clonal differences were identified: ferritin-like protein, auxin-induced protein and peroxidase. Differences in planted and non-planted soils were detected in bacterial communities by 16S rRNA T-RFLP, and the overall bacterial community structures were diverse. Even though both represent complex systems, trees and rhizoidal microbes in combination can provide interesting possibilities for bioremediation of PAH-polluted soils.  相似文献   
In this paper, results of an extensive monitoring programme for pharmaceutical residues in the river Rhine are presented. For one decade (1997 until 2006), the occurrence of widely used human pharmaceuticals like analgesics, lipid regulators, antiepileptics and others has been studied at four locations along the river Rhine. The results of more than 500 analyses clearly prove that compounds such as carbamazepine or diclofenac are regularly found in the river Rhine in concentrations up to several hundred ng per litre. Combining concentration levels with data on water flow enables the calculation of transports, which e.g. for carbamazepine or diclofenac were in the range of several tons per year. The evaluation of the long-term monitoring data shows that only a slight decrease in concentration levels as well as in annual transports can be observed and thus the contamination of the river Rhine by pharmaceutical residues during the last decade has to be regarded as almost constant. Seasonal variations can be detected for bezafibrate, diclofenac and ibuprofen, for which the concentrations are much lower in the summer months. A more effective removal during wastewater treatment in the warmer periods of the year seems to be the major reason for those variations. For carbamazepine, no comparable seasonal effect can be found.  相似文献   
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