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Benefits-based management seeks to provide recreation benefits for recreation participants by managing the physical environments in which recreation occurs. This study investigates the relationship between benefits desired by visitors and the physical, social, and managerial characteristics of settings that facilitate realization of recreation benefits. Data such as perceived benefits from recreation experiences, setting attributes that significantly influenced perceived benefits, and sociodemographic variables were collected from 376 visitors to Sorak-san National Park in the eastern part of the Korean peninsula. Cluster analysis was used to group visitors' desired benefits into 12 domains: relationship with nature/scenery, escaping pressure, learning about nature, family togetherness, introspection, exploration, autonomy/achievement, being with friends, leading others, skills/learning, risk taking, and meeting/observing new people. Multiple regression was used to link benefit domains with the characteristics of settings. The social attribute of recreation settings was linked to eight of the ten benefit domains. There were two statistically strong multiple regression correlations: (1) between domain of “relationship with nature /scenery” and the attributes “forest/water,”“attractive nature,” and “facility/maintenance” and (2) between the domain of “escaping pressure” and the attributes “attractive nature” and “social.” The results of this study are useful to managers in their efforts to provide recreation opportunities for visitors to achieve beneficial outcomes.  相似文献   
Enzymatic treatment of sanitary landfill leachate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of this investigation was to study the effectiveness of applying enzymes (bioaugmentation) for enhancement of biological treatability of leachates generated in a typical municipal solid waste sanitary landfill. The basic purpose of enzyme use is to enforce the biodecomposition of organic constituents, as well as to reduce nitrogen content. A laboratory-scale sequencing batch (bio)reactor (SBR) was used for the examination of enzymatic application. The effect of different operation strategies on the efficiency of this biological treatment process was studied to optimize performance, especially for the removal of nitrogen compounds and of biodegradable organic matter. It was found that the enzymatic process was able to remove organic matter effectively (expressed as BOD5 and COD) and nitrogen content, color and turbidity.  相似文献   
This study was designed to provide high-density data on spatial distribution of three herbicides with different physiochemical characteristics in a sludge-amended and non-amended control field over the course of an irrigation season. The field experiment was carried out on a sandy loam Hamra Red Mediterranean soil (Rhodoxeralf) at Bet Dagan, Israel. After a single 50 mm irrigation event, the mean centers of mass (COM) in the control field were at 15.6, 14.9, and 17 cm for bromacil, atrazine and terbuthylazine, respectively; in the sludge-amended field, mean COMs were at 28.8, 31.2, and 34.1 cm, respectively. After 500 mm of irrigation in the control field, the COM depth distribution of the three pesticides was inversely correlated with octanol-water (Kow) distribution coefficients and soil sorption coefficients (Koc), and positively correlated with aqueous solubilities. After 500 mm irrigation in the sludge-amended field, the mean terbuthylazine COM was at 19.8 cm versus 13.8 cm for the control field, demonstrating a sustained enhanced effect on terbuthylazine transport. Downward transport of atrazine was also enhanced by sludge amendment, albeit less than terbuthylazine. Bromacil was preferentially accumulated in the upper soil layers of the sludge-amended field as compared with the control field after 500 mm irrigation. The enhanced transport of all three pesticides in the sludge-amended field after a single irrigation event is attributed to development of preferential flow pathways around hydrophobic clods of sludge. Enhanced transport of terbuthylazine, and to a lesser extent, atrazine, throughout the irrigation season, is attributed to their transport as complexes with dissolved, colloidal and suspended organic matter derived from sludge degradation.  相似文献   
Gamma-ray spectrometry was used to determine uranium activity and investigate the presence of depleted uranium in soil samples collected from camping sites of the Greek expeditionary force in Kosovo. Assessment of 238U concentrations was based on measurements of the 63.3 keV and 92.38 keV emissions of its first daughter nuclide, 234Th. To determine the isotopic ratio of 238U/235U, secular equilibrium along the two radioactive series was first ensured and thereby the contribution of 235U under the 186 keV peak was deduced. The uranium activity in the samples varied from 48 to 112 Bq kg(-1), whereas the activity ratio of 238U/235U averaged 23.1+/-4.3.  相似文献   
There has been increasing evidence in recent years about the impact of soil structure on vadose zone hydrology and the distribution of surface applied chemical substances. We have carried out a combined dye and radionuclide tracer study on two monoliths from the same location, one structured and one repacked, as part of an ongoing study to investigate the link between preferential flow, leaching of surface applied substances and their distribution within the soil.A tracer solution containing 1300 Bq/L (58)Co and 0.31 micromol/L Sulforhodamine B (SB) was added with roughly constant irrigation during a period of three weeks. The dye served as a tracer for water movement within the soil and thus allowed linkage of the radiotracer ((58)Co) with the flow pattern. Both were monitored in the outflow and measured within profile sections after monolith disassembly. Preferential flow in the structured monolith promoted the bypass and transport of both tracers, although transport was impeded at depths greater than 30 cm by compacted soil and reduced hydraulic conductivity. Eighty four percent of radiocobalt and 8% of SB were found in the upper 4 cm of the structured monolith. The homogenized monolith, on the other hand, showed mostly chromatographic infiltration and a more efficient soil filtering capacity with 91% of radiocobalt and 20% SB residing in the upper 4 cm. Furthermore no tracer was found in the outflow of the homogenized monolith during normal to high irrigation or at greater depth within the monolith. We have related flow characteristics and sorption of radiotracers by quantifying dye distributions and radionuclide activities throughout the profiles. Activities within the flow paths are up to 20-times higher than those measured in the soil matrix, and a fraction of radiocobalt follows the dye tracer in spite of cobalt's low mobility. The dye can thus be used to trace radionuclide distribution within the soil block.  相似文献   
