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以稻谷壳水解液为原料 ,采用树状假丝酵母 AS1.257( Candida arborea AS1.257) ,在罐体高径比为 2.9和上升管与下降管的直径之比为 6.6的外循环气升式生物反应器中发酵生产单细胞蛋白 .研究了通风量、装料量、空气喷嘴直径等工艺和结构参数对发酵的影响 ,得到了较佳的发酵操作参数 .在发酵前 24h的通风量为 1.1m3/( m3· min) ,后 24 h的通风量为 1.4m3/( m3· min)~ 1.5m3/( m3· min) ,起始装料量为 8.5L~ 9.0 L,起始 pH为 4.5~ 5.0 ,发酵温度为 29± 1℃的操作条件下 ,经 48h的发酵 ,可得到较佳的结果 .在无筛板 ,带一块筛板和带二块筛板的外循环气升式生物反应器中 ,发酵 48h后的干基粗蛋白含量分别为 61.3%、62.9%、64.5% ,发酵液中干物质重分别为 20.8mg/ml、21.2 mg/ml、21.3mg/ml,总糖利用率分别为 78.2 %、83.9%、81.4% ,均高于机械搅拌生物反应器 ,气升式生物反应器内加装筛板可提高发酵得率 .  相似文献   
化学工程固沙在塔里木沙漠公路沙害防治中的适宜性   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
由于天然材料日益紧缺 ,研制适宜于流动性沙漠地区公路沙害防治的人工替代材料势在必行 .结合塔里木沙漠公路沙害环境 ,实验室优选出 L VA、LVP、WBS和 STB 4种抗性较好的固沙剂 ,对其理化性能、粘结体力学性能和抗风蚀性能等测试结果表明 :颗粒粒径 0.2μm~ 0.5μm,粘度 12 Pa·s~ 15Pa·s;10℃~70℃温度下无沉淀 ,不燃烧 ;实验抗压强度 1.0 MPa~12.1 MPa;10℃~-20℃低温下重量损失率 0%~ 1.8%;紫外光照射 300h强度损失率 0%~ 42%;在 5m·s-1~253m·s-1实验风速下 ,风蚀量 0g·(106cm2·h)-1~4.0 g·(106cm2·h)-1 ;现场试验固结层厚度 0.2 mm~0.5mm,强度高 .化学工程固沙技术适宜于塔里木沙漠公路沙害防治 .  相似文献   
粉煤流化床(PC-FB)是一项燃烧效率高,同时实现炉内脱硫、低NOx和N2O排放的新型高效、清洁煤燃烧技术.在一座0.3Mw的试验台上,系统研究了其SO2生成与分布特性.主要包括:PC-FBC的SO2生成特性以及床层温度Tb、流化速度u0、二次风率R2、二次风投入位置、二次风喷射角度、喷口尺寸对SO2生成与分布的影响.试验燃用煤种含硫1.71%.在Tb=820~920℃,u0=1.2~3.3m/s,R2=30%~70%的条件下,流化床燃烧区(FBCZ)出口SO2浓度及炉膛出口SO2浓度SO″2分别为520~600ml/m3和1280~1300ml/m3.  相似文献   
利用光合细菌处理养猪场污水的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用煤渣作为填料 ,光合细菌培养物作为挂膜菌的生物接触氧化法 ,对养猪场污水处理进行了试验研究 ,结果表明 :CODCr,NH3 N ,NO-2 N ,S2 - 的平均去除率分别达到 89 3% ,80 1 % ,90 6% ,82 4% ;水中光合细菌数从580个 /mL增加到 4 8× 1 0 4 个 /mL ,达到了废水资源化的目的。  相似文献   
陈福 《地球与环境》2000,28(2):67-75
动物的起源主要依赖于氨基酸等有机小分子在海水中能否进行脱水缩合反应而生成生物高分子,后者则依赖于海水pH值升高和大气CO2浓度降低的历史演化进程。有机小分子只有在海水pH值演化到近中性,即寒或纪时彼此才能发生脱水缩合反应而合成生物高分子。只有大气CO2分压降到1000Pa以下,即泥盆纪以后,陆地上才能出现稳定的土壤层和植物,动物也才能从海洋扩展到陆地。随后大气CO2浓度继续降低导致了气温下降和植物生长率的衰减,促使动物进一步演化。  相似文献   
兰州西固工业区夏季光化学烟雾污染的气象条件   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对兰州西固工业区光化学烟雾污染规律与气象条件的关系的研究表明,在高空槽后的低空弱高压控制下,西固区出现高的臭氧浓度值,此时大气层结稳定,风很小,天气晴朗,但中午有浓重烟雾,臭氧浓度峰值在中午出现。该区盆地内形成的光化学烟雾烟团水平面积达几十公里,臭氧浓度的日变化取决于太阳总辐射和大气边界层的日变化。  相似文献   
根据DNDC模型能较好地拟合贵州省玉米-油菜轮作田、大豆-冬小麦轮作田和休耕地的N2O释放通量及其影响因子的季节变化模式,采用DNDC模型估算了以县为空间分辨尺度的贵州省农业土壤1995 年N2O释放通量和释放量;定量评估了施肥和耕作农业活动对该地区N2O释放量的贡献. 本工作将为准确估算我国农业土壤的N2O释放量和提出科学的减排措施提供研究基础和方法参考.  相似文献   
Membrane bioreactors (MBR) are highly efficient at intercepting particles and microbes and have become an important technology for wastewater reclamation. However, many pathogens can accumulate in activated sludge due to the long residence time usually adopted in MBR, and thus may pose health risks when membrane integrity problems occur. This study presents data from a survey on the occurrence of water-borne Giardia pathogens in reclaimed water from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant with MBR experiencing membrane integrity failure, and assessed the associated risk for green space irrigation. Due to membrane integrity failure, the MBR effluent turbidity varied between 0.23 and 1.90 NTU over a period of eight months. Though this turbidity level