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Rare royal families in honeybees, Apis mellifera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The queen is the dominant female in the honeybee colony, Apis mellifera, and controls reproduction. Queen larvae are selected by the workers and are fed a special diet (royal jelly), which determines caste. Because queens mate with many males a large number of subfamilies coexist in the colony. As a consequence, there is a considerable potential for conflict among the subfamilies over queen rearing. Here we show that honeybee queens are not reared at random but are preferentially reared from rare “royal” subfamilies, which have extremely low frequencies in the colony's worker force but a high frequency in the queens reared.  相似文献   
This paper examines how legal standards of liability may apply to geologic carbon storage. The liability regime governing geologic carbon storage will shape the technology's cost-effectiveness and overall attractiveness. We classify potential sources of liability into operational, in situ, and climate liability. As a first step, we explore in situ liability in the United States. After summarizing legal standards of liability including negligence, breach of implied warranty, strict liability, and product liability, we discuss how liability may be addressed at the level of the federal government, state government, industry, and the firm. Finally, we address the implications of judicial treatment of liability for carbon storage, including the apportionment of liability and the adequacy of current regulations.  相似文献   
Mass transfer resistance in ASFF reactors for waste water treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of mass transfer resistances was performed for an aerated submerged fixed-film reactor (ASFF) for the treatment of waste water containing a mixture of sucrose and ammonia. Both external and internal mass transfer resistances were considered in the analysis, and characterized as a function of feed flow-rate and concentration. Results show that, over a certain operating regime, external mass transfer resistance in the system was greater for sucrose removal than ammonia. This is because the reaction rates for carbon removal were much larger than those of nitrogen. As a result, existence of any form of mass transfer resistance caused by inadequate mixing or diffusion limitations, strongly affects the overall removal rates of carbon more than nitrogen. Effects of the internal m?ss transfer resistance were virtually non-existent for ammonia removal. This behaviour was found over two orders of magnitude range for the effective diffusivity for ammonia, and one order of magnitude for the film specific surface area. However, over the same parameters' range, it is found that sucrose removal was strongly affected upon lowering its effective diffusivity and increasing the film specific surface area.  相似文献   
Recent (<7 years old) cave sediments in Speedwell Cavern, Derbyshire, show an approximately exponential decay of organic carbon with depth. This phenomenon was thought to be due to one of two causes: (i) changing agricultural practice within the catchment feeding the cave, especially the increased use of sewage sludge and animal slurry as fertilizer; (ii) a relatively constant organic carbon concentration over time in the input sediment, with subsequent carbon mineralization during diagenesis. Carbon isotope composition of the organic material and the evolution of H/C ratio with depth indicate that the latter hypothesis is correct and that the profiles result from microbial diagenesis, not increased organic carbon inputs. By comparison with sediment of known (7 years) age, temporal decay constants for organic matter can be derived; these lie between rates previously determined for organic matter decomposition in marine sediments and soils. The H/C ratio of organic matter can be modelled as a function of time and proceeds in a similar fashion to soil organic material.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to examine if ozone produced similar effects on spring wheat growth with and without small amounts of nitrogen oxides. Two methods were used to produce ozone: the first method consisted of dry pressurized air fed to an electric discharge generator generating the byproducts, N2O5 and N2O, the second method consisted of ambient air fed to UV-lamps. Two spring wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L. cvs Minaret and Eridano) were exposed in small open-top chambers to charcoal-filtered air, non-filtered ambient air, and non-filtered ambient air with the addition of ozone for 8 h (0900 to 1700 h) daily, for five weeks. Plants were harvested every week. The growth of Minaret was shown to be more sensitive to O3 than that of Eridano. Leaf senescence increased with increasing ozone level in both cultivars. The total above-ground biomass dry weight decreased with increasing ozone concentration in Minaret, but not in Eridano. The Minaret plants reacted with more damaged leaf dry weight and inhibition of growth when O3 was produced by UV-lamps than when O3 was produced by air fed to an electric discharge generator. This could be explained by more nitrogen content per plant but not by increased nitrogen concentration in plant tissue in plants exposed to increased O3 and small amounts of incidental nitrogen oxides.  相似文献   