Manure additions to cropland can reduce total P losses in runoff on well-drained soils due to increased infiltration and reduced soil erosion. Surface residue management in subsequent years may influence the long-term risk of P losses as the manure-supplied organic matter decomposes. The effects of manure history and long-term (8-yr) tillage [chisel plow (CP) and no-till (NT)] on P levels in runoff in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) were investigated on well-drained silt loam soils of southern and southwestern Wisconsin. Soil P levels (0-15 cm) increased with the frequency of manure applications and P stratification was greater near the surface (0-5 cm) in NT than CP. In CP, soil test P level was linearly related to dissolved P (24-105 g ha(-1)) and bioavailable P (64-272 g ha(-1)) loads in runoff, but not total P (653-1893 g ha(-1)). In NT, P loads were reduced by an average of 57% for dissolved P, 70% for bioavailable P, and 91% for total P compared with CP. This reduction was due to lower sediment concentrations and/or lower runoff volumes in NT. There was no relationship between soil test P levels and runoff P concentrations or loads in NT. Long-term manure P applications in excess of P removal by corn in CP systems ultimately increased the potential for greater dissolved and bioavailable P losses in runoff by increasing soil P levels. Maintaining high surface residue cover such as those found in long-term NT corn production systems can mitigate this risk in addition to reducing sediment and particulate P losses.  相似文献   
The 1991 EU Nitrate Directive was designed to reduce water pollution from agriculturally derived nitrates. England and Wales implemented this Directive by controlling agricultural activities within their most vulnerable areas termed Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. These were designated by identifying drinking water catchments (surface and groundwater), at risk from nitrate pollution. However, this method contravened the Nitrate Directive because it only protected drinking water and not all waters. In this paper, a GIS was used to identify all areas of groundwater vulnerable to nitrate pollution. This was achieved by constructing a model containing data on four characteristics: the quality of the water leaving the root zone of a piece of land; soil information; presence of low permeability superficial (drift) material; and aquifer properties. These were combined in a GIS and the various combinations converted into a measure of vulnerability using expert knowledge. Several model variants were produced using different estimates of the quality of the water leaving the root zone and contrasting methods of weighting the input data. When the final models were assessed all produced similar spatial patterns and, when verified by comparison with trend data derived from monitored nitrate concentrations, all the models were statistically significant predictors of groundwater nitrate concentrations. The best predictive model contained a model of nitrate leaching but no land use information, implying that changes in land use will not affect designations based upon this model. The relationship between nitrate levels and borehole intake depths was investigated since there was concern that the observed contrasts in nitrate levels between vulnerability categories might be reflecting differences in borehole intake depths and not actual vulnerability. However, this was not found to be statistically important. Our preferred model provides the basis for developing a new set of groundwater Nitrate Vulnerable Zones that should help England and Wales to comply with the EU Nitrate Directive.  相似文献   
Photocatalytically active thin TiO(2) films were produced by spin-coating or dip-coating an alkoxy precursor onto a transparent conducting electrode substrate and by thermal oxidation of titanium metal. The thin films were used to study the photoelectrocatalytic or photoelectrochemical degradation of oxalic acid and 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) under near UV (monochromatic, 365 nm) light irradiation. Degradation was monitored by a variety of methods. In the course of oxalic acid degradation, CO(2) formation accounted for up to 100% of the total organic carbon degradation for medium starting concentrations; for the degradation of 4-CP, less CO(2) was detected due to the higher number of oxidation steps, i.e. intermediates. Incident-photon-to-current conversion efficiency, educt degradation and product formation as well as Faradaic efficiencies were calculated for the degradation experiments. Quantum yields and Faradaic efficiencies were found to be strongly dependent on concentration, with maximum values (quantum yield) around 1 for the highest concentrations of oxalic acid.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to determine cadmium, chromium and lead concentrations in liver and brain of 52 little owls (Athene noctua) from two provinces of Emilia Romagna region, with the aim of furnishing indirect information concerning contamination of their habitat, also considering possible environmental dispersion of the metals. Metal analysis was performed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with graphite furnace. Variance analysis with sampling area, gender and age shows that no statistical difference was found for gender, while a significant difference (P<0.05) was found for cadmium and lead, but not for chromium, when sampling areas and age were of concern. For all metals highest mean concentrations were found in liver (170 ppb for cadmium, 297 ppb for chromium and 312 ppb for lead). These levels can be considered as indicative of chronic exposure to low and "background" amounts of pollutants and they are of no toxicological concern, as they are always well below the toxic thresholds defined for each metal. The present study can be considered as a starting point for further analyses, aimed to the definition of any possible subtle effect (e.g. effects on enzymes activity) and of any possible correlation between levels of pollutants and appearance of possible adverse effects. It also furnished useful data for diagnostic cases and potentially for monitoring local contamination.  相似文献   
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