still met reclaimed water quality standards (≤5 NTU), Giardia were detected at concentrations of 0.3 to 95 cysts/10 L, with a close correlation between effluent turbidity and Giardia concentration. All β-giardin gene sequences of Giardia in the WWTP influents were genotyped as Assemblages A and B, both of which are known to infect humans. An exponential dose-response model was applied to assess the risk of infection by Giardia. The risk in the MBR effluent with chlorination was 9.83 × 10-3, higher than the acceptable annual risk of 1.0 × 10-4. This study suggested that membrane integrity is very important for keeping a low pathogen level, and multiple barriers are needed to ensure the biological safety of MBR effluent.  相似文献   
As a novel alternative to traditional perfluoroalkyl substances(PFASs), including perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate(PFOS), hexafluoroproplyene oxide trimer acid(HFPO-TA) has been detected worldwide in surface water. Moreover, recent researches have demonstrated that HFPO-TA has stronger bioaccumulation potential and higher hepatotoxicity than PFOA. To treat these contaminants e.g. PFOA and PFOS, some photochemical techniques by adding exogenous substances had been report...  相似文献   
UV-induced degradation of odorous dimethyl sulfide (DMS) was carried out in a static White cell chamber with UV irradiation. The combination of in situ Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer, gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), wide-range particle spectrometer (WPS) technique, filter sampling and ion chromatographic (IC) analysis was used to monitor the gaseous and potential particulate products. During 240 min of UV irradiation, the degradation e ciency of DMS attained 20.9%, and partially oxidized sulfur-containing gaseous products, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbonyl sulfide (OCS), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) were identified by in situ FT-IR and GC-MS analysis, respectively. Accompanying with the oxidation of DMS, suspended particles were directly detected to be formed by WPS techniques. These particles were measured mainly in the size range of accumulation mode, and increased their count median diameter throughout the whole removal process. IC analysis of the filter samples revealed that methanesulfonic acid (MSA), sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and other unidentified chemicals accounted for the major non-refractory compositions of these particles. Based on products analysis and possible intermediates formed, the degradation pathways of DMS were proposed as the combination of the O(1D)- and the OH- initiated oxidation mechanisms. A plausible formation mechanism of the suspended particles was also analyzed. It is concluded that UV-induced degradation of odorous DMS is potentially a source of particulate pollutants in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
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