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A new type of automobile catalyst based on an active Pd/Rh-layer is presently being introduced into the European market. Accordingly, in order to establish baseline information, this work attempts to assess the magnitude of Pd emissions by automobile catalysts to date. Thus, a survey is presented on Pd and Pt levels detected in polluted environmental matrices (grass, soil, dust, sludges) as available from the literature. Additionally, Pd data measured by selective preconcentration/GF-AAS-detection in polluted grass, in a time series of sewage sludge ashes back to 1972, in dust, as well as in urban rain are presented. Since the data basis from the literature is partly inconsistent, the possible impact of different analytical attempts on the data is discussed. The relationship between Pt and Pd concentration from most of the results is between 5 and 10 (Pt/Pd). However, relations down to 0.04 are also reported, thus implying anthropogenic Pd input from additional sources.  相似文献   
Inconsistent data presently available on the platinum emission rate of cars in Germany equipped with catalytic converters are evaluated. Automobile sources of Pt other than autocatalysts are quantified and found to be 1–6 orders of magnitudes lower than the Pt emissions attributed to catalytic converters. A transfer of emission rates derived from test stand experiments to more realistic street conditions reaches 0.8 μg Pt/km. In this manner, data from test stand experiments and from environmental investigations meet in the range of 0.5–0.8 μg Pt/km.  相似文献   
The curve number (CN) method is used to calculate runoff in many hydrologic models, including the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The CN method does not account for the spatial distribution of land cover types, an important factor controlling runoff patterns. The objective of this study was to empirically derive CN values that reflect the strategic placement of native prairie vegetation (NPV) within row crop agricultural landscapes. CNs were derived using precipitation and runoff data from a seven‐year period for 14 small watersheds in Iowa. The watersheds were planted with varying amounts of NPV located in different watershed positions. The least squares and asymptotic least squares methods (LSM) were used to derive CNs using an initial abstraction coefficient (λ) of 0.2 and 0.05. The CNs were verified using leave‐one‐out cross‐validation and adjustment for antecedent moisture conditions (AMC) was tested. The asymptotic method produced CN values for watersheds with NPV treatment that were 8.9 and 14.7% lower than watersheds with 100% row crop at λ = 0.2 and λ = 0.05, respectively. The derived CNs produced Nash‐Sutcliffe efficiency values ranging from 0.4 to 0.7 during validation. Our analyses show the CNs verified best for the asymptotic LSM, when using λ of 0.05 and adjusting for AMC. Further, comparison of derived CNs against an area weighted CN indicated that the placement of vegetation does impact the CN value. Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   
This paper explores the characteristics of 238 patents on 90 inventions contributed by major multinational innovators to the “Eco-Patent Commons”, which provides royalty-free access to third parties to patented innovations on green technologies. We compare the pledged patents to other patents in the same technologies or held by the same multinationals to investigate the motives of the contributing firms as well as the potential for such commons to encourage innovation and diffusion of climate change related technologies. We find pledged patents to protect environmentally friendly technologies and to be of similar value as the average patent in a pledging firm's patent portfolio but of lower value than other patents in their class. Our analysis of the impact of the patent commons on diffusion of patented technologies suggests that making patents accessible royalty-free did not result in any significant increase in diffusion as measured by citing patents. This study, therefore, indirectly provides evidence on the role of patents in the development and diffusion of green technologies.  相似文献   
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