Many numerical models which describe the movement of a separate organic liquid phase in the subsurface require information about the relationships between capillary pressure and saturation, and between relative permeability and saturation. An evaluation of the information available for these relationships suggests that substantial discrepancies may be introduced into simulations if estimated, rather than measured, data are employed. The purpose of this study was to quantify these deviations. Two-phase displacement simulations were performed in one and two dimensions for several organic liquid-water systems. Both constant-head and constant-flux boundary conditions were employed at a variety of flow rates and time scales, using both measurements and estimates of capillary pressure and relative permeability for a sandy aquifer material. The results demonstrate that the use of estimated transport relationships produces significantly different predictions of organic liquid migration. The magnitude of the deviations between predictions may be as high as 25% or more after relatively short displacement periods, depending on the boundary conditions of the simulated scenario, as well as on the physical characteristics of the two-phase system. For the systems examined, most of the deviations resulted from the estimates for relative permeability to the organic liquid. Thus, improved methods for the estimation of the relative permeability to the organic liquid are needed to reduce the uncertainty in displacement simulations.  相似文献   
Aerosol light-scattering in The Netherlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relation between the (midday) aerosol light-scattering and the concentrations of nitrate and sulfate has been assessed at a site near the coast of the North Sea in The Netherlands. Midday was selected for the measurements because this is the time at which the aerosol is most effective in the scattering of solar radiation. Automated thermodenuders were used for the hourly measurement of the concentration of nitrate and sulfate with a lower detection limit of 0.1 μ m−3. The site is operational since October 1993. The first-year average dry aerosol light-scattering (measured with an integrating nephelometer at a wavelength of 525 nm) was 0.71 × 10−4 m1&#x0304;. In arctic marine air the aerosol light-scattering was a factor of 10 lower than the average value, in polluted continental air it was up to a factor of 10 higher. The ratio of the total aerosol light-scattering to the concentration of sulfate was 20 m2 g−1. The contribution of nitrate to the aerosol light-scattering was higher than that of sulfate in the winter and of about equal magnitude in the summer period. In November and December of 1993, the humidity dependence of the aerosol light-scattering was investigated. Two types of (continental) aerosol were found with respect to the humidity behavior. One type showed a significant increase in light-scattering at the deliquescence points of ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, with that of ammonium nitrate the most pronounced. The second type of continental aerosol did not show deliquescence, but followed the typical humidity dependence of aerosol in a supersaturated droplet state. In this latter aerosol type, nitrate dominated over sulfate. It was concluded from the study that the aerosol light-scattering in The Netherlands, in particular its humidity dependence, is governed by (ammonium) nitrate.  相似文献   
This paper reports major points from the discussions which took place during the Workshop on Excess Nitrogen Deposition.  相似文献   
A waste incinerator fly ash was separated into different grain-size fractions by sieving and sedimentation in butanol. The element content of each fraction was determined by atomic absorption and emission spectrometry. The fly-ash fractions, an eluted fine fly-ash fraction and an eluted airborne dust were analysed microscopically for particle size and numbers, together with standard quartz DQ 12 and three element-analysed airborne dusts. Rabbit alveolar macrophages, isolated by lung lavage, were incubated for 24 h with the particulates, the two eluates and a mixed element compound solution corresponding to the element concentrations of one airborne dust. At the end of incubation, the activities of lactate dehydrogenase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, beta-galactosidase and acid phosphatase were determined in medium and cell lysates. Cytotoxicity was expressed as ratio of extracellular to total LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) activity. Release of N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and beta-galactosidase was correlated positively with LDH release, whereas the total activity of acid phosphatase decreased with increasing LDH release. Cytotoxicity of the dusts was correlated with particle numbers, and As, Sb and Pb contents. The contribution of As to particle toxicity is discussed. Eluates of dusts did not affect rabbit alveolar macrophage viability.  相似文献   
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