通过对WRF-Chem(Weather Research and Forecasting Model Coupled to Chemistry)环境模式模拟资料、HYSPLIT(HYbrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model)前/后向气团轨迹资料、环境站监测资料,以及西安理工大学(Xi''an University of Technology,简称XUT)多波长激光雷达、米散射激光雷达、能见度仪、粒谱仪等观测资料的综合诊断,探讨了2019年1月初发生在西安的雾霾过程(记为首场雾霾)PM2.5组分、分布及传输特征,旨在为雾霾气溶胶研究提供有益的个例积累.定性、定量双重检验表明,Chem模式较成功复制了此次雾霾气溶胶过程.利用这些可靠的模式数据分析表明,PM2.5中碳气溶胶的主要组分为有机碳,约占85%,强盛期气溶胶各组分随高度增加均呈递减趋势,各组分近地面浓度最高.通过对两类不同方法获取的消光系数对比分析表明,相比于模式数据,激光雷达数据具有更高的垂直分辨率,因此,更善于描述消光廓线的细节特征.通过对多源资料的综合诊断最终揭示出,"北风涌"是雾霾消散的关键影响因子,沿铜川-西安-山阳一带存在着污染物传输的重要路径,雾霾由此体现出自北向南依次消散的特征. 相似文献
This study is trying to explore the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosures and financial performances (FP) through mediating role of the employee productivity (EP). This study classifies the CSR performances into four contexts, for instance, environment social governance (ESG), environmental improvement activity scores of CSR, social welfare activity score, and governance structure improvement score. The banking performance is classified into three different aspects such as returns on assets (ROA), returns on equity (ROE), and nominal interest margin profit (NIMP). The study covers the data set start from 2008 to 2019 regarding thirty commercial banks of China. The study uses the linear, non-linear, and quadratic techniques to explore the association between CSR disclosures and banking performances. The linear model result shows that the governance score is significant influencing the banking performance. Moreover, the employee productivities are also positive significant affecting the baking performances. The non-linear results of model show that composite score of ESG with employee productivity has significant influence on financial performance.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - With the increasingly serious pollution of plastics, biodegradable plastics (BDPs) have attracted attention as a new material that can replace... 相似文献