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The present lab-scale experimental study presents the process of leaching waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) in order to recover gold by thioureation. Preliminary tests have shown that copper adversely affects gold extraction; therefore an oxidative leaching pre-treatment was performed in order to remove base metals. The effects of sulfuric acid concentration, hydrogen peroxide volume and temperature on the metal extraction yield were studied by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The highest copper extraction yields were 76.12% for sample A and 18.29% for sample D, after leaching with 2 M H2SO4, 20 ml of 30% H2O2 at 30 °C for 3 h. In order to improve Cu removal, a second leaching was performed only on sample A, resulting in a Cu extraction yield of 90%. Other experiments have shown the negative effect of the stirring rate on copper dissolution. The conditions used for the process of gold extraction by thiourea were: 20 g/L thiourea, 6 g/L ferric ion, 10 g/L sulfuric acid, 600 rpm stirring rate. To study the influence of temperature and particle size, this process was tested on pins manually removed from computer central processing units (CPUs) and on waste CPU for 3½ h. A gold extraction yield of 69% was obtained after 75% of Cu was removed by a double oxidative leaching treatment of WPCBs with particle sizes smaller than 2 mm.  相似文献   
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - In Mexico an estimated 4.5 × 106ha are available for farm forestry, while up to 6.1 × 106 ha could be saved from deforestation by...  相似文献   
三峡水库香溪河库湾冬季甲藻水华生消机理初探   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
2010年1—2月在香溪河库湾上、中、下游各选取1个监测点对水体环境因子及藻类进行监测,对水温、营养盐含量等进行分析,探讨香溪河库湾冬季甲藻水华的生消机理. 结果表明:2010年冬季,香溪河库湾末端暴发了甲藻水华,持续44 d,优势藻种为拟多甲藻(Peridiniopsis sp.),最高细胞密度达到11.8×106 L-1;适宜的水温、充足的营养盐以及良好的光照、弱分层水体是香溪河库湾冬季甲藻水华暴发的主要原因;Zmix/Zeu〔Zmix(混合层深度)与Zeu(真光层深度)之比〕在2~3之间时有利于甲藻生长;库湾中下游因水体掺混强烈而在冬季未暴发水华;后期水体分层状态的加强及Zmix/Zeu的减小是甲藻水华消失的主要原因.   相似文献   
Many small terrestrial vertebrates exhibit limited spatial movement and are considerably exposed to changes in local environmental variables. Among such vertebrates, amphibians at present experience a dramatic decline due to their limited resilience to environmental change. Since the local survival and abundance of amphibians is intrinsically related to the availability of shelters, conservation plans need to take microhabitat requirements into account. In order to gain insight into the terrestrial ecology of the spectacled salamander Salamandrina perspicillata and to identify appropriate forest management strategies, we investigated the salamander’s seasonal variability in habitat use of trees as shelters in relation to tree features (size, buttresses, basal holes) and environmental variables in a beech forest in Italy. We used the occupancy approach to assess tree suitability on a non-conventional spatial scale. Our approach provides fine-grained parameters of microhabitat suitability and elucidates many aspects of the salamander’s terrestrial ecology. Occupancy changed with the annual life cycle and was higher in autumn than in spring, when females were found closer to the stream in the study area. Salamanders showed a seasonal pattern regarding the trees they occupied and a clear preference for trees with a larger diameter and more burrows. With respect to forest management, we suggest maintaining a suitable number of trees with a trunk diameter exceeding 30 cm. A practice of selective logging along the banks of streams could help maintain an adequate quantity of the appropriate microhabitat. Furthermore, in areas with a presence of salamanders, a good forest management plan requires leaving an adequate buffer zone around streams, which should be wider in autumn than in spring.  相似文献   
环境风险评价从20世纪80年代以来就被发达国家纳入环境管理的范畴,我国目前也将其作为可能发生事故危险的建设项目环境管理的重要内容。本文以北方某湿排法金矿尾矿库为例,对其进行环境风险评价。通过风险识别,确定了最大可信事故,并在此基础上提出了风险管理措施。  相似文献   
Ecological factors modulate animal immunocompetence and potentially shape the evolution of their immune systems. Not only environmental parameters impact on immunocompetence: Aging is one major cause of variability of immunocompetence between individuals, and sex-specific levels of immunocompetence have also been frequently described. Moreover, a growing core of data put in light that vertically transmitted symbionts can dramatically modulate the immunocompetence of their hosts. In this study, we addressed the influence of gender, age and the feminising endosymbiont Wolbachia (wVulC) on variations in haemocyte density, total PO activity and bacterial load in the haemolymph of the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare. This host–symbiont system is of particular interest to address this question since: (1) wVulC was previously shown as immunosuppressive in middle-aged females and (2) wVulC influences sex determination. We show that age, gender and Wolbachia modulate together immune parameters in A. vulgare. However, wVulC, which interacts with aging, appears to be the prominent factor interfering with both PO activity and haemocyte density. This interference with immune parameters is not the only aspect of wVulC virulence on its host, as reproduction and survival are also altered.  相似文献   
基于GIS的船运液体化学品溢漏大气扩散模拟系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将地理信息系统应用在船运液体化学品溢漏事故上,利用Mapinfo自带的二次开发工具MapBasic对船运液体化学品溢漏大气扩散模拟系统进行开发研究,介绍了系统设计的总体结构,系统的功能模块,详细叙述了系统的建设过程,数学模型建立,数据库建立与管理,编程语言及其关键技术,系统能连续运态地模拟显示溢漏化学品大气扩散污染范围,为应急反应科学决策服务。  相似文献   